Faithfully Yours

Part 8: I'm always true to you darling in my fashion..


Chapter 64

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Paige looked up from where she was sitting at the dining room table staring at her laptop and occasionally typing a few words, and then irritatingly deleting them.

She watched as Patsy toddled into the dining room followed by what seemed to be Pookie then Phoebe carrying Wyatt. Phoebe had a glow on her face that could only be the glow of a woman in love.

"You're up early" she said to Paige.

"Got an email. Archbishop wants to see me" Paige told her clearly concerned. "At my earliest convenience. To discuss matters pertaining to my role in the employment centre."

"Archbishop doesn't employ you" Phoebe said reasonably. "The employment service does."

"What the archbishop wants the Powers that Be do" said Paige miserably. "And the car bent just tops off the list of sins."?

Cole, dressed in his lawyer suit, walked up behind Phoebe. He wave his hand "It’s fixed."

"They saw the car "Paige wailed "What am I going to tell them now?"

Cole shrugged "It wasn’t has bad as they thought” he said.

Paige jumped up to go and check her car. Phoebe, still holding onto Wyatt, and Cole followed.

"What am I going to tell them when they bitch about insurance claims?". Paige cried as she looked from the front. "Car's still there" she said relieved

Cole glowered. "Of course its still there. You went to an authorised dealer" Cole said waving his hand then giving her a bit of paper. “Any thing else I can fix?" he asked smugly.

"Since you're asking how about the conservatory?" Phoebe said sweetly.

"Damn it fussing about some broken glass" Cole snarled.

Phoebe and Paige both rolled their eyes and Cole raised his hand irritably.

Glass came back up together and some of the furniture fixed itself but Phoebe and Paige both ducked and Wyatt started to scream as some more exploded and a high screeching noise started as some of the pieces came together then shattered.

Cole looked at his fingers in disbelief.

"Cole” said Phoebe nervously "It looks worse."

"Piper's going to kill you" said Paige

"Oh hell" he said “I must have changed some molecular structure when I got pissed at it."

"Fix it "said Phoebe.

Cole winced hard. "Some things you can't fix" he muttered taking a wailing Wyatt form Phoebe and turned as a screech sounded came from the kitchen.

"I'll get it" he said deciding absence was the best strategy. “Patsy" he yelled.

Paige turned back to the door "You think he really fixed the car?" she asked nervously and Phoebe shrugged.

Paige went to the front door and Phoebe waddled after, standing on the porch as Paige went over every inch of the car. Phoebe waved nervously at Nosy Mrs Taylor standing in her driveway opposite, hands on her hips as she watched Paige examine the car.

"He fixed it" Paige said torn between annoyance and relief. "Just about. Colour is not quite right." She came back to the porch and glanced at Mrs Taylor staring at them. "Seems you can't quite fix it perfectly" she said

Cole came from the kitchen, carrying Wyatt and his brief case while Patsy followed. After a small dance as he kissed Phoebe, he managed to give her Wyatt and keep the briefcase. As he walked to the car Mrs Taylor watched him with interest, and he had to force himself not to run but the wheels spun a little as he drove off.

"That's another thing that needs fixing" Phoebe said indicating Mrs Taylor.

"To be fair Mrs Taylor getting the hots for Cole was not his fault" Paige said. "Or Margaret."

Phoebe snorted "Any more than witches getting crushes on Mark when he helps them" she said her nose in the air and went indoors

"Morning Mrs Taylor" Paige called and got a snort for her trouble. She followed Phoebe inside leaning back against the door. "Mr Nosey Taylor bopping Cole on the nose had to be one of the more laughable things of this whole fiasco" she said.

Phoebe sat on the sofa, still clutching her arm around her belly "Funny how Pookie has got heavier "she complained "I guess I was so wrapped up in the other stuff I didn't notice. Was anything funny in this whole damned fiasco?"

"I don't think anyone will be finding naked pictures of you sexy now". Paige smiled "Take a deep breath before you look in the mirror. You're huge, I only just noticed how huge you've got in the last few weeks" she said with a sister's honesty.

