Faithfully Yours

Part 7: There are no strangers..


Chapter 61

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Cole stood in the shower, letting the very hot water run down his back. He caught his breath as the bone chilling cold that he had endured in Burvjara for what had been nearly a cycle in their time, painfully ran down the drain with the water and orange Burvjarian dirt. Not even a glug glug bang in the pipes that should have made him very nervous that Leo's latest repair job was not going to hold, could take away the unabated pleasure of feeling clean and warm, or not frozen to his soul at any rate. In some of those periods… days and freezing nights he had been so cold he had bitterly resented being immortal, because he was sure he was not far from complete hypothermia, and as it could not kill him all he could do was painfully endure it.

Enjoying the sensual feel of the hot water, Cole felt slightly guilty that for all his protestations of how much he loved Phoebe he was actually put off rushing after her until he had showered and washed as much as he could of the ground in dirt of Burvjara away. Not that Phoebe could reasonably expect he would follow her to a San Francisco beach looking like the lost decrepit, dirty guardian of Burvjara.

Then he laughed out loud at the idea that his Phoebe could be even remotely reasonable. She would be pissed he had not rushed straight to her regardless, well nearly as pissed as she would be if he arrived stinking and dirty and messed her clothes. At least he hoped she would because if she was not then they had some serious fences to mend. He put his head back and let the hot soothing water run down his face and then shivered . He admitted to himself he was nervous facing her again. Because all the soul depth emotion in Burvjara may have got over the 'are you sure you love me part of the drama' of the last few weeks. However he was not sure it had done much to help the BUT that followed.

Cole was finally forced to leave the shower because the clunking noise became so loud, he thought the house was going to start shaking, and then he discovered he used all the hot water.  Piper was going to be pissed, more pissed at him. He thought about just magically fixing it, then he considered the possibility that the pipes could stand no more magic pressure. Besides when he thought about it, it was unlikely Piper could be more pissed at him, no matter how hard she tried.

He went into the bedroom wrapping a towel around him because Phoebe had issues when he dripped water over the carpet. He used another towel to dry his hair as he walked. Then he started badly as he realised the long black figure of the demon guardian Proctor was standing in his, Phoebe and his, bedroom inspecting the naked drawings of Phoebe that George had drawn and he had appropriated. Cole had thrown them on the chair in the bedroom and was less than pleased to see Proctor perusing them with great interest.

Proctor took his time looking up. The demonic expression was even more marked than usual and Cole frowned at him with irritation.

"Well met Belthezor" Proctor said "I observe your wife is not …here" he added with a ghost of a smile.

"I'm not going after Therold "Cole snarled "Phoebe isn't with him. So if you have come to warn me off…."

"I have not" said Proctor

He continued to examine the drawings while Cole glared at him "They're private" Cole hissed but hesitated to take them back.'

"I see many private things "Proctor murmured the demonic smile in place. When Cole snorted he added. "Such moments can be most illuminating" With the demonic smile still there he put the drawings down and Cole snatched them away.  Proctor's smile stayed in place. "I observed that the affairs in Burvjara ended satisfactorily" he said.

"No it didn't "Cole told him tightly "Too many died, innocents."

"Are soldiers innocents?" Proctor asked ."A soldier goes to kill, naively perhaps but .. on the balance as wars go, Burvjara was… satisfactory, as I observed it."

"Did you come to discuss the morality of war?" Cole mused "because right now I'm not the person to talk to about it. I had to dispense justice and if it were not for Glock I would have had to dispense more."

"As I say satisfactory" Proctor said. He frowned "We need to talk Belthezor. Before you go anywhere, before you listen to your devils ... again."

"Oh hell" said Cole irritated. "I'm not going to tear Therold apart probably.  Or the house. Phoebe isn't with him" he added. "And Piper's already to pissed at me over the conservatory. I've been told." he added.

Proctor raised his eyes "I did not come here to talk of Mistress Belthezor" he said firmly. "The success of the telling is in the listening" he added demonically.

Cole shook his head then sat down on the bed "So what do we need to …talk about?" he asked tiredly.

Proctor wandered over to the view from the bay window. "You can see the harbour." He said

"Just" Cole replied impatiently." What do we need to talk about?"

Finally Proctor turned around. “I have observed things" he said carefully: "Which it would be better if you knew so you do not act upon them. Better you know before you see your wife.'"

"I'm not going after Therold" Cole repeated "unless the bastard comes after my wife again.'

