Faithfully Yours

Part 6: War is hell


Chapter 48

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Cole awoke with a start. He had been dreaming of his time as the source. He was holding his hand out to Phoebe, only the more he stretched his fingers the further away she moved until she vanished in a puff of smoke almost as if he had vanquished her, destroyed her by his need of her.


"No" he said out loud "no." and then he moaned as very hard object his face was resting against grazed him. Unwillingly he opened his eyes to face the odd hazy early orange light that told him was in lying with his head pressed against a very hard rock in Burvjara. He sighed. Somewhere in the long darkness he must have fallen asleep, to uncomfortably dream of a time when he was alone and frightened, when Phoebe hated him. He forced himself to open his eyes and he became aware that the usual fazed orange dawn in Burvjara was a bright, painful orange that made his magic soul try and cringe away and find protection. He forced himself to face the orange light and looked around.


Not far away Glock was huddled into his robe leaning against dead tree trunk. To Cole's irritation he had an expression on his face that was almost at peace. Clearly his hard bed ha not induced dreams of fear and regret.


As the light became such a bright orange that Cole had to shield his eyes, Glock moaned and moved, slowly awaking.


Glock seemed undisturbed by the painful orange light. He opened his eyes and took it in as if he was dragging it into his soul. But as he moved against the hard dead tree Glock arched his body clearly feeling the discomfort of his hard bed.


He saw Cole watching him and shrugged a little uncomfortably. "Different bed from my recent one" he said "Hard. Not soft like your realm. Pleasant though the softness was. "


"Sorry to come back "Cole asked as Glock stretched the cramps out of his body


Glock hesitated "No" he said. He thought about it "Definitely no" he answered stretching to his full length "the softness in you realm was … pleasant and I am grateful for finally understanding it but…the softness softens you, makes the hardness harder to bear. Better I came back before I became to soft to live here. To soft to want to come back here. To soft to be able to come back here. "


“No matter how short that a time you are here?" Cole asked. “Or long?"


Glock shrugged then his nose twitched. "However short the time" he said facing the fact. Then his nose twitched as if he faced a moment of fear. He sucked his breath as if holding it in "Or long."


“Just as well "Cole said unsuccessfully trying to stretch the kinks from his body "I feel it on the spirit winds. The time has come for you to return to Burvjara."


"And you were so willing to listen to them, over your need to seek vengeance for the loss of your mate" Glock replied a touch sarcastically


Cole winced. "Temporary absence" he corrected. "Burvjara needs you. The' time has come when there is something more to fight for than fighting each other."


"The time has come when this need a messiah to lead them into battle, you mean?" Glock asked bluntly his face very orange in the orange light.


"Your people need a leader to trust. A leader who believes in Burvjara" Cole said in his guardian voice. "To be that leader. It doesn’t make you a god or a messiah. Its makes you...good."


Glock snorted


"As for the hero and legend part" Cole added.


"I know the answer "Glock relied grimly


Cole looked at him


"Deal with it "said Glock and his nose twitched


Cole grinned but before he could answer Glock shushed him.


Slowly, warily Glock gathered his robe together, pulled his hood over his face and stood up and Cole carefully followed his example. Then as Glock signalled to move down as small barely noticeable track, Cole quickly gathered his backpack and followed Glock until they arrived at a small clearing between thestark dead trees.


For some small moments, they stood, using their robes to fade against the dead orange trunks then Cole became aware that the shadows on the other side of the clearing had a form. Glock with a small sigh stepped into the clearing to immediately be confronted by a group of five Burvjarians, weapons raised.


The Burvjarians wore their robes with hoods undone and two were carrying carcases of shemlins over their shoulders.


Glock weaponless raised his hand and for what seemed eons they faced off. The Burvjarians uncertain and clearly not recognising Glock's cleaned robe or the made up one of Cole's. Glock very slowly pulled his hood back and glanced toward Cole who accepted the unspoken command and pulled his down as well.


At the sight of an Other, the Burvjarians who had been hesitant, made a decision.


Two of the band raised weapons and pointed them at Cole.


"Go Ogre" they said "this realm is not for your kind."


"Good "Cole started to say and without hesitation the Burvjarian fired his weapon straight at him.


