Faithfully Yours

Part 5: A Time in the Affairs of Witches


Chapter 39

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

After she had stormed out of the house Phoebe had driven around until she found a small bayside café that she and Cole often came too. Having left her bag at home, she managed to just find enough change in the car for a latte. Carefully pulling the long coat of Piper's over her, to hide Pookie and the pyjamas she was wearing, Phoebe had intended to have a coffee and sit long enough for Cole to come after her where she could give him another piece of her mind and then maybe make up, so they could go home and makeup again this time with sex.

Sitting drinking her coffee she was almost preparing to feel sorry for Cole, because she had no doubts he had not encouraged Margaret, except for being himself. But then it was becoming increasingly clear to her that was all Cole needed to be to have every woman who caught sight of him to fall into drooling fantasies. Thinking to herself why she was angry, Phoebe decided it was because she was so frightened that something in who she was would drive him to look in another direction.

And being Phoebe she increasingly found her doing things to make him prove he still wanted her. Like come after her when she behaved like a perfect bitch. Phoebe ground her teeth. She did not have all night just to wait for Cole to rescue her. She was worried about how grizzly and upset Patsy was, very certain he was going to have another tooth coming through very soon. Damnit she had things to do. She had responsibilities.

But Cole had not come. What had come as she sat there barely sipping on her latte and anxiously looking round for him to appear, was 7 spites all huddling hands and dancing around. The sad thing was that in San Francisco no-one took much notice off 7 weird little gnomes dancing around in translucent robes and holding hands. Most of the customer's of the café seemed to think it was just one of the things that happened for entertainment.

Not so far hormonally challenged that she could forget the dangers of exposing magic, Phoebe was not brave enough to mutter the spell that would blow them up. Therefore she, like a large number of women in the immediate area, found herself sitting and wriggling awkwardly and uncomfortably as her already hormonally loaded brain went into hormone induced fantasy overdrive with no Cole in sight to do anything about it.

Almost immediately after the spite attack, her phone rang and coincidently it was George, ostensibly to talk about work and really to sweet talk, offer her a promise of admiration and adoration, and coax her into agreeing to meet him at the Excelsior.  As she put the phone down with a slight whimper, she glanced around once more, hoping that Cole was coming after her, only there was no sight of him.  She got in the car thinking just maybe she would go home, praying Cole would shimmer into the car. Only he did not. A small sob escaped her and then her hormonally overcharged body took over sending her off the to Excelsior hotel where she knew there was a very eager male body waiting to satisfy the aching pain in her groin.

She slipped into the Excelsior and upstairs, and it occurred to her that she was getting rather good at avoiding being recorded on security videos which she ruefully acknowledged was not something for a happily married woman to boast about. She heard a tingling sound behind her and spun around, a sarcastic and expectant smile on her face, really hoping it was Cole. Only it was some-one's cell phone ringing behind a door so Phoebe swallowed her doubts and listened to her hormones and determinedly knocked on the door of the room George had told her he would be in.

George opened the door. He looked suitably sexy and scruffy, his blondish hair dishevelled, carefully dishevelled perhaps, his eyes suitable glowing, just the right level of anticipation without being frightening. He was wearing an open necked shirt, jeans and barefoot. Easy clothes to get off.

Phoebe glanced behind him into the room, hoping maybe Cole really was there watching her, just shimmering in to rescue her, a smirk on his face. Only he was not. And somehow other in her anticipation, unhappiness and disappointment that her dream lover had not come after her; she missed the evil glint in Georges' eyes and the studied demonic anticipation.

George smiled softly, maybe just a little forced and weasily and lent forward to kiss her, pulling her into his arms. The kiss was deep and romantic and just a little too calculated. Phoebe felt the hormonal fire reduce its intensity just marginally.

Then George pulled her into the room, he grabbed her passionately, pulling her hard against him so she was aware of just how aroused he was.

George murmered something sweet and sexual that was calculated to be just right to keep her aroused. Phoebe remembered when she had landed at Cole's door, pleading for sex and passion and comfort, and that demon though Cole had been, there was nothing calculated about him. He had responded with a passion and tenderness that had left her in no doubt how much Cole really loved her. And she remembered with a little shudder just how "magic' that love making had been

Phoebe shuddered again and George mistook it for real passion, and swept her into his arms, heading straight for the bed while Phoebe numbly crossed her hands over her baby.

