Faithfully Yours

Part 6: War is hell


Chapter 52

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

The Minions of Good formed back into their ranks and by now unconcerned about the state of the ground, sat down and chewed on the last of their meagre rations. In front of them the whitelighters had been called forward to conference with the Elder Warriors and by the look of it, they were not having a friendly discussion. Several of the whitelighters were gesticulating wildly and the Elders looked furious.


''Tell me?“ Paige asked Edna. "In all the history you studied, did you ever study anything where a straight invasion worked. Shut up about history Piper" she added.


Piper ground her teeth.


"Yes" said Edna looking worried and concerned. "When they invaded the beaches at Normandy in World War 2.“'


“We won that" said Phoebe. “That's how we came into France.'


"Yes" agreed Edna "Only the ones that made it up the beach made it by sheltering behind the bodies of the ones who did not make it."


All the witches made around who heard made a quick gasp of breath.


Phoebe had been sitting very still. She was feeling the weight of Pookie's magic as well as her own, so she was suffering even more than her sister witches. Suddenly she felt very faint and with a protective arm across Pookie she fell back as she was hit by a vision. She saw a vision of a hideous war, where the dying tried to hide behind the dead, and then she saw a vision in black and white of charred and ash covered bodies and they were piled at the front of the demons. In her vision she was aware of the horror and the burning and the frozen in death faces of witches and whitelighters. Around the pyres a few Burvjarians and remaining witches stood in the strange silence that only the defeated in battle can know, before they turned to face the demons. She was aware of Glock battered not far from death looking at the pyres.


A Burvjarian turned to him "We would have won if it were not for protecting those accursed innocent witches."


"It was the honourable thing to do, to protect your love" Glock whispered as he died and Phoebe could feel, actually feel, Burvjara die with him.


She moaned and came out of the vision only half conscious and it took her some instants to even be aware the other witches around her were staring and the orange light was flaming around her


"I had a premonition" she said unnecessarily.


"Don't try and connect with your magic here" said a whitelighter a touch prissily.


"I was not trying, It just happened" said Phoebe.


"Very bad?" asked Piper half lifting Phoebe off the ground.


"We must not fight" said Phoebe desperately. "Demons or Burvjarians


Before Piper could say anything else three Elder warriors climbed into the towering rocks near them. The witches in various states of disbelief and dubiousness, listened none to politely as they were exhorted to fight a great battle. They were told Good from this day forth, would be the guardians of the realm and the magic pole would it be placed at risk of evil control and it would be all thanks to those who had made this long march. They were told how their names would be honoured in the roll call of Great Magic


Piper crossed her arms “We may have to fight someone." she said indicating the Elders. "If we came to stop this, now would really be a good time."


"I think we have a receptive audience.“ Paige said. "We came to mutiny she whispered to her sisters "And it's now unless you think we ought to fight" she added.


"Any of this changed your mind that this...invasion is a just one" Piper whispered back.


Paige slowly shook her head. "It’s a damned stupid one" she said.


“Okay how…"said Piper.


“My turn," interrupted Phoebe. “That premonition left me just pissed enough to stop those damned Elders"


Before her sisters could do or say anything Phoebe not thinking levitation just that she was so pissed at the Elders she wanted to get them, found herself flying through the ranks. She left a large and fiery orange trail behind her as startled Minions of Good fell out of her way, wondering what the avenging comet was.


The Elder Warrior leader waved the arms and called "This is where we were called. This is where we finally defeat evil's hold on magic.


"Not likely" snarled Phoebe.


She arrived at the Elders rising higher than them, hands on hips "How the hell do you expect anyone to fight evil when, most of us can't use our magic?" She demanded conveniently ignoring the fact that she was using hers, out of control, but using it.


"The magic will be channelled "said an Elder "We have been reserving shields. Return to your ranks witch" "The Elder ordered with a sneer.


Phoebe rose higher, the orange flames flashing behind her and sparking at the Elders robes as the twelve of them stood backs to the rim of the crater.


"You do know that the demons will use their magic, and they won't care how many of them die?" Phoebe asked sarcastically.


"Our Burvjarian friends have assured us that demonic magic and the pole is not .combatable, we have shields that will protect you. Our friends told us  told us how to sue them." said an Elder more for the information of those in the front ranks who were hearing the conversation.