Cole put his hand up and deflected the fire sending it flying into dead forest which because of the magic in the air lit up in a fireball that was so spectacular that for a moment all of those in the clearing were transfixed and those with weapons aimed lowered them slightly. The fireball after lighting all the dead forest around then fizzled as if water had been thrown on it, leaving some of the dead trees smouldering


The Burvjarians moved forward and one who had the shemlin over his shoulders dropped it and spat on the ground.


Cole took a deep slow breath and glared at his burned hand but before the Burvjarians could lift their weapons again, Glock raised his hand and said '"Hail brothers."


The Burvjarians eyed him suspiciously not sure who he was, and clearly not certain of clan and allegiance as they inspected his the washed and patched robe


"You are no brother of mine, you are no clan of mine" snarled the Burvjarian who had fired.


"I call all the souls of Burvjara my brother" Glock replied his voice deep rumbling. "I call them all my brother and my sister. I call all of them as my clan. They are of Burvjara. I am of Burvjara. We are Burvjarian" he said holding his ground, keeping his hand raised.


The Burvjarians looked at Glock in disgust. Cole started to raise his hand and the air cracked in fearful orange light.


"Do not "Glock ordered Cole who sucking his lip in disgust lowered his hand.


Glock's control of the hated Other had an affect. The Burvjarians lowered but did not uncock their weapons


"Who are you?" demanded the Burvjarian who had first fired "I do not 'recognise your clan. You walk through our land as if it was of your clan, but you are not of our clan."


Glock looked at him "I am of your clan" he insisted “I am of the clan Burvjara"


The Burvjarians looked at him with derision, disgust and distrust.


"But if you believe I am not of your clan" Glock continued as he noted this "I humbly ask my brothers permission to cross" this realm."


Glock slowly pulled his hood over his head and almost showed both his hands palms down in what Cole recognised as the traditional symbol of subservience. Cole held his breath as he waited and after what seemed an eternity the combatants finally uncocked their weapons and with a wave of their hands indicated passage started to turn away.


Glock nodded and moved across the clearing indicating Cole should follow. Then he stopped.


"But take nothing of ours or clan Burvjarian or not, you are a dead Burvjarian" the leader of the group threatened.


"I have nourishment and liquid" Glock answered. "I break the fast before I walk. Join me." He said.


The Burvjarians stopped. They considered him, then looked at each other. Cole realised from their expressions the idea of sharing with those from another clan was incomprehensible.


"I share what I have with my brothers" Glock said.


The Burvjarians noses twitched. "What sort of nourishment?" one finally asked.


"Fruit from the Other's realm" Glock answered. "Fresh water and some meat. Cheese."


"What is cheese?" asked one curiously.


"Share with me and find out" Glock answered


The Burvjarians hesitated then nodded. "We have grain and liquid" their leader told him.


Glock clearly understood his people because from fearing that the meeting in the clearing would be the end of Glock, almost minutes later Cole found himself sharing with the five Burvjarians the fruit, oranges and peaches, tinned ham and cheese he had grabbed from the refrigerator at the manor before they left . He also found himself accepting their offer of the tasteless grain that sustained most of Burvjara when war stopped them hunting.


"This nourishment from afar is good“ said a Burvjarian licking his lips as he ate part of an orange, including the peel. "Sweet. Soft."


"As are most of the lands afar" Glock said "Soft and green."


The Burvjarians noses twitched as if they did not approve.


"But that is orange" Glock added and Cole grinned to himself.


As a last peace offering Cole extended the block chocolate he had pinched from Phoebe's secret cache, just before they let and smiled quietly as each of the combatants sucked on the sweetness. It clearly induced a mood of conviviality that the start of the meeting had lacked'.


Glock as he drank the Burvjarians water and ate their grain must have recognised the mood because he thanked them for their hospitality. "I have been in a .. far place. I have missed sharing nourishment over stones" he asked "I thank my brothers" and the Burvjarians stiffened slightly "for their permission to cross their land but I am curious why you hesitated to …why did you not defend your land"


Two Burvjarians slowly stood up and raised their weapons


"Why do you not know?" asked one suspiciously.


“Í have been …afar "said Glock remaining seated casual, as if he had not noticed..


The Burvjarians looked at him suspicion in their face, their trunk like nose twitching.


Glock pushed, ignoring their tension "Why do you not defend the land?" he asked.


"We looked to share you nourishment" murmured one with a snort.