Landing on the bed just a little roughly, Phoebe started to move away. George caught her and ran his lips over the bump that was Pookie, grazing Phoebe's belly with his teeth and she went rigid. George pushed the boxer pyjama pants down and managed to tangle his hands in them. He ripped the silk impatiently and Phoebe started to pull away. George pushed her back, his hands on her roughly and clumsily he tried to pushed her legs apart ,panting and sweating as he did.

Phoebe lay very still on the bed her mind racing as reality hit her. This was not a fantasy lover, this was not a very good lover. This was a selfish bastard intent on taking what was offered without any consideration or caring.

"This is not good" Phoebe thought to herself.

She put her hands on his head and tried to push home away and he resisted, trying to push himself onto her.

'"Really not good" Phoebe thought deciding this would be a very good time for Cole to be her hero and save her. Like he had with John Cotton.

And Phoebe whimpered because maybe she had already used up her rescue cards with Cole.

George's hands caught her roughly. Definitely not a fantasy lover.

As he resisted her efforts it occurred to Phoebe that she could be in trouble. She was not frightened yet. She was after all a witch and she had some resources left to help her. It did cross her mind that she was just a little stupid to have taken this lover, who seemed like the answer to all her fantasies, on trust.

"Bloody damn spites" she excused herself

And she thought about Cole and what he would react and say and she shuddered and gulped.

"Give" ordered George catching her and holding at

"Get stuffed" said Phoebe angrily.

"You turn" George murmered with a peculiar rasp to his voice.

He looked up at her for a second and Phoebe genuinely shuddered because George's eyes were flashing demonic black and Phoebe knew she was in big trouble.

As it finally occurred to her that this was a demon, Phoebe cursed herself and spat at herself angry that she could be so stupid,  furious that she could have even thought, dreamed that face was one of a fantasy perfect lover,  when what she  now saw in her reality check, was a weak , peeved expression, self centred and selfish. She levitated high, taking him with her and kicked out sending him flying and he spun around and using a demon speed move he caught her hard, his arms clasped like a vice around Pookie.

George had turned into the full evil and nothing worked for Phoebe. Not the all purpose demon vanquish. This was something that was only going to disappear with a Power of Three, or a potion. This was an upper level demon and a very pissed off one whose pride and sexuality were taking over.

Phoebe knew she was in big, big trouble.

This she decided would be a really good moment for Cole to appear. And she was willing to swallow whatever he said to her about stupidity.

And as the demonic pressure around her grew she wondered for the first time  if Cole was coming and if he did how would he forgive her again. He was entitled to be peeved and Phoebe promised herself if he came she would be good no matter how peeved he was. She would agree. She would sooth she would he anything he wanted because he was right if she could only get herself out of this, or he came and got her out of it. If she could survive.

Phoebe in big, big, big trouble, cursing herself could see no way out of her stupidity, a desperately let fly with another huge leap and levitation which freed her and Pookie. But there was no useful athame about and she had no idea how or if she could vanquish George or whatever the hell he was. He came at her in full demonic mode but with the natural demonic cowardice over ridden by sexual conquest. Phoebe levitated and kicked him in the jaw which sent George into a double spin across the room, but he came out of it and came at her again, catching her foot in the middle of another kick.

Phoebe knew she was in big, big, big, big trouble.

George dragged her backwards toward him. As she fought to free herself, George suddenly stoped pulling at her. His expression suddenly changed from demonic sexual domination to one of shock and fear.  And then he screamed as he was hit in the back by a huge fireball. Phoebe crawled herself out of the way as screaming in pain George let  her go and was consumed by the fire, then exploded in a massive ball of green goo, all over the bed , all over the room and all over Phoebe.

As Phoebe came down to earth  mostly naked, except for the ripped top of her pyjamas, awkwardly, protectively crossing her hands to protect Pookie she met a pair of amused and cynical blue eyes that she knew so well.

Phoebe gasped and blushed and bit her lip, then she lifted her chin and met the stare, squarely, defiant but  then she swallowed  hard as she heard a familiar laugh and it was not pleasant.

"Chickadee, chickadee, Chickadee" said her not the least beloved mother-in-law, Elisabeth Turner, the demon Elisheeva. Elisabeth was dressed in a seductive black silk suit that revealed, a tantalising cleavage and long, long legs, six inch stiletto heels and flicking her honey blond peek-a-boo hairstyle out of her eyes. "And I thought you were good. Is adultery good Chickadee, or are you finally so pissed off with my useless son, you don't care?"  Elisabeth asked in a sexy breathless voice.