"The same ones who told you where to dematerialise" Phoebe said scornfully. "With friends like those you don't need enemies. Sure shields will work, magic shields work here." She raiser her hands "they'll work like everything else worked, like the shields transporting us into the pole, like the food arriving, like the way you prepared us with clothes and footwear" and she raised her bruised and battered and very dirty feet.


Through the ranks the murmurs started about what was happening and the answer came that a witch was challenging the Elders, one of the Charmed Ones, the one that had the premonitions, the one that knew all about Burvjara.


They started to surge forward, some of them openly cheering Phoebe on while the  twelve Elders faced her, hostile and hands resting on their swords.


"This isn't a just war" Phoebe stormed. "Any credence you had to that went when the archangels abandoned on you. You do not lead for Good." she told the Elders. "You lead us to war for your own power. And you don't care who you sacrifice." She sneered "Too many have died already," she told the Elders "but you can still turn back and you may… find mercy."


The Elder warrior leader just looked up at her, hovering in the orange Burvjarian light. One half stepped forward raising a sword, then stopped but stood as if ready to cut her down..


"Then face a fearful justice" Phoebe said quietly "Trust me I know." She waved her hands in the air half turning to the Minions of Good. "Enough of us have died" she said" for your ambitions. It stops. No-one here will fight or you."


"This is mutiny witch" stormed the Elder. "Remove the witch" the Elder leader ordered the whitelighter warriors who had been standing watching Phoebe uncertain and hesitant "Remove the coward witch. Remove the mutineer," the Elder leader screamed at them.


The whitelighters hesitated still and Paige and Piper were able to push through the ranks to stand beside Phoebe. A number of other witches moved between the whitelighters and Phoebe. Several of the whitelighters backed away shaking their heads.


Phoebe spun the white dress swirling in orange flame. "I had a premonition" she said. “If we fight we will die and we will lose and Burvjara will be lost "she said. “It's not a fight between Good and Evil, no-one can win the damned pole. The pole will protect itself against magic, Evil and Good. "She swung her hand to where the demon battalions waited. "The pole is killing them for just being here and it will kill us."


She waved her hands at the Elders and then back toward the demons "You can see their dead piled up just getting here" she said "It is Evil to climb over the bodies of dead minions, to get power. The demon masters, the Geztalt are doing it. It is evil to want power for the sake of having power. That is what the demons do" she called "They worship it and can't get enough. And that is what we are being asked to do. Take the power from some-one else because you can't get enough."


Phoebe's anger pushed her higher and the flames became a firestorm of light the white dress and wool coat she wore fizzling as the flame caught hold "The pole means nothing": she said. You can't use it" you can't hold and you can't control it. Only Burvjarians can. The pole belongs to Burvjara. Burvjara belongs to Burvjarians. These ones "and she waved her hands to the Elders “ They are asking us to commit Evil, to be Evil to do Evil for Power, power for them and nothing else."


"And you know evil, Belthezor's witch" snarled an Elder.


"I know my enemy" said Phoebe her nose coming up.


"Damned good one "muttered Piper reaching up to beat out the flames on Phoebes dress. "They want to send unarmed witches into battle. Looks like the only protection here is "and she waved a hand at the resplendent gold armoured robes of the Warrior Elders "Occupied" she said scornfully.


Paige clambered her way up the rocks, as close to Phoebe as she could get "Burvjara belongs to Burvjarians. These are not innocents to be saved." she said "these ones must save themselves, must find there own honour" and she turned to the Elders "There are no innocents here to save and you know it, but still you want us to fight, what for, to take the power that does not belong to them for fear the Burvjarians can use it."


the Minions of Good murmered and surged toward the Elders, then stopped as the whitelighters, hesitated and then with some reluctance, came between them and the Elders.


"We are fighting to save the innocents" stormed the Elder leader who turned to the whitelighters. "Kill the mutinous witches"


"The Burvjarians aren't innocents" Phoebe repeated, ignoring the order. "They lost their innocence. The only way they can get it back is to take back their land, to take back this insane civil war. That Good and Evil caused trying to control that pole."


Below her the army of the minions watched confused and unsure, some openly nodding an agreeing and others looking uncertain. None after their long journey ready to start waving the banner for the Elders.


"The pole belongs to Burvjara." Phoebe declared


"Leave this place for the Burvjarians" roared Piper "They have not asked us to fight for them or with them" she said. "They know only they can win it. The rest can only lose."


