Faithfully Yours

Part 1: The glory of battles victorious

Chapter 4

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

"She is beautiful this mate of yours?" Glock asked Cole after a very long silence where Cole had been lost in thought about his Phoebe and Glock had sucked on his pipe.

"In my world, I have heard her described as that. You may not think so " Cole answered "But truthfully I am not the one to judge. When I see her face, all I see is the face of love."

"Here respect for a mate is ... was far more important than beauty. That is why the story of the lost mate is such a tragedy, it was a loss of respect. Love is a passion that burns and dies and leaves very little but memories and trouble for the clans." Glock mused.

"Or it is the making of the clan, reinforces it" Cole said quietly. "Same destination, just different journey" he added. "She is very special, my mate "he said

Glock drew on his pipe. "That is good "he said as Cole shivered in the freezing night '

"How ?" Glock asked "Is such a mate special?  I mean no offence, 'he explained "it is my enquiring mind to wonder  at such things."

"I respect her," Cole repeated: "I love her. She is... I suppose many would say she is not an easy woman to... live with. Kind, brave . wants her own way, wants what she wants when she wants it, and god help anyone who gets in her way. She loves me "he said, "That I think is the miracle. And she holds me to what she expects of some one she loves. And that my friend is a good thing. There are those who would judge her difficult. I judge her to be …. I love her "he said.

"Sounds like a fantasy "smiled Glock. "How is she difficult" he asked "This is not… we have no space to explore much past survival, "he said "To take the time to about a mate, to love …and expect to be loved, even when you are not …perfect. It’s a nice fairytale" he said drawing deeply on the pipe.

"If I'm being honest," Cole grinned "Its no fairytale to live. My mate, Phoebe can be… she can be wise and caring and determined to … do what is right and you think you see the wisdom of ages in her"

"You do love her" Glock said recognising the passion in Cole's voice. "You ARE lucky to have such a mate."

"She keeps it in balance, for every piece of wisdom I can be assured to be served with a … temper tantrum or a panic attack that well …may" he stopped "No may about it ..does be completely unreasonable.  " Cole shook his head "Which considering my calling to ensure the balance of the realms has a certain irony. The greater her wisdom the more unreasonable she becomes. I love her.' He added "But I can never be completely ….safe with her. She makes me work for her"

"I have learnt something from this conversation" Glock mused '"There was a legend here that the magic made the females … difficult in the old days. Now I understand it is just female."

"Phoebe's a witch "Cole confessed.

Glock drew on his pipe "That explains much," he sighed


Cole shimmered into the downstairs bathroom at the manor. He had a good idea what Phoebe's reaction him wearing clothes that stank as if they had been worn in a pig manure processor, to say nothing of the way he stank, in their bedroom. Last time he came home from Burvjara she complained the smell got into the carpet and everything else and had still been crinkling her nose that morning.

"Pregnancy makes her senses… sensitive" Leo explained hastily before a full scale eruption started.

"Ha" said Cole.

"Take a shower before going near my room" Phoebe ordered Cole.

Cole checked to see what was in the bathroom in the way of towels and shampoo and frowned because they were seriously depleted. He could hear Paige and Piper talking to his father in law Victor. Cole quickly worked out he could happily avoid Victor who lately was hearing to many complaints about his absences to be totally friendly .

Unfortunately Piper had heard the shimmer noise and came to the kitchen door and called a little apprehensively "Cole "and he realised he would have to face Victor. Reluctantly he went into the kitchen.

"OMG" Piper shrieked when she saw Cole, his hair on end, wearing what looked like a month old beard, with flecks of grey, and what was left of Leo's snow parka in tatters tufts of fluffy padding hanging on the remaining strips of nylon. Cole's jeans  were mostly shredded, and only a few cotton fibres away from indecency. His shoes had gaps, his shirt was filthy and mostly rag.

"What do the losers look like?" Paige asked as she sat at the kitchen table holding a cup of coffee as she chatted with Victor. She had fresh scrubbed look and her hair a quick blown dry look.

"That's Leo's parka?" Piper hissed at Cole. She too had a fresh-showered look and her long hair, still damp was pulled back in a pony tale. "Do you know how much that cost? It’s a top quality  ski one."

"Was top quality ski one" grinned Paige.