"What do you want? Phoebe demanded, trying to swallow down her pride and keep her dignity, which was not easy covered in green goo, torn pyjamas and nothing else.

"I want everything" Elisabeth answered serenely "I’m  a demon Chickadee. Remember."

Elisabeth sat down on one of the arm chairs and sat down, her long legs crossed elegantly.

"What are you doing here?" demanded Phoebe wondering if through her rescue she had fallen into a worse mess.

"Why looking out for my grandchild?" said Elisabeth with a smirk. "As any grandmother would. Especially when they know their daughter in law is so … careless. Careless enough to screw around with the Honoured One of the Geztalt. Can't have my grandchildren consorting with the enemy can I?" She smiled.

Phoebe, uncomfortably mostly naked, paled and she cursed herself again and again as it dawned on her how the spites had targeted her toward George. She should have known George was demon. "Honoured One?" she whispered

"Poor Chickadee and I thought you were so smart" said Elisabeth scornfully while Phoebe starting to get over her fright ground her teeth.  Elisabeth waved at the goey mess on the bed. "You mean you haven't worked out that the Geztalt "and she spat the name out "will be appointing another Honoured One."

"George was" said Phoebe thunder struck. "He was…" She swallowed hard, grasped the bed and visibly shuddered.

"Oh Chickadee "said Elisabeth disappointed in her "You really did think he was a mortal. So it takes nothing more than a few spites to break up the GREAT LOVE AFFAIR. My poor deluded Belthezor" Elisabeth sneered.

Phoebe swallowed hard caught between anger, guilt and embarrassment. And for a second was really angry with Cole because if he had rescued her like he was supposed to, she wouldn’t be stuck naked and guilt ridden in front of his accursed damned mother.

"And if our honoured friend had not started to think with his dick and not his  admittedly feeble brain," Elisabeth recognising Phoebe's misery pushed "Belthezor and I would be sharing a moment of grief for your loss.'' Elisabeth shook her head, the honey blond peek a boo hair not hiding her pleasure at the situation "Bu then I suppose you were safe enough until after the deed, males never think with anything else do they. You know men "she smirked.

And Phoebe found herself nodding because she did.

Elisabeth recrossed her long, long legs, sexily revealing her very upper thighs, which made Phoebe positively spit her disgust.

"So now the only danger to you Chickadee" said Elisabeth breathily " The only danger is me" and the blue eyes, so like the ones Phoebe loved, flashed.

"Well you come near me and you know damn well that Cole will come after me" Phoebe declared frantically and protectively pulling her a goo spattered comforter over Pookie.

"Just like he protected you from the Honoured One.' said Elisabeth "poor Chickadee. "You are really going to tell Belthezor about this and what I did so he can come over and … dispose of me for you" sneered Elisabeth with a smile that made Phoebe wants to kill her on the spot. " Can he? " his mother asked amused "Are we in the I'm so powerful I can rule the world phrase or gee sorry got no powers at all and just luck nothing happened to me phase at the moment."

" He .." Phoebe not sure where to go.

"But then again" Elisabeth smirked" He is so besotted and so stupid about you, he might just be fool enough to come after me, to protect you, you little hussy... if he could".

"He…"  said Phoebe

The smile on Elisabeth's face grew, she flicked her haircut out of her eyes and casually produced a cigarette, from god knows where as there was no room for any pockets in the silk suit. She used her finger to form fire and light it.

Elisabeth drew seductively on her cigarette when Phoebe stalked over and snatched it from her mouth " Don't you dare smoke near my baby"  she stormed.

Elisabeth's eyes flashed demonic and for a second the demon Elisheeva and Phoebe eyeballed each other until, Elisabeth with a flick of her honey blond peek boo hair gave way.

"How did you know I was here?" demanded Phoebe pulling the comforter around her further.

"Why my friend's, my brothers can afford to employ watchers, to watch their enemies." Elisabeth. "And of course Ï just make sure the Charmed Ones are watched more closely than… other witches."

"You're working with the Brotherhood?" Phoebe asked, thinking how many times Francesca had said there as no such thing as coincidence.

"But my dear little Chickadee." Elisabeth said. "I always have. A demon without a sect, is a demon in the pits of hell" she answered.

Phoebe swallowed.

"And of course when our enemies collude, why, we have to interfere?" Elisabeth smiled. "My brothers and I" said Elisabeth. "have to interfere against our enemies the Geztalt when they collude with the … disgraceful in law."

"Collude?" asked Phoebe. "If you and the brotherhood are such good buddies why don't you send them after Belthezor?" she asked distracted. "Tell them he isn't vanquished. Tell them he exists."