Proctor sneered demonically "You are going to have to learn to exist with Therold" he said.

"Maybe he needs to learn to exist with me" Cole snarled.

“I believe that is being pointed out to him" Proctor said. "Now."

"By Francesca" Cole smirked "I bet she is enjoying that?" he asked.

"You would lose your bet" Proctor sneered "But she helped him save his innocents so he is by courtesy obliged to listen to her. I came here because there are things I have observed that you need to hear from me."

"What innocents?" Cole asked.

"Those damned cats" Proctor told him.

Cole rolled his eyes. "Therold pisses me off" he said.

"The feeling is mutual "Proctor replied dryly. He smiled satanically "Even more so as despite his concerns, you managed to deal with Burvjara with wisdom and restraint, honour. I do not believe he thought you could do this. He finds it upsetting."

Cole smile nearly matched Proctor's. "Wasn't it written I would save Burvjara?" he smirked.

"Therold was convinced that you would do in the end destroy more than you would save." Proctor explained. "A view that did find some validation with others."

"You" Cole said pushing.

"From my observations, it was a possibility" Proctor answered.

"Then lucky for everyone Glock talked me out of my vengeance wasn't it" Cole snarled.

"Very lucky" said Proctor and turned away.

"Therold pissed me off" Cole said after a while. "You know this is really my business and Therold's."

"So I understand" Proctor replied cryptically as he turned around. His face was carefully blank but Cole had no difficulty recognising his amusement. Proctor took a deep breath "I do not share your conviction this is none of my business. Therold is my friend, my brother, so my interest is not just a curiosity. And his case is not without merit. He is the guardian of lore. He was the guardian to search for the coming of Belthezor. We waited a long time for Belthezor, knowing that justice… there had to be justice."

Cole shrugged.

Proctor's voice became very dark as he continued "But Belthezor … Belthezor is …rash. Therold fears for Belthezor and he fears the consequences if Belthezor … listens to his … more rash yearnings. My brother, I tell you my observations give credence to Friend Therold's fears."

"Maybe you should trust me" Cole said tightly. "I let you, I let Glock talk me out of my rashness."

"Mistress Belthezor said you would do that" Proctor told him.

"Phoebe knows me" Cole grinned.

"I saw that she was very pleased you came after her" Proctor mused "in fact her delight in your attempt far exceeded her regrets about the destruction of brother Therold's abode.'

"Good" said Cole "Therold pisses me off." Cole nodded. "so" said Cole standing up and wandering around. "Therold is behaving like a prissy bitch because he fears I will lose it and all will be lost"

“I do not believe all will be lost" said Proctor "But I fear Belthezor will be lost should you lose"

"That should make Therold happy." Cole said nastily.

"No" said Proctor satanically "Because if Belthezor is lost, Mistress Belthezor's chances of being ... found… are less than ... excellent and he cares about her.'

Cole looked at Proctor thoughtfully.

"You beloved has excruciating taste in men:" Proctor said "that I have observed."

"Demon magnet" Cole grinned.

"Certainly she seems attracted to… the less than perfect." Proctor agreed.

"Including me?" Cole asked dryly.

“In Therold's eyes" Proctor nodded. "Therold fears for you and …" Proctor hesitated "I understand in his recording of the future, very little is written, or at least he has found very little written of Belthezor, except what Belthezor reports. .It naturally leaves him concerned for the future of Belthezor... and justice."

"So instead of trusting me" Cole said his voice rasping. “He concludes ... I have problems.”

“I fear" Proctor said carefully 'the lack of corroborative stories to those reported by Belthezor causes him some doubts"

“Therold pisses me off” Cole said "Especially when he steals my wife."

"So I observed" said Proctor agreed.  "So I see. His devotion to Mistress Belthezor does aggravate his concerns of Belthezor"

"Devotion. His obsession with her" Cole snarled "He listens to stupid myths that I would hurt Phoebe. Then steals her because he misinterprets the future.”

“You may be right. I fear his... passion has lead him to make some mistakes in that direction" Proctor answered carefully.

"Damnit anyone who knows me knows I would never hurt Phoebe" Cole said through his teeth.  "Why does he think I hurt her for? . That stupid fight we had … he interfered with."

"Would you?" Proctor asked.

"No." Cole hissed "Is that why you have come. To tell me what she was frightened to tell me?' Cole demanded.

"No "said Proctor his voice demonic. "But what I come to tell you is.. connected."