Victor put down his coffee and stared bitterly at Cole "What have you been doing? "he demanded.

"What are you doing here during the day? Cole countered to give himself time to think.

"Dad came to baby sit, took a day off work, while we went demon hunting," Piper told him "You stink Cole" she told him "You're stinking my kitchen out."

"What demon?" asked Cole

"Geztalt demon was at it again and Leo got called out and Marly was needed at Cassandra's bookshop" Paige explained "So Victor came to baby sit."

"It's my pleasure" said Victor sincerely

Cole moved into the kitchen causing Victor, Paige and Piper to pull painful faces and wrinkle their noses. He grinned tiredly and went over to the children.  Nine month-old Wyatt was just learning to crawl but clearly did not like what he smelt, as Cole picked him up and let fly with a great wail, so Piper came over. She pulled an ugly face as she got the full impact of the aroma from Cole as she retrieved Wyatt. She put her son back on the floor, his expression remarkably similar to his mother. Sixteen month-old Patsy who was sitting on the floor making a great noise with a drum, sniffed and sucked back as his father turned to him.  Then levitated to his feet and backed off and spat.

Cole caught his breath, pushed down a feeling of hurt and let him go "Big hug later Patsy" he said.

Melinda was busy playing with one of her ginger cats. At nearly 6 months old, they had two different personalities. Little Cat was a spitfire who was never still. Big cat was a rag doll who was never happier than sitting on some-one's knee. To Piper's distress, besides Melinda, the only knee that Little Cat would sit on, was hers.

Melinda carefully put Big Cat down on the floor beside Wyatt who put his arm around it. Big Cat accepted his fate and purred. Melinda stood squarely in from of Cole hands on her hips 'You stink Unca Cole" she told him.

"I know honey" he said bending down and Melinda sucked her lips "No kiss" he asked.

"Okay Unca Cole " she said flinging her arms around his neck as he bent over. She kissed him firmly on his lips "You still stink Unca Cole," she told him

"I'll go have shower" he sighed returning the kiss and standing up.

"Good idea" said Piper

"Consider yourself told," Paige informed Cole.

Once Cole moved out of his range, Patsy banged on the drum again, causing his father to catch his lip, guiltily.

"Use the downstairs bathroom" Piper ordered Cole.

"I was going to," he said "haven't got the energy to fight with Phoebe over whether I stank the room out."

"What have you been doing?" demanded Victor.

"Been fighting for truth, justice and some-one's way of Life' Cole answered with a small smile.. 'Why do you think I should use the downstairs bathroom?" he asked curiously as Victor glared at him

"Upstairs pipes are blocked again" Paige sighed. "We were demon hunting. Remember>'"

"Green goo" Piper nodded. "Really gluggy stuff, from hob goblin types and we blew up some acid demons as well"

"Leo knows? Cole asked with a grin. He thought about it. "Acid demons and hob goblins?" he said interested.

"Why are you interested?" asked Paige suspiciously "you haven't been interested in what we have been doing since" she glanced at Victor, "you got so caught up in your latest case" she said.

"Just asking" Cole interrupted quickly "Leo doesn't know about the bathroom?" he asked changing  the subject but not missing Paige's quizzical glance.

"No" said Piper primly ."he had to go off to deal with," she eyed her father "….his charge, that's why Daddy's here.   I think we need to find a few of the old time demons who just blew themselves up without slimming us."

"You all okay," Cole asked quietly, trying to ignore the pang of guilt that he was not paying close attention to the Charmed One's lives.

"Now " Piper replied arching her aching back. "Nice of you to ask" she snipped sarcastically.

"Few acid burns and things" said Paige as Victor and Cole frowned "Honest "she added "Phoebe's okay', so is Pookie " she added understanding as Cole nodded.

Where Cole had been very cautious about telling Phoebe what she could and could not do because she flatly refused to listen to him, her sisters  had argued none to gently with Phoebe with about the same level of success. They were not helped by Phoebe finding a doctor who kept saying, she was pregnant not ill, and should continue to have a normal lifer, so do what she wanted to do.

"I don't suppose you told him what your normal life is" Piper demanded of Phoebe, exasperated.