Elisabeth stood up, her expression nasty "Because the stupid bastards won't believe he's alive." she spat. "Because they accuse me of being a distraught mother who can't see the evidence in front of me that the weak cursed fool is really gone." She smiled evilly at Phoebe "but we know differently, don't we Chickadee?' The stupid weak besotted fool is alive and has just enough stolen power to destroy me, just for pleasantly chatting with my beloved daughter in law".'

Elisabeth sat down on the chair again. "Don't deny it" she ordered.

"Cole wouldn't "  Phoebe hissed. "I mean he would …" And she stopped.

'"Destroy me and destroy himself" Elisabeth sighed, "Matricide such a nice… safe word" she said crossing her legs.  "Because while you fear the consequences as much as me, we can have such nice safe chats, Chickadee precious "she said

Phoebe sucked her lip. And clutched the comforter around Pookie.

"The watchers tell me what they see and I know they are seeing my son, even if those fool males in the Brotherhood believe the records of demondom, over the word of a mother.  Tell me" Elisabeth said leaning forward "Belthezor is not so completely stupid, so weak, so feeble enough.. to have the power ..and to be so besotted with you so stupid weak so … as to use it just for himself and not want anything. "

Phoebe sucked her breath.

Elisabeth stood up and spat. "The fool." She roared, "The waste. The fool the accursed feeble.. ."She strode the room then turned to come face to face with Phoebe, her blue eyes blazing demonically "He is that stupid isn't he. You just make damned sure, this one" and she put her hand toward Pookie and the other. Don't let them be fools," she suddenly pleaded with Phoebe. Her blue eyes became suspiciously wet "I can stand that they are good, I can stand it "she roared. "I can't stand it that anything descended from me is a fool." she hissed.

"I can arrange that" Phoebe spat back.

Elisabeth sniffed back the tears "I can't stand that Belthezor is just stupid enough to use the powers come after me if he even knew about me knowing about you. And damn himself but not use them for anything else. You can't stand that he is that stupid either." Elisabeth added, composing herself.

"Let's just say neither of us wants to risk... Belthezor's wrath for our own reasons" Phoebe told Elisabeth not giving ground. "So you won't hurt me and I won't hurt you. What the hell do you want?'

"So sweet Chickadee" murmured Elisabeth flipping another cigarette into he hand which Phoebe snatched: "I want to fix your problem so I can fix mine, but for both our sakes I think it would be a good idea if we left here."  She held out her hand indicating she would shimmer her.

Phoebe snorted and backed away. "Like that's going to happen "she said "I'll meet you in the Excelsior bar"

"Wrapped in that? "asked Elisabeth amused.

"Then you better get me something" Phoebe said defiantly

Elisabeth smirked, sighed and shimmered away, while Phoebe made an effort to find Piper's coat and escape before Elisabeth returned.

She was not fast enough however and a minute later an amused Elisabeth handed her a tent like smock dress with a very expensive label on it.

"Only the best for my Chickadee" She said handing it to Phoebe

"Underwear?" asked Phoebe ribbing the label off.

"Never wear it" smirked Elisabeth while Phoebe ground her teeth, pulled the dress over her head and finally located Piper's coat under the bed.

They left the room together. Elisabeth fixing hall security cameras with a flick of her finger. In the bar Elisabeth chose her position well, a corner table with comfortable chairs where she could stretch her long legs out and catch the attention of any one male who happened to enter the bar, and turn her back if it suited her to ignore him. Those males already sitting at the lounge could get an  excellent view of her seduction technique and her peek a boo hair.

As she sat, the short silk skirt had ridden well up Elisabeth's thighs and the tight silk jacket revealed enough of her pert breasts to entrance and encourage.

Phoebe ground her teeth and put her hand protectively over Pookie as she perched uncomfortably, chairs designed for seduction were not designed for pregnant women.

The bar was doing a good trade. Mostly couples, with female partners draped over the male or females, probably unde spite influence, on the prowl.

 "What's your problem?" Phoebe demanded, when it became clear that Elisabeth was going to make her ask.

Elisabeth ordered herself a brandy and without asking Phoebe a water for her.

"I'm a protective grandmother" she smiled sweetly for the bar attendant.

Phoebe ground her teeth again "What's your problem?" she demanded

A young man entered the bar, he eyed the place and the available women.