"How do you know this?" demanded and Elder in an hysterical voice while the twelve companions lined on the edge of the crater, turned to each other in confusion.


"I had a premonition" Phoebe told the Elders her voice almost a whisper but somehow carrying in the Burvjarian air. "I saw the funeral pyres of the dead witches. I saw the battle lost as waves of witches faced an enemy who destroyed to destroy, and enemy lost in blood lust. I saw witches die facing an enemy who has no respect fro life, crippled. I saw the magic fail because you have listened to what we want and I saw the witches and others using the bodies of dead brethren to shield their escape."


"You have no premonition" declared an Elder "Witch mutineer. No powers were sent. You make your lies and live of your fame as a demon mistress. Belthezor's witch "he scorned. "You want to take power and use your demon connections.'


"If you think the only powers and calls I have are those from your low level of magic" Phoebe said turning to the Elders. "If you think this is a story from evil. Face the demons" she said "Be the first one in lead the charge. Trust your own magic."


The Elders looked at Phoebe. Still a little above the crater she pointed to the great a demon army. "Lead the charge and we will follow "she said.


The Elders looked at her, to her surprise two actually started to move forward but were stopped by their companions.


And a ripple of disgust went through the Minions of Good.


"Destroy the mutinous witches" The Elder whose voice was becoming hysterical ordered the whitelighters,. "'Destroy the witch, the consort of evil, destroy her handmaiden sisters, they speak for the source, they are evil."


One of the Elder warriors on the edge raised his sword and Phoebe still in an awkward levitation kicked clear, leaving a trail of sparkling fire drops. Two others near Piper and Paige also raised swords, but before the witches could respond three of the whitelighters, the ones who had been closest to the Charmed Ones in the long march lifted their swords, and put them in front of where the Charmed Ones stood, placing themselves between the Charmed sisters and the Elders.




Cole found himself walking beside Glock down through the plain, straight toward the magic pole, and the closer he came to the pole the harder each step came for him, as if his magic was now a dead weight. Behind them marched a ragged army of Burvjarians, the ones who had walked with them and a large band of armed combatants who were apparently some of Glock's clan or their cohorts who had joined them at the edge of the plain.


Whatever Glock's clansmen had heard about his return through the stones, they kept to themselves, and no-one was predisposed to explain to Cole. They greeted Glock with a casual raising of hands and he said "Walk with me."


And they followed him as he turned toward the pole.


Cole also got the feeling but could not get Glock interested enough in Burvjarian society to tell him, that some of those who marched with his clan were opponents before his supposed death. All he could really understand was that those who marched with Glock and behind him were Burvjarian. They were those who had come at Glock's call through the stones, or at their neighbours behest, or out of sheer curiosity or pleasure at the prospect of battle.


They came from Burvjara to fight for Burvjara.


Glock, weaponless and hood thrown back, strode ahead, making it still impossible for any of them to walk beside him. They followed him. At first spread out, but gradually pushed closer by the ever narrowing path to the pole until Glock's clansmen were shoulder to shoulder with those who had first joined.


Glock seemed only concentrating on what lay up ahead. Cole too was soon far more concerned about what was ahead than those who walked behind.


His normal connection to Phoebe seemed magnified by the power of the pole and he was totally aware if her presence and her anger and her pain, to the point he felt that half of him was walking with her. And it was becoming harder and harder not to damn it all where he was and go to her.


The Burvjarians because of the transparent mist could not see the pole or the crater, or the demons that held it, just the swirling sand where the army of Good had marched through but Glock finally stopped and indicated the army of Good ahead, apparently not yet moving.


"They are between us and the pole" Glock said mildly.


"Then they had best be ready to fight" said a Burvjarian behind Glock.


"They best be ready to die" said another.


“As will happen, to those who invade our land" said another one and there was a level of cheering and sounds of weapons being raised as the Burvjarians prepared themselves to fight.


Cole spun to ward Glock "No" he ordered. "No. Glock don't. Give them time."


Glock's trunk like nose twitched "They come as an army, they come to invade us. And they walked long and hard to get here to do it. You think they did all this to turn around?"


"They best turn around or the last thing they will see are the accursed demons" said a Burvjarian behind them and a many from all the ranks of ragged warriors laughed.