"I figured Phoebe's okay" he said then shook his head "You'd be nice to me if she wasn't. You ought to be careful too Piper" he said remembering a few things he had known from the future lore that his brother Guardian was collecting from the magic eclipse of a few months ago. You aren't 25 anymore  Piper "he said. "Neither are yo  Paige" he added

"Shut up Cole "Piper ordered him hating being fussed nearly as much as Phoebe "neither are you and you look like shit."

"And you smell like it" said Paige. 

Cole glared as her then grinned as he acknowledged she was right. "I better shower "he said, not missing that Victor was clearly pleased to see him go.

He went back through the laundry picking up four good towels on the way, then into the downstairs bathroom and ran the shower, ignoring the rattles and shakes of the old plumbing, and even the irregular water spray and gave away to the clean feeling of hot water and fresh soap. He stood there letting it wash over him, feeling the reality of walls and a roof, a long way from a war zone. He squashed down the guilt that he could escape it and return to a family that worried and cared about him. He could return to a mate, a wife who loved him and children who when they were not upset about the smell of war, devoted to him. Unlike those offspring and combatants and innocents he had left behind when he shimmered from the caves after making sure Glock's small band moved safely away with their hard won food. All they had to look forward to was a struggle for survival.

'What was all that about?" Victor demanded as Cole went out. He shook his head "are you sure Cole's not evil. He looks like hell'."

"I'm sure daddy," Piper said glancing at Paige behind his back. "More coffee? I think he has just been visiting hell. Not the underworld "she added. "The up top version.

Victor looked at her

"War "Paige explained. "As in war is hell."

"You mean?" said Victor clearly considering the consequences.

"No war in another magic realm : Paige explained hastily. "

Victor nodded then frowned, then shook his head ."Are you sure Cole's not evil?" he asked again .

"Sure" said Piper determinedly.

Victor nodded, caving in more than agreeing, and Piper poured him another cup of coffee.

"So Margaret will be here soon," Paige said firmly changing the conversation, and asking about Victor's no longer so new wife, whom all three witches actively despised.

Margaret  was in her late forties, a sales executive for the firm Victor worked, attractive in a sleek, overly well groomed way that passed for sophistication. It was only a small consolation that she despised Victor's daughters as much as they despised her and to Paige's disgust, just tolerated Paige.

"Yes I called" Victor answered "She dropped the client off after viewing the building and was coming here .'I didn't think it would take this time" he said glancing at his watch. 

"Important client?' asked Paige.

"Yeah "said Victor. "Managing director Buntlin Transport. Good-looking guy, 50, if you like the beefy type," he added a touch bitterly.

Paige glanced at Piper who sucked her lip.

Victor looked at his watch "I don't know why she bothers to work "he said." we don't need the money. We could travel 'he said unhappily, "Spend time with the grand kiddies.

Paige and Piper glanced at each other.

"She likes the power, being the big executive," Victor explained morosely.

"She is certainly successful, "Piper said carefully "for a woman in man's world Margaret has done very well. Real estate is a tough profession." She smiled at her father and touched his arm. "I know how hard you work daddy" she said

"Margaret  knows how to sell real estate, she knows how to sell herself " Victor muttered into his coffee bitterly.

Paige and Piper carefully avoided looking at each other.

"Margaret is a woman who likes men" Victor said, "Did I ever tell you how we got together? r"

"No :'answered Paige perkily as Piper sent her daggered glare "How ?" she asked ignoring Piper.

"We…." Victor started to say, and was stopped by the phone ringing. Piper relieved at being saved by the bell walked over to answer it.

"Hi Eduardo  she said into the phone. "How is Estella?"

Eduardo , Cole's office assistant and his wife had taken on a pseudo grandparent role, since Paige had forced Cole to give him a job, after years of financial struggle because in his late fifties he had been considered to old to find more work when the insurance company he worked for unemployed him. Eduardo was genuinely grateful and fond of the Halliwell family and fairly worshipped the ground Cole worked on "Sure, yes he's in the shower. I'll get him to call as soon as he gets out. Now "Piper told Eduardo "Okay. Hang on I'll get him."

She put he phone down and Paige picked it up starting a chatty conversation with Eduardo about his grandchildren.

Piper went through the back way to the bathroom. She banged on the bathroom door.

"Cole" she yelled loudly.

"What?" yelled Cole, far from happy at being interrupted in the sensual pleasures of hot water and being clean.