"Hell that damn demon didn't.. rape ."Cole's voice broke "Her aura was, she was not acting like she had been…if I thought that had happened… I would have acted differently"

"I did not observe a rape" Proctor said very carefully.

Cole visibly shuddered "Thank god" he said simply

Proctor waited "You do not ask the next question" he finally said. He smiled "almost I find it in me to trust you."

Cole suddenly smiled "I keep saying I would forgive her but the truth but I know she would not be… unfaithful to me no matter how stupid she acts.'

"Why?" asked Proctor genuinely curious.'

"Because Phoebe is a truth speaker, a recogniser of truth, an adherent of it" Cole said softly, "It's not in her to be untrue. Not now. Once maybe when she was less certain of Phoebe but not now. It's been to hard a journey to find herself and she would not… do anything to make it wasted" He smiled the smile he save d for her "I know Phoebe."

Proctor shrugged "I envy you your faith in your love's love" he said. "And I believe you when you say you have that faith so I will tell you.  I understand that it was written that Mistress Belthezor expressed regret at venturing into Burvjara, because of Belthezor, in fairly vague terms I grant you, but the inference was that it changed many things in her life and she could never be the same again because of what happened to her in Burvjara. Because of what Belthezor did in Burvjara.."

"Why does she regret it" Cole asked sharply "Nothing happened to her. Proctor you know what happened. You saw, I did nothing to her except save her."

"I observed 'said Proctor "And I observed nothing but it is written. I do not know why. You will have to ask her." Proctor said, "If you have the courage."

"Therold is wrong about me and the future and Phoebe's calling" Cole bit out.

"There are many things he does not know that are not written and his fears of very little being written about the demon guardian Belthezor: are understandable" Proctor said  "But I think his fears are based around Phoebe and not.. an understanding of your calling."

Cole caught his breath, he strode around the room, then stopped to look at a photo of him and Phoebe, taken in his mortal days before the darkness of the Source.

He turned back to Proctor "The reason little is written of Belthezor, and you can explain this to Therold when he lets his obsession with my wife get in the way of his calling" he said in his guardian voice " is that justice is only called when all options for repentance, remorse rehabilitation, retribution, contrition are ignored or dismissed, when hope for these is abandoned. I fear it would be a  fearful thing" said Cole "if it was already written that hope must be abandoned."

"Was hope abandoned when Justice acted in Burvjara?" Proctor asked

Cole shook his head "No" he said "there were many there who listened to the wiser voices, to the Charmed Ones." He frowned "there were some who did not" he said.

Proctor nodded "I fear justice may be also be called on to protect those who in all justice could not have foreseen or made themselves heard had they foreseen. The guilty often seek to blame … the innocent.

“I know "said Cole "is this what you came to tell me?"

"No'" said Proctor, then he considered '"Perhaps partially. But I came to discuss the rashness of the demon guardian Belthezor. I came to remind the demon guardian Belthezor that his calling is justice"

"I'm not going near Therold unless he tries stealing Phoebe again" Cole said through his teeth. "Other than that I'll try and keep my instincts for...rashness under control."

"I am glad. Then you will not be offended when I remind you that the demon guardian Belthezor calling is not in the underworld. There can be no justice in the underworld" Proctor told him demonic sneer in place. "And you need to remember this if you are tempted to act… rashly. This I did come to tell you."

“I know" said Cole. "I have no interest in the underworld. Thank god."

“You should be thankful. I have no need to do more than observe the underworld, not to see it, observation is penance enough" said Proctor with a shudder.

“I understand" said Cole.

"Do you?" Proctor asked dryly.

"More than you know" Cole said as Proctor gave him a demonic smile. Cole winced.

"There is little calling for the guardian Durand in the underworld either" Proctor said "right from wrong is of no consideration. Rarely of consideration," he amended. "I came to tell the Guardian Belthezor that some circumstances are always right and wrong regardless of where they happen."

"So" said Cole nastily.

“I must tell you that the only thing that matters in the underworld is lore" said Proctor carefully "And the balance is maintained."

"So" said Cole

"Those are Therold's calling and Arturo's" said Proctor.

“I know" said Cole not giving an inch. "Why are you telling me?"

"Because you need to know things I have observed are not a matter for justice." Proctor told him. "I have observed the Brotherhood act quickly to take advantage of the misfortunes of their enemies. To claim credit for the misfortunes of their enemies."

“Already" Cole asked disinterested "There are some smart demons down there. Figures someone would. I would, if I was evil I mean".

“Yes" said Proctor "You were a clever demon" he said "a trait I believe you inherited."