"Piper and Paige are down there" Cole bit out "And Phoebe.'


"They have not stopped anything" Glock replied.


"'Glock I can feel things, with Phoebe...I can … she's trying. They are trying." Cole pleaded.


"They stand between us and the pole" Glock said calmly, too calmly. "Can you hear things, or just want them to be?" he asked "Because you want to believe this great love of yours is … the legend you want it to be and she has to be a heroine."


"I feel things" Cole said helplessly. "And I know Phoebe."


Glock shrugged and Cole flung himself in front of the Burvjarians, raising his hands, reaching for his magic.


"I will fight through any who stand between the pole and Burvjara" Glock said his voice rumbling in the Burvjarian mist.


Cole held his position, reaching hard for his magic, feeling Phoebe and much of what she was going through. He started to move his finger and Glock nodded and walked forward stepping slightly to the side to go around him. The Burvjarians some of them noses twitching in pleasure that the Great Glock had walked through an Ogre followed, stepping around Cole, some taking the chance to elbow him as they did.


"Ogres first, the army of Good next" said one as he passed and he spat just beside Cole.


"Then the demons" said another and he too spat on the ground near Cole


Cole swallowing hard, lowered his hands and ignoring the weight he carried strode after Glock. He caught up and grabbed Glock by the shoulder "If you fire on them they will fight. Good will fight if you attack them, if any of you fire…"


"And we will fight any who stand between Burvjara and the pole" Glock said, but Cole heard the catch in his voice.


Cole shuddering walked silently beside Glock, feeling everything his love standing at the head of an invading army was feeling.




At the edge of the crater, the army of good stood confused awkward, whilst their Elder leaders were held behind the swords of the whitelighter warriors. Behind them the demon army down in the crater seemed reluctant to leave the vicinity of the pole and they stood uncertain but clearly ready to fight.


Behind the demon lines, some straining to see what was happening, the robed faceless Geztalt exhorted the demons to fight. Those who watched saw the robed figures jumping up and down, using great arm gestures, some pleading some threatening. At first the demons seemed confused and maybe as perplexed about the affect of the magic pole as the Minions of Good above them. However the watchers saw the demons form the lines of battalions as if they seemed to listen finally to their Geztalt master's orders and they started move forward to protect and hold their ground, and confront the enemy on the ridge.


The leader of Elders still held back behind the swords of the warriors whitelighters, stood on the edge of the crater. They pointed to the moving demon army and screamed that they were about to be attacked and the shrill hysteria of Elder's voice went through the Minions of Good like a wave. Many of the witches and warrior types who had weapons other than magic powers, moved to be ready for battle and war. To protect themselves.


The Charmed Ones half turned to each other at the sound of swords unsheathed and some weapons cocked. Before they could tell the minions of Good to disarm those at the back called that the Burvjarian army approached..


Lost in the confrontation between the Charmed Ones and Elders, the Minions of Good had not realised, that the Burvjarians were approaching so close and suddenly found themselves threatened by rough, battle hardened war torn warriors behind them, and an army of demons in front. As those at the back finally saw the Burvjarians, ragged, large, battle hardened many carry weapons already cocked and ready to fight, the rumour that the Burvjarians were in league with the demons was storming amongst the confused and increasingly panicking Minions of Good.


"No "screamed Piper "No" She turned around to face the Minions "Glock will fight the demons" she screamed. "The Burvjarians will take the demons. We don't... we must not fight."


"If the Burvjarians can get to them" said Paige her voice hoarse with fear.


Catching the Charmed Ones fear, the Elders tried to take the moment and the momentum to regain control of the army


"You join with evil" roared the Elder leader shaking his fist at the approaching Burvjarians, but  safely behind those Minions of Good closest to the Burvjarians. "You must fight them, destroy them before they join with the demons." The Elder exhorted the witches and Others.


The Elders ordered pleaded and commanded the Minions to fight the Burvjarians, calling them the kin of Evil. Insisting the Burvjarians were coming to join their clansmen, some of the whitelighter warriors lowered their swords and several moved forward to face the Burvjarians


"They will fight "Paige whispered.


"Damn it of course they will fight, they will all fight" cursed Piper "Damn them, damn them, damn them."


Glock, well ahead of the Burvjarians, with Cole hidden under his false Burvjarian robe to the side came within calling distance of the Minions of Good.