"Eduardo " Piper called over the noise of the shower "can't get you on your cell."

"Tell him I'll call back" Cole yelled seriously displeased at the interruption.

"He needs an answer now," Piper  insisted  and banged on the door. She only left when she heard the shower turn off and Cole muttering to himself.

Back in the kitchen, Piper took the phone from Paige.

 "He's coming "she told Eduardo and chatted about Estelle and stories of Eduardo's grand daughter who was at college.

Paige asked Victor how he met Margaret and Piper went on talking to Eduardo to ignore the conversation Victor was having with Paige because she had enough reasons to hate Margaret.

Victor was saying, "Its not easy Paige , you love a woman but it isn't as easy as just loving her . I remember your mother."

"I understand Victor "said Paige touching his hand and glancing at Piper.

"You're sweet," said Victor as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" said Paige a little to eagerly.

Melinda who had retrieved Big CAT  was lost in some world as Big Cat purred loudly in her lap but as she heard the doorbell go, she jumped up dropping a disgruntled Big Cat on the floor.

"I'll get it Auntie Paige" she said firmly

"Cole " roared Piper covering the phone.

"Coming" he yelled back appearing in the kitchen with his hair and body dripping wet, and the month old beard looking straggly and interesting and a towel wrapped tightly around him, and getting wetter by the second over his still damp backside.

"Eduardo, hi "he said  into the phone holding onto the towel and turning his back on Piper and Victor' "What's the problem?

"Now "he said irritated into the phone ."No, Eduardo. I'm just tired and running after him now is the last thing I want. No. No. No.  I'm glad you told me. And I understand Eduardo. You know me, hate sucking up to these guys just to make money. "

Victor glowered at Cole. "Patsy "he said as the drum beat hit deafening levels and Wyatt started to wail again. Wyatt needed to make a lot of noise to get separate attention, but fortunately it was something he did well. 

Victor went to his youngest grandchild and picked him up. Wyatt immediately stopped wailing and snuggled close. Patsy kept hitting the drum.

Melinda ran to answer the door as the bell chimed a third time and managed to open it just as Paige came up behind her.

 "Oh" Melinda said as she realised who it was'. Then  she remembered her manners "Hello Auntie Margaret" she said politely, backing behind Auntie Paige in case Margaret wanted to kiss her.

Margaret wearing an immaculate burgundy suit and impeccable makeup, air kissed Paige as Melinda quickly escaped, running back to the kitchen yelling "Its Auntie Margaret. "

"Its auntie Margaret " Piper told Victor and Cole moved into a corner, his back to the family , while he still clutched at the towel and talked  to Eduardo, trying to ignore the noise around him.

Victor stood up and dutifully pecked Margaret on the lips.

Piper put on her politest face as Margaret air kissed her and Paige leaned against the door jamb and enjoyed the little drama, thinking Margaret's unlined face owed nothing to nature and looked catlike and stretched and her large  pert boobs were for unnatural for a woman her age and her short and styled dark hair seemed almost as rigid and as unmoving as her face.

Margaret turned away from air kisses with Piper, all the time telling Victor about her client , and how well she had done, and how charming he was and glared at the noise Patsy and Wyatt were making.

She suddenly saw Cole clutching the phone in one hand and the edge of the towel in the other, the towel wet and tight over his backside.

"Vi Vi .. Darling "said Margaret.

Piper and Paige exchanged glances as Margaret suddenly forgot her husband's name.

She tried to recover by greeting children, making sure she did not lose sight of Cole's backside. The greeting was spoiled when Wyatt refused to look at her and Patsy pulled himself away and decided daddy was a safer place to be.

Cole having finished his conversation with Eduardo, was dialling a number when Patsy stood squarely beside him, his expression peeved and his body language demanding and said dada.

Margaret talking non-stop never took her eyes off Cole's backside.

Paige and Piper avoided each other's eyes.

Victor stood up glowering.

Cole did not notice, because he was busy apologising to his client and promising him he would meet him in an hour.

Patsy said loudly dada and Cole reassured the client he would not charge him for any travelling time

Patsy put his hands on his hips then grabbed the towel and pulled hard ashe could as he tried to get daddy's attention.

Cole suddenly realising he was in trouble, grabbled the towel as it started to descend over his hips, and Patsy realising he had been noticed, pulled harder.