Cole froze '"Hell" he swore "She…"

"The Brotherhood has endeared itself to the source and I believe the demon we both know is taking full advantage of his favour" Proctor explained "As I observed. She seems to have convinced her brethren of her role in defeating the Geztalt and is making her mark, and finding a high place" Proctor shook his head. "She is nefarious I have observed."

"So have I" said Cole with feeling.

"This is what I came to tell you "said Proctor, relieved to have finally said what he came to say. "that you know what she does is her business and the business of demons and  the workings of the underground are not the business of the demon guardian Belthezor."

Cole frowned. "Damn why tell me.

"You need to be aware it happens to guard against being involved" Proctor said his voice demonic.

Cole frowned. '

"She will make her mark and "said Proctor "it will be the business of witches and such to fight her and her cohorts. To protect innocents and the innocence of realm against them. It will not be the role of Belthezor to interfere."

"I'll damn well interfere if she comes near my family" Cole bit out.

"It is not the role of Belthezor to interfere" Proctor insisted, the demonic edge to his voice becoming dangerous "It is not the business of the demon guardian Belthezor to even know.  Because to know would be to invite … a rashness of behaviour and we have discussed that Belthezor's rashness is … not always pertinent."

"If you knew the demon Elisheeva like I do" Cole said angrily.

'"We have both in our way observed her machinations" Proctor said. "She is a most attractive demon" he added.

"You are better off that she had no interest" Cole told him.

"But it offends.. to be rejected" Proctor murmured "still as you know disappointments make one consider one's options."

"I fear she would not be amused if it was known she played a role in both our choices" Cole said his smile demonic.

"A minor role" Proctor agreed.

"She will try to use everything she can" Cole said "What she knows' he added bitterly.

"And Durand will tell you clear that in underworld, this realm or any realm that matricide is wrong, one of the few wrongs in the underworld he tells me" Proctor told him firmly "You need to know this."

“If she comes after my family "Cole said "I will. She knows I will, my family knows I will."

"I came to tell you before you saw your wife" Proctor said darkly  "There are things you are better off not knowing, questions you are better off not asking."

Cole froze "I'm supposed to just let her… when I know damned well what she will do to get power. When I was source, when the source took me over, he ...I …we knew better than to allow her near because she would have ruled me and the underworld or died trying. Don't think if she gets close to Tempus she won't try to rule him… or die trying. She would have used me and she would use…"he sucked his breath "Anyone close to me" he said as he saw the Proctor's demonic expression  "and you are telling me to pretend I don't know."

"Or you could trust my observations" Proctor said "That your family are powerful witches who know what must be done, because if you intervene…"

“All will be lost"' Cole said bitterly.

"Belthezor will be lost, and Mistress Belthezor who is a … demon magnet as we have both observed could well be lost without Belthezor." Proctor pushed his voice demonic. He smiled satanically "and Therold will have been right in his distrust of Belthezor and even justified in stealing your wife"

Cole glared at him, his body rigid, disgust on his face.

“Instead of being totally pissed off that Belthezor had shown himself worthy of his calling" Proctor added.

"So I am supposed to know that it happened and do nothing to protect those I love" Cole said.

"From my observations" Proctor told him bluntly. "You have more chance of protecting your family by in this case doing nothing. A hard choice for a warrior I will give you. You tell me you have faith in Mistress Belthezor to resist temptation that you do not fear her being tempted "Proctor pushed. "Perhaps have such faith in all aspects of her demon contacts.'

Cole frowned nastily. "Mamma stays away because she fears I will act." he said

Proctor looked at him "I see no reason she should not continue to believe this" he said.

Cole was silent for a time. He turned and stared out the window and finally faced Proctor "I see no reason why Therold should not stay pissed at me" he said quietly.

Proctor nodded "I am relieved "he said then he smiled demonically "Therold is also angry" said Proctor. "but you destroyed his house too. I would not have believed your powerful enough to get so close" Proctor observed.

"I will tell you something do not share with most others but it may be better you know for the future" Cole told him.

Proctor looked at him curiously.

"I am that powerful" Cole said

Proctor took a deep breath ":I see" he said  “If my brother understands me it is time for me to go"

Cole nodded "Proctor” he said as Proctor went to shimmer "You think those accursed cats are innocents."

"No "said Proctor "I think they are evil souls incarnate of every demon who ever failed to cross and they resent me for succeeding where they failed.'

“I think you are right "said Cole.



Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Oscar Wilde