Phoebe turned her nose up. "First time you got your nose out of a porn magazine" she snipped. Phoebe tried to see herself in the hall mirror. "I think the earth mother look maybe turning into the blob look" Phoebe wailed said "In just a few weeks. Oh well Cole still loves it" she said. "And he sees me naked."

"Lucky Cole loves you no matter what" Paige sniggered. "I suppose I better go get ready to lie to the archbishop" she said and started to move to the stairs then she spun around. "I hate doing that" she moaned. She crossed her arms "Damn it Phoebe I don’t do that job for money or power or thanks. I do it to help people. It was like Mark said in the beginning. It's about helping them find their dignity for them, and damn it Phoebe I’m good at it. Look at Erin. Getting her that job with Cole when no-one would employ her and she’s saving things for him. I help people and those bloody spites screwed it and the only thing I can do to fix it is lie my head off." She put her hands on her hips "It not fair" she said "You damn well tried to screw around with some pretty nasty things in pants and its all okay because Cole will forgive you anything. I just looked at a few pictures and everything is screwed"

Phoebe shook her head. "Not quite fixed" she admitted "He'll forgive me, bit harder for me to forgive me. I did everything I could to screw it up between us. The one person I really love and those bloody spites made me try and screw it up."

"The one job I really love and those little bastards made me screw it up" groaned Paige.

"And Piper and Leo" Phoebe said "they seem better.'

"Maybe not fixed though "said Paige blinking back a tear. "Its like the car. You can fix it bit but not quite."

"Yeah "said Phoebe. "Just lie about the porn. You owe it to all the people you do help to stay in the job."

"Bloody spites they hit you at your most vulnerable and work it." said Paige with a sniff.

"That's why some thing can't be fixed" said Phoebe the truth teller. "Because there is something about you that you have to fix. Like Piper not feeling that Leo supported her. Like maybe loving Mark is leaving huge gaps in your life."

Paige shook her head not understanding.

"Like I never can quite believe how much Cole really loves me and have to keep screwing it up to make him prove it" Phoebe explained "And when he keeps saying "don't change" he'll get his wish because I'm not sure I can completely change that part of me. Like if he wants me, he's stuck with the doubts."

"I don't have doubts about Mark" Paige said. She went over to Phoebe and hugged her, "But you're right, there's big gaps. Hell I can't even buy him clothes.. or share walks in the park .. go to movies ."

"You can as long as its no where you would meet anyone who knew Mark." Phoebe pointed out

"Exactly "said Paige "How does that get me hooked on porn?"

"Mark isn't the best looking guy in the world" Phoebe said with a sister's brutality "and everything is .. a secret …so the fantasy…. About something you can imagine .. better"

"For god's sake why didn't you study anything but psychology" Paige said throwing her arms up" Bloody spites" she added, then she jumped as orbs sounded.

Mark orbed in. Paige ran to him throwing herself in his arms and then threw back "It's your fault" she told Mark.

"Okay" he said calmly but his grey eyes looking confused. "I thought everything was Cole's fault," he said scratching his head.

"This whole porn mess started when Alex caught me looking at those naked pictures of you we took just before…" Paige sucked her lip.

"I died" Mark said softly.

"Got yourself killed being a stupid hero" Paige said her head on the side. "If you hadn't got yourself killed and kept your job, then I'd only have to be explaining why I looked at the porn to you and not the archbishop."

"Sorry" said Mark with a soft smile.

Paige smiled at him.

"You could explain it’s a perfectly healthy expression of sexuality" Phoebe the psychology major said "Most men actually…"

"Phoebe, you think discussing sexuality with the archbishop is a good idea" Mark asked softly. "Lie" he told Paige.

"That's what Cole said." she replied. "Lie about doing research."

Mark nodded toward Phoebe "What else does he say about lying?"

"Make it a half a truth, its more believable that way" Paige said considering “I could write a paper on addiction" she said thoughtfully.