Piper and Paige sucked on their lips and glanced at each other again as Margaret lost her way mid sentence and positively gasped while Victor went red in the face and announced he and Margaret were leaving immediately.

Victor stood up and kissed and hugged both Paige and Piper, then did the same for each one of his grandchildren. Margaret stood still until Victor approached Patsy, still clutching onto Daddy's towel and pulling hard  while Daddy talked.

Victor reached down and picked Patsy up and the towel went as far south as it could and still be of any use. Cole grabbed at it and still kept talking to the client. Margaret felt the need to kiss him goodbye.

"Sh.. Margaret " he breathed as he half turned and instead of an air kiss found a  petite, nearly 50 plastic, woman all but attached to his left nipple.

Margaret lifted her head. "Cole "she breathed.

Victor plonked Patsy in Cole's free arm and catching Margaret by the upper arm dragged her to the door while Paige and Piper rolled their eyes and giggled.

Patsy planted a big kiss on Cole's face and holding the phone against his shoulder, so he could hold Patsy and clutch the by now very wet towel, Cole he kissed his son back while the client talked

Melinda stood behind them.

"Unca Cole "she roared catching his attention.

"What Melinda honey" he said bending to her, and making mmm noises to the client on the phone.

"Towel ": Melinda said  firmly and Cole sighed and hauled it up as Patsy satisfied  he had caught daddy's attention levitated back to his drum.

"Sorry. I'm at home " Cole told the client "Family "he added, not quite able to make it sound as if he was amused.

Cole disappeared upstairs while Paige and Piper said goodbye to Victor and Margaret, who positively gaped around the girl's shoulders as she saw him go upstairs. Victor hastily shortened the goodbye.

Cole came down dressed in a business suit his hair still a little wet and clean shaven, with a white mark around his jaw, indicating it had been a while between shaves. He had not quite lost the shell shocked look of a war survivor and Piper told him bluntly he was too focused on this war, and he had a child coming and a son who was going to have enough problems with the magic he had and needed to look after himself.

"I can't remember a time when I wasn't worried about you" she told him. "Ever since the first time I saw you. It pisses me off. I need a break from it al being a bout me."

"How about worried for me? "he asked, pinching a fresh bread roll and piece of ham she was putting out for supper. "Trust me Piper, none of it is about me. If it was I could fix it"

Piper eyed him unrelentingly "Make it about you" she suggested "then you can fix it."

"Maybe I should try that "Cole said "Don't keep anything for me for supper. Don't know when I'll be home." He told them. "Stop worrying about me" he ordered as both witches glared.

"I don't worry for you Cole" Paige said taking her chances. "Phoebe does enough of that for all of us."

Cole winced "Is she upset?" he asked.

"I would say more like  pissed" .Paige told him, not unhappy with this.

"She knows what I'm doing "Cole started to say

"I think its more about what you're not doing" Paige answered.

"Oh for god's sake "he muttered stuffing bread and more ham in his mouth. "She knows what I am doing, and why. She understands" he said.

"That may be the problem" Piper told him bluntly.

"Forewarned is forearmed" Cole said sighing.

"Its constant talking about war that is driving her crazy" said Piper shaking her head.

"You going to read me a goodnight story Unca Cole?" Melinda asked him

"Can't make it tonite Lindie "he told her. He winced as her face fell and then looked aggravated as Paige raised her eyes.

"You calling over to see Phoebe?" Paige asked "to let her know you're OK."

Cole kissed Patsy  who was sitting in his high chair and playing with mashing his food into coloured swirls and said defensively , "I left a message on Phoebe's cell."

"Gutless bastard" said Piper as she fed Wyatt who started to open his mouth in a loud for a loud WAH every time she turned away.

"Are you sure you need to be in these wars?" Paige asked, "You look like shit."

"You need to be in yours," Colechallenged deciding offence was a safer place. "The upstairs plumbing is blocked with green goo. You missed another day's work and I noticed Piper is walking like she got slammed into a wall again. And my wife is pregnant . You going to quit and have a normal life?" he asked smiling maliciously at Piper.

"Shut up Cole "said Piper: "Mark healed me.

"Broke your back again?" Cole asked gritting his teeth.

"Dislocated " she said "and shut up Cole. "She added at his incredulous look

He grinned and after some shuffling rounds on the board located his car keys under a chair opposite.