The warrior whitelighters who guarded the back ranks suddenly and uncertainly found themselves at the head of an army. They drew swords and placed themselves in front of their charges, ready to defend, while some of the ones who had kept the Elders from Phoebe tried to push through the crowded ranks but got caught in the crowd so that the Burvjarians could just see their swords raised above the masses.


Further back the Elder leaders seeing the demons moving urged the Minions of Good to fight. And were rewarded by them moving toward the Burvjarians


Glock was now close enough to call to the whitelighters who were at the front of the ranks that faced them


"We fight for Burvjara" Glock called as he advanced. "Stand down or we fight. And Angels you will lose" he added deliberately


Behind him ragged Burvjarian warriors raised their weapons.


The whitelighter warriors swords held high moved slightly toward Glock and witches and other minions who had reason to appreciate what the whitelighters had tried to do during the long march, moved with them to protect them.


"They will fight us and as soon as the first shot is fired it will be the end" yelled Piper desperately, caught at the wrong side of the army of good and far away from where she could reach Glock to reason with him. "They will come through. I know Glock he'll keep coming."


"Then we better make sure he gets through" said Phoebe "I have an idea" she said.


She pushed herself forward, still flying on the strength of her levitation and the flames her magic sent out rising behind her. Some did try to stop her, but she was concentrating only on getting to the front and the flames bursting around her, caused those in her path to press out of her way cramming against the other witches in the narrow space.


"That's hell of an idea "said Piper as Phoebe pushed and flamed her way through the minions of Good.


"Let's go" said Paige grabbing Piper's hand and charging forward through the path Phoebe had made.


Phoebe paid no attention to the flames, all she thought about was reaching Glock and that was enough to make her levitation impel her forward. She half pushed and half glided her way back through as the crowds opened up a narrow line. Behind her ignoring the flame Paige and Piper followed running to keep up with her.


Phoebe reached the frontline, just as Glock and Cole now some distance ahead of the Burvjarians approached the sword wielding whitelighters. The whitelighters prepared to defend, swords ready but stopped uncertain as they were approached by two unarmed Burvjarian so far in front of the other Burvjarians.


"Stand down" Phoebe ordered them, then for half a second Phoebe was distracted enough to look toward Cole, hidden behind his Burvjarian robe. She felt a rush of love for him and half lifted her hand toward him and she was sure he was feeling it too. She saw his body lift and she knew with a certainty that behind that hood as he watched, her half floating across the Burvjarian plains in a flaming dress his mother had stolen for her, he was smiling a special smile for her. It flashed through her mind, the smile might disappear if he knew where the dress had come from.


Phoebe with an effort stopped floating directly in front of the whitelighters.


"The Burvjarians do not come to fight you" she told the whitelighters "They come to protect their home."


The whitelighters hesitated but held their swords high.


"We need to pass" Glock said, calmly as if he was not facing a very frightened army.


"The line is open" Phoebe called to Glock indicating the narrow space behind her "they are good, they do not attack those who do not attack them. Fight if you will, but the cost will be the end of everything you want."


"We fight those who invade us" Glock called.


Phoebe saw Cole standing held ready for action beside Glock watching her and it gave her courage.


"Chose your battle "she called to Glock. "I have seen what happens if you fight us. You know I speak the truth. You know I am a truth speaker. I told you that you would … lead your people" she taunted. "I speak the truth."


Glock's nose twitched bitterly, his skin became darker orange and he stepped slightly forward.


The whitelighters behind Phoebe started to crowd forward with raised swords.


"Let us through" Glock said as those behind Phoebe pressed into the space she had created.


Piper and Paige managed to force their way to stand beside Phoebe.


As Glock stepped to her, Phoebe moved back, the air crackling with fire around her.


"Come through if you have the courage" Phoebe told him almost sarcastically.


Behind Glock and Cole the Burvjarians were catching up and the sound of weapons being primed was heard.


"Come though" Phoebe said. "But we do not fight you, if you do not fight us."


"Come through" called Piper "Glock you have the courage."


Glock spun toward Piper, and just stopped himself moving. "Step aside" Glock told Phoebe.


"Walk through" Phoebe taunted. "Come through if you have the courage. You have no arms. Come though. Come to me. Walk through the fire."


Glock looked at her "I do not like you" he told Phoebe his nose twitching.