Elisabeth licked her lips crossed and recrossed her legs and leant forward so her décolletage was just revealed. The young man eyed her with an appreciative gleam to Phoebe's great disgust. He took half a step toward Elisabeth when he was waylaid by a young woman, slightly plump, wearing a very short skirt and tight spandex strapless top. She had a fresh look, was made up to be attractive and it was fairly obvious that she had chosen the young man and he was not going to have to work for it.

Caught between the possibility of Elisabeth's seductive maturity and the sure thing that was hanging off his arm the young man made his choice, he put his arm around the girl and opted for the sure thing.

Elisabeth sat up pouted and then elegantly sipped her brandy down "That's my problem" she told Phoebe.

"What?" said Phoebe.

"Those damned Geztalt let the spite s loose again and we are not far off a repeat of the sixties when every stupid female was making it so easy for the bloody men, it was impossible to .."

"Seduce them to evil" interrupted Phoebe.

"Take advantage of them' suggested Elisabeth, "Males are so bloody stupid. Lead by their dicks. "Elisabeth leant forward. "It's outside the order," she said seriously. "Females should be in control, not just available without getting anything for it. That is the way it supposed to be, we seduce, we tempt and we lead, but to give it all away. What's the profit for any of us? Because of course males, the stupid fools follow their dicks. Its unnatural "she insisted. "I tell you Chickadee, it leads to chaos social disorder."

"I get it" interrupted Phoebe "I hate spites" she said: "Nasty little bastards having their fun at every-one else's expense" she added bitterly.

"Well on that Chickadee we're agreed" Elisabeth told her.  She examined the bar, and eyed off a rather peevish whinny young man. He looked interested as she licked her lips and recrossed her legs, then he turned back to the rather skinny straight haired girl who had her hand clasped on his groin. "And I want you to help me get things back to the natural way. Chickadee" Elisabeth said disgust in her voice.

"So you can seduce and manipulate and use men" Phoebe scoffed.

"Exactly" smiled Elisabeth "It’s a great power.  We're a great deal alike you know" she said. "We both understand how stupid men are. Especially Belthezor."

'"It will work out," Phoebe told her "The cure is easy. Reality and reality will hit them" Phoebe sucked her lip "Like it seems to be hitting me and it will all change back again. And you know the reality can be pretty damned good for evil, disease, broken families, greed."

"Such an understanding of evil chickadee" Elisabeth smirked "are sure you're good?" she asked and Phoebe glared at her

'"The problem is " said Elisabeth 'that if I recall correctly : It was 1975 before the full extent of reality hit after the sixties attack. And I do not  intend to spend ten years waiting for idiot women to finally realise just making themselves available is not the way to have power over men."

'"Ten years" exclaimed Phoebe with a shudder, wondering if Cole could forgive a ten year hormonal overdrive.

'"So Chickadee if you don't want Belthezor to find out about tonight's little dose of reality  you are going to help me counteract this epidemic before it gets out oaf proprio and out of this damned city.'' Elisabeth smiled.

"Cole always says the thing about blackmail is you call it and suffer the consequences or just give in" Phoebe commented.

Elisabeth curled her lip. "It makes me cry when I think how great his evil could have been." Elisabeth said. "It makes me angry enough .."

"Why come to me?" Phoebe asked sweetly. "Surely a demon as powerful as you can fix spite magic."

"You know why spites are so low in the order of demondom" Elisabeth demanded "why their magic is useless against demons."

"Demons are so locked in the reality of evil, they have no dreams, no… fantasy, except wanting everything" Phoebe guessed her tongue in her cheek.

Elisabeth's beautiful face for a second looked every bit as evil as she really was. Then she sat back and laughed. "You understand evil Chickadee "she said. "we need to get this fixed before the Geztalt in their blind quest for power destroy any chance the rest of us have, those of whose evil is ..cleverer than sending minions to die for them, before damn them Good realises …hell while we were waiting ten years for the spite plague to end after the sixties , that damned war ended. And this country got rid of an evil president.'

"Sounds like a good thing to extend it to me." Phoebe thought about it. "Vietnam" she said. "Nixon."

Elisabeth shrugged "Whatever "she said. "Evil lost is evil lost."

"So if evildoers get overthrown and wars end why should I help you?  Phoebe asked.

"You're being blackmailed?" Elisabeth said amused.

"Apart form that" said Phoebe.

"Damn it Chickadee the spells need to be reversed to end the plague quickly" Elisabeth leant forward "Evil can't reverse it.. It only works on good. Good need to reverse it. Good witches have to reverse it" Elisabeth snapped. "And then once that group sees reality, faces it, sees what stupidity their hormone overdrive has lead to other women will follow."