"Fairies?" he asked.

"Imps" said Paige. "Patsy can just levitate that high land he like the jingly sound. Which you should have been around to notice."

Cole shook his head and left muttering under his breath.

Paige and Piper finished feeding children just as Leo orbed in. He kissed the children and picked up Wyatt, anticipating a huge wail as Wyatt opened his mouth to get attention. Wyatt gurgled happily.

"Sorry I could not be around to help with the kids "Leo told Piper and Paige "tried to get home but there's no hurrying demon manipulation.'

"You stink like " Paige said turning sniffing and screwing her face up.

"Some sort of evil foul smelling weed" Leo sighed"

"Geez" Paige said rolling her eyes "Stinking god damn men"

"What "said Leo confused "What did I do?"

"You and Cole" smirked Paige.

"I haven't set eyes on Cole for nearly a week" Leo insisted really confused. "What did we do?

"You're stinking men,"  Paige explained enjoying herself.

"You going to tell me what happened?" asked Piper as Leo looked more confused and irritated

"Nothing much. Durand laying down the law to demons. I used to like it when I did not have to see demons and talk to them; Leo sighed "You know just define the enemy and blow then up for being the enemy. Faceless minions of evil."

Piper and Paige glanced at each other.

"Why is faceless coming into it?" asked Piper.

"Durand was advising some of the high echelons of their responsibility to keeping the lower levels under control." Leo explained bouncing Wyatt on his knee, "Got a guided tour of the lower levels and evil and realms, in an effort to prove that the upper levels had no responsibility. Durand, bless him did not fall for it. Just looked at them with his blankest expression and kept pointing out that if evil claimed to be a power hierarchy then  those in power had better use it to keep the structure under control. Whole place smelt of  brimstone. "Leo explained "Durand went to get very drunk to get rid of the stench. Said it reminded him while he crossed."

"Did you see Tempus" Paige asked.

"Doesn't work like that" Leo said "Explain it to the priests and the consequences and let them work on the hierarchies. All faceless, powerbrokers and guardians of evil lore. Never realised before that evil's obsession with evil as a religion was not just a way of life, but part of the great plan ." he pondered. He thought for a second "What is it about faceless demons?" he asked

Paige and Piper looked at each other.

"Funny you should mention faceless "Piper said "We had another fight with the goddamned Geztalt today. At an internal revenue office."

"Figures, demons and tax offices" Leo said happy to be in safe ground where evil was just evil. "You get him,"

"Yeah, again" said Piper. "Not sure I like where this is going. Felt like we're being set up as bloody and I mean bloody  patsies." she stopped as Pasty looked up expectantly when he heard his name, then frowned at the curse. "Not you honey, "Piper told him hastily "Be a good boy, play with your drum." Patsy smiled at his auntie Piper and hit the drum as hard as he could. "That child knows to much" said.

"He's 16 months" said Leo frowning. "He shouldn't understand that."

Piper shrugged . "Given up worrying" she said. "He understands what he understands when it suits him."

"Third time you've caught those demons slipping into institutions and manipulating them." Leo said

"Well it was damned lucky the archbishop was so quick to realise what was going on," Paige said

"And just as lucky that Phoebe realise what was happening at the paper "agreed Piper.

"You need to be careful "Leo told them  " You eaten "he asked.

"Just about to" Piper answered, "Cole's out. Phoebe will; be late home." Why do we need to be careful/

"You've stuffed a few attempts by faceless demons to get projects working," Leo pointed out "demons get vindictive.

Paige and Piper winced."

"We are aware of that Leo "Piper told him smugly "we've been hunting demons.. a …. little while now you know."

Leo pursed his lips. "You know demons can't afford to be seen to be weak. Something defeats them, something has to be done about them."

"What did you learn today?" Piper asked suspiciously

"To be careful of faceless demons" said Leo blandly. "They are damned dangerous."

"So nothing you're going to tell us" asked Piper.

"They're vindictive " said Leo "Even if Tempus is not directly confronting the Charmed Ones. They don't like getting beaten by witches, females" he added.

"Hell we're not just females, we're the Charmed ones . What can they do that hasn't been tried? " asked Paige.

She was greeted by silence from Leo and Piper.

"Supper?" asked Piper finally