Phoebe started to shake her head and Mark looked dubious. Paige narrowed her eyes, considering. "Well I know something about addiction" she said. "Or maybe I could write a paper on exploitation" she thought about it. "Jobs on offer claim acting and promises made when they are...not."

"Exploitation sounds good" said Phoebe "well not good. You could start with saying those magazines legitimise exploitation and profit from it.

"And get into the beauty industry and unrealistic expectations and" Paige sounded almost excited. Then she frowned. "Damn it I'll have to write the bloody thing" she said "and find out extra stuff and go to one of their god awful Powers that Be conferences to present it and have to pay to go because the damn Powers that Be never pay for anyone to go to those things but themselves. Damn it.  Maybe I could interview some famous people about being exploited from pictures that were taken when they weren't famous."

"Ask Phoebe" said Mark dryly. "Oh you didn't pose naked in the end did you.

Phoebe ignored him, nose in the air. "Well if you lie good enough you might get the archbishop to pay for the conference" she suggested. "Just get really angry that he has such a dirty mind he could even think that you of all people could get interested in that stuff. Which when you think about is the truth, even if you were interested.

Paige and Mark looked at each other and started to laugh.

"What?" said Phoebe "You took your time coming to see Paige" she accused Mark deciding a change of subject was needed. "Paige has been really upset."

"I was with Tisha" he said and Paige winced "She isn't coping with the after affects of that damned war that well."

Paige looked at Phoebe and just stopped sniffing.

Mark gave an ever so small exasperated sigh "Don't even think it. I love you Pet." he told Paige who sucked her lip. He took her hand "Pet I need you to maybe do something for me" he said seriously.

"Sure" Paige said without hesitation.

He smiled gently "If I can't be around to help Tisha get through this, can you … keep an eye on her. She doesn't need …" Paige pushed back a small choking sob " I don't think a by the rules type could help her at the moment. She needs someone who can deal with… some pretty bad thoughts and dark places. Maybe only someone who has been through the war thing with her would understand not to give her.. the.. the ..

"Usual platitudes" Phoebe supplied for him.

Mark nodded "I haven't been through it but I know enough not to tell the usual …how to get over it stuff. Tisha's lived through hell and back and Burvjara. At least you guys know about Burvjara and you have.."

"Enough guilty moments over the whole damned thing not to tell her how she should feel" said Phoebe the psychology major.

Mark smiled and nodded.

"Why won't you be around?" demanded Phoebe because Paige had gone deathly pale and was struggling to find words.

“I have an appointment with the Powers that Be" he said. "Seems I encouraged some radical solutions to the wars. Seems I encouraged certain witches to take matter into their own hands. Seems they are considering… seriously considering, whether they need someone who … can't do things the party way." Mark shrugged wryly "If I had concerns I should have … informed them, discussed it with them, asked their advice."

Paige and Phoebe both opened their mouths to say something and Mark grinned.

"Seems if I had told them they could have .discussed it, they could have … acted to influence a different outcome… instead of so many witches…and Elders getting killed" he said.

"Those damned warmongers were not listening to anybody" snarled Paige "Not you, not Francesca. No-one. They were damn well not going to listen to you. So you did the damned right thing by us ... by your charges and we chose to go to war by the way."

"Yeah but we went to… mutiny … not to fight…Its easy for the one's who didn't … stand up at the time to... say they didn't know, blame some-one for not telling them, so they don’t have to admit they didn't listen" said Phoebe the truth speaker.

“It was those witches you gave a choice to who made it possible to… for us to do what we did to stop that war" exploded Paige, "tell them that."

"Yeah but it stopped good taking over Burvjara" said Mark "and they had already decided it was worth getting those witches killed so they could. And they tell me the Elders died because of those witches, my charges, …not listening to orders…and the Elders had they had the opportunity… would have acted as Good, not fought the Burvjarians, but I talked you into mutiny. I acted in a way that encouraged you to… get them killed without being given a chance."

"They wouldn't say that if they had been there" Paige hissed furious. "God damnit justice got those Elders because they had used up all their choices. He got them because they weren