"When I left… to travel.. All would have defended... long before we came to talk of nourishment" Glock said.


The Burvjarians exchanged glances and the silence bit into the orange coloured air. Finally one made a decision.


"The lines have been drawn since the death of Glock" he said his hand moving on the trigger on his weapon, while Cole stood back and watched holding his fingers apart as if he had to resist forming a fireball.


Glock took a deep, deep breath. He stood up


"The lines have been drawn to cease the combat" he asked "since the death of Glock.'


"Yes' said a Burvjarian suspiciously. "A great leader dies … uselessly and the fighting seemed… useless" he said "Not fighting … has made his death … less useless" he said "It won’t last" he added. "The Others call to arms and claim to support us, protect us from our own peace, when truthfully they come to steal the pole from us."


"So" said another Burvjarian" they will seek to divide clans and break our peace because as always they will find they need us to focus the power of the pole. And the battle lines will be drawn again but there has been peace, if you call that the clans of Burvjara have not fought since Glock died, peace. But it will not last."


"How do you know the Others are coming?" Cole asked.


"You are here Ogre" snarled a Burvjarian "And the Others send word asking where to come, asking for the lay of the land, offering much for what they can be told. As they have done before. They claim as always they come to protect us from the demons, and then they try to steal our magic." He spat viciously on the ground and two other Burvjarians spat in the same place.


"How do you know they will come to fight the demons?" Cole asked his voice quiet.


"The demons are here" said one combatant in a matter of fact voice. "They have come and now surround the pole." He laughed viciously "Those that survived the trip."


"I hear this from my brothers across the divide. If the demons come, the guardians of Light" and the Burvjarian who said the word spat "will not be far away to call us to arms and claim to support us. And we will battle again. Because each side needs us to control the magic."


"It has been good "said another Burvjarian "to greet the light and know I will not end the day setting a pyre for lost brothers. I value these days. I did not dream in my lifetime to have them."


All the Burvjarians looked awkward.


"It has been good" said another. "Not to fight."


"Good" the remaining ones agreed.


Cole took a risk "What type of demons are at the pole?" he asked.


The Burvjarians looked at him as if he was dirt.


"Demons" one finally answered "Demons… who cares what sort. They blow up in black clouds and more follow. That is all we need to know about demons."


Cole nodded and backed slightly away from the group.


Glock half turned away as if to walk, then he turned back. Very deliberately he said "If the lines for peace were drawn to mourn Glock they were have been drawn in error "he said "because I am Glock and I have never been dead".


The Burvjarians went rigid then raised their weapons.


Glock, as he stood there weaponless, fearlessly repeated "I am Glock."


A Burvjarian snorted, "I have brother who was there when Glock died, at the hands of an Ogre" said the Burvjarian. And then his nose twitched and he eyed Cole suspiciously.


"Your brother was mistaken" Glock said "I was taken away by the Ogre" he said "taken to a realm where the land is green" Glock said "Taken by the Ogre here to his soft sweet realm and now I have been returned…. eventually by the Ogre. Here."


The Burvjarians suspiciously cocked their weapons.


"Is the peace any less true because I am not dead?" Glock asked. "Are the days where funeral pyres were not built any less valuable, because none has been built for me?"


For seconds the Burvjarians were silent, while Cole held his breath.


Finally, the Burvjarian who had first fired at Cole snorted "Glock or not" he said "it was only time before the ogres and demons and others returned. One vulture arrives, its companions will be sure to follow...." he looked at Glock "I do not believe you to be Glock "he said


"I do not care "said Glock.


"Perhaps your death removed the others and demon trash" said one "but clearly your return has brought them back."


"There is a case to be made to say I have brought them back "Glock said all the time holding his ground and his demeanour. "But" and he drew himself up to his full height "the truth is I have returned to oust them from Burvjara, to take Burvjara for Burvjarian, to ensure the magic belongs to us. I have returned to oust the invaders, any invaders. But you can choose if you believeme."


Three of the Burvjarians after some hesitation uncocked their weapons.


"No Burvjarian has died by weapons since Glock died" said their leader. His nose twitched "Or not.. Let some other fire first"


Cole who had frequently been driven to anger with his frustration of the Burvjarians' fatalistic attitude to battle as it occurred to him that only those who had lived through a war knew the true price of peace.