"I think I am pretty over it" Phoebe said "Tonight about as much reality as I need. So isn’t the spell reversed, aren't I facing reality."

"No you're just at the end of it" Elisabeth said "You may be over fantasy crushes, for now but the magic is still there, still out there working. This thing mutates and reinfects."

"Why should I believe you?" Phoebe asked. "And if we did reverse it wouldn't many infected women be left facing some rather drastic consequences for the way they are behaving, broken marriages, partner's getting hurt, broken promises, physical abuse and I'll cause it.

Elisabeth's blue eyes flashed like demon daggers. "You don't understand. The dangers if this magic isn't eradicated. Most of those things will happen anyway and it will get worse the longer the plague lasts. You don't understand. Stupid witch"

"What's in it or you" Phoebe sucked her lip and then smiled "Oh "she mused "I get it. You promised the Brotherhood you can fix it didn’t you?" Phoebe asked "You need to do this or maybe they just may think you're a mother fantasising about a lost son and demons can’t fanaticise so you must be .. not a demon. And destroyed."

Elisabeth's eyes were vivid ugly blue an her expression demonic. She slammed her drink on the table then suddenly she stopped and smiled. "Such a clever little witch. You certain you're not evil. Reality will fix it one way or the other, through ten years of pain, drawn out agony or through a quick reversal that leaves victims looking at the reality of a few bad days.  Some will get hurt and some who would have got hurt if it dragged out, won't. You think Belthezor will believe you claiming the latest boyfriend is because of spite magic in ten years time. He's fool but he even isn't that big a fool. You're choice Chickadee."

Phoebe smiled "I'll think about it" she said. "I need to talk to my sisters."

Elisabeth bristled "Don't you understand the seriousness of this."

"I understand that this will be fixed by reality either by reversing the spite magic, or just letting it happen." Phoebe said "I'll think about it. My baby is about to start teething I have to get home to him and Cole" she said. "You want to blackmail me, the one thing we both know is going to happen is you end up in the mores of hell."

Elisabeth's face was ugly.

Phoebe thought about it "Reality is not so bad. Thinking of my baby and husband." She said

Elisabeth smirked "You haven't faced the consequences yet. Little one teething" she asked almost like a grandmother. Her eyes brightened "I take pleasure in knowing how much you suffer from the screaming Chickadee."

Phoebe sucked her lip then took a deep breath "Did Cole scream? Did you find a way to stop him.'

"He screamed." Elisabeth  said with a shudder "And I clearly did find a way as I didn't end up hitting his head into a wall to shut him up. Maybe I should have. I would have if I had known what a fool he would turn out to be" she added and the whole of her evil showed in her face.

Phoebe backed away in revulsion and Elisabeth's beauty turned demonic. But it turned into a throaty laugh as Phoebe stopped

"How did you stop him?" Phoebe asked. Knowing she had to

"And why would I tell you?" Elisabeth asked amused "then Chickadee I would have nothing you wanted to deal with.'

"But then if you helped me help my son your grandson, I may think about reversing the spite magic ..more favourably' Phoebe told her.

"Chickadee I do love you" said Elisabeth appreciatively. She flicked her fingers and a pen and paper appeared and she quickly wrote something.

Phoebe had some appreciation how much Elisabeth had suffered with Cole because she could remember the cure after all this time."

"This stops it" Phoebe said reading a recipe for a balm with a mixture of herbs used by both good and evil in very specific proportions.

"It eases it" Elisabeth informed Phoebe, her eyes narrowing slyly "You'll need to do something nice for your beloved mama in law before you get the total cure. You have another brat coming, if you think you can just get through one."

Phoebe sucked her breath.

"Aren't I beloved?" Elisabeth asked swallowing the last of her brandy.

"I'll probably have a moment or two of regret when I hear you got vanquished "Phoebe confessed as Elisabeth's eyes lit up appreciatively. "How do you reverse the spite spell." She asked

"You reverse what they do" Elisabeth told her. "You need to ask them what they did."

"They sing and hold hands and dance" said Phoebe "How .Oh shit "she said as Elisabeth laughed.

She turned and stalked away, stopping to look over her shoulder to see Elisabeth making once more effort to gain the attention o the various males in the bar. As they all ignored her for the sure offer they had, Elisabeth snorted, tossed her head so the honey blond hair fell forward provocatively and then shimmered in full view of a bar that paid her no attention