Phoebe's nose came up. "I do not like you" she teased. "Do you have the courage to face an army on your own?"


Cole took half a step forward and Cole moved with him.


"Stay back Ogre" Glock ordered Cole.


"I follow my own path" Cole said his voice oddly deeper in the Burvjarian air.


"Glock you have the courage "Piper called "come through."


Glock, hood thrown back, yellow eyes glowing in the fluorescent Burvjarian mist nodded to Piper. His nose twitched "I dislike you witch" he said to Phoebe and strode forward into the ranks of the Minion of Good


As Glock came toward her. Phoebe moved herself backward. She held her arms forward hands summoned him, her white dress now flickering in the light. The minions behind her pulled out of her way and on either side Paige and Piper stepped beside Phoebe, clearing the path.


Glock continued to move forward as Phoebe white dress, by now a raggedy mess, using her magic in a way she should not, floating backwards, created a flaming path for him to walk.


The Minions of Good many of them with weapons ready, awkwardly pressed back on the narrow path to the pole, allowing Glock followed closely by Cole hidden behind his Burvjarian hood to go by. They were utterly silent as Glock and Cole passed by them.


Behind him the Burvjarians surged into the path, all heavily armed and weapons cocked. Piper, walking backwards to clear the path and never taking her eyes off Glock, held her breath knowing that if one of the Minions of Good attacked a Burvjarian it would become a battle. They would fight and with the demons coming forward from the pole, all would be lost.


The whitelighter warriors, swords still in hand, reluctantly stepped back and allowed the Burvjarians through and slowly the rest of Glock's followers came behind him. The Burvjarians held their weapons high, some with hoods thrown back, orange skin almost appearing to flame in the strange Burvjarian mist, dirty ragged robes fading against each other.


And still Phoebe, surrounded by not quite erupting flame, floated backward, summoning Glock to follow her, while the Elder berating the minions to fight were the only other voices heard. Finally the Elders fell to frustrated and angry silence and then the only sound beyond the patter of minions crushing against each other to move away was the sound of the Burvjarians hob nail boots slapping along the stones as they strode behind Glock through the ranks of the Minions of Good


One Elder again called to take the Burvjarians. Leslie climbed near them.


"My power is to burn evil" she said into the Elder's face "And I came here ready to die to protect innocents. I am still prepared, so don't think I won't use it even if I burn in the flames."


Edna and Tisha and several other witches stood beside her and the Elders faded into silence, but the rigidity with which they stood made it very clear that they still had a battle to fight.


Phoebe moved backward, floating calling to Glock to follow her. Piper and Paige cleared as wide a path as they could, in the confines of the space. Slowly the Burvjarians made their way through the narrow path between the Minions of Good.


Uncertain many of the army of Good stood looked at the feared and fearsome Burvjarian warriors following Glock with weapons cocked. At each stride they glanced to the minions and all who were there knew that if any witch connected with their magic, if a Burvjarian fingered a weapon, any pretext of resisting hostility was lost.


Glock was slowed down to the pace Phoebe could float backwards. He did not look right or left but marched forward, an unarmed figure his hood back, his face darker than normal as it reflected the orange light of the magic pole.


There was one terrifying moment when a Burvjarian, in the crowded space jostled into a whitelighter who raised his sword. The Burvjarian turned weapon ready.


Paige almost screamed "Nooooooo" as she tried to clear the way but before the sound came out, the whitelighter moved the flat side of the sword to make a barrier to push the minions form the path, and with a small nod of his head the Burvjarian lowered his weapon.


Beside and a little to the right of Glock Cole walked in front of the Burvjarians. He kept the hood of his imitation robe well forward and most of the minions would probably not have recognised him for the other he was, if some had not heard Glock all him 'Ogre'.


Once as the whitelighters and some of the witches stepped back for the Burvjarians soundlessly, Cole moved his hood back enough so Phoebe could see his face.


She met his eyes tremendously and saw something she was frightened she may never see again, A smile that was specially or her, a smile that showed everything he felt and had felt 


She bit her lip slightly and he mouthed 'I love you' before pulling the hood hard over his head


Phoebe just caught Glock glance toward him, then looked once toward Piper and his nose twitched and he strode forward no longer looked at her. Piper moving backward caught her breath one and continued to clear the path of the minions so that the long lines fell away from the army of Burvjarians.