"And how to you intend to oust them," demanded a Burvjarian. "Will it be demon or other will you ally with to rid us of the other group."


"I ally with neither "said Glock "I will fight them with my clan, my brothers, Burvjarians at my side. All Burvjarians, any Burvjarians. All my brothers any of my brothers who will walk with me.


"And if Burvjarians will not walk behind you?" asked a Burvjarian.


"Then I ask them to walk beside me" said Glock simply.


“And if Burvjarians will not walk beside you?" snarled a Burvjarian.


"Then I will walk alone" said Glock.


"Except for the Ogre" snapped another shifting his weapon from hand to hand.


"A friend is a friend" Glock replied and Cole raised his eyes. "Not always an ally."


Glock was clearly making an effort not to confront yet not give ground.


Cole had seen Burvjarians face each other like this before. And he shuffled nervously. Sometime these confrontations, often these confrontations, blew into battle. Sometimes, much less often, as one Burvjarian held his ground but kept his composure and kept his gestures to those of a non-combatant, they walked away with weapons unfired.


Cole had never quite understood the gestures and what they signified any more than he understood the small changes in robes and what it meant as caste members.


Glock and the Burvjarians held ground, Glock standing quietly, his hands clear, open, and they eyed each other for a while clearly making the gestures waiting or one another.


Glock shifted his weight.


"Raise your damn weapon" ordered a Burvjarian "and fight as Glock would fight if you are him".


"I have no weapon to fight Burvjarians "said Glock. He glanced at Cole "The cursed Ogre there never thought to rescue it when he rescued me."


"Not much of a rescue" snorted a Burvjarian.


"This I told, him" Glock said. "


"Glock told me a Burvjarian without a weapon is a dead Burvjarian." Cole said


"This time an Ogre speaks the truth "said a Burvjarian making a decision and lowering his weapon "So you are in truth dead Ashina Glock." and he made the title sound like an insult "but we have broken fast with you and will not build your pyre today."


"You come to fight demons walking beside an Ogre"  Burvjarian repeated.


"I take my weapons as I find them," said Glock: "I walk with Ogre because I have no other weapons. I have no weapons to kill Burvjarians, only this one to face demons and others."


"And soon you will be fighting Burvjarians who have no time for the others who come to claim Burvjara" the Burvjarian replied


"Burvjarians is for Burvjarians" Glock told them. "I use the weapons I have. I use the Ogre. I use what I know to fight those who come. I fight the others who would battle me for my land"


 Cole swallowed as he thought of Phoebe and her sisters and the witches


"I fight the demons." Glock said "But "and his face turned dark orange with passion. "I have fought my last Burvjarian "he said "I no longer have the stomach or weapons for it."


"So you are not weaponless. You have an Ogre for a weapon" snarled a Burvjarian.


"I have lived in the Other's green realm" Said Glock "I have seen their weaknesses. I know how to fight the Others, and I know how to fight the ogres should it become necessary. I no longer know how to fight Burvjarians."


The Burvjarians and Glock stared each other down while Cole watched resisting the urge to protect Glock with his magic, realising he was only an observer and this battle was one Glock had to win"


After what seemed forever Glock very slowly held out his hand to the Burvjarians. “We are of different clans. But I am of the clan Burvjarian and this is the clan to whom I am now loyal. And I fight the enemies who would seek to destroy and enslave Burvjara. Be of my clan, be my brother and fight with me. Fight the enemies of Burvjara.


"I will not follow you" "the Burvjarian insisted "I am not of your clan.


"Then walk beside me." Said Glock. "Come fight the demons beside me. Come fight the enemies of Burvjara beside me" He extended his arm "We are of the clan Burvjara. Be my clansmen, be my brother and fight with me" he said


The Burvjarian who had first fired at Cole, flushed dark orange. He threw his hood completely back.


"I do not like you." he told Glock. "I do not like your features and what you are troubles me" he pushed. "I do not trust your motives and I do not trust your belief that you can bring a peace to Burvjara when no-one else can."


"You thought I could bring the peace by being dead" Glock said. "Yet you cannot believe I can do it alive."


"You trouble me. I do not like the way you look" insisted the Burvjarian.


Glock's nose twitched . "Something I learned in the Other's green land" he said


The Burvjarians watched him suspiciously


"You do not like me. Suck it up and deal with it" said Glock and Cole smiled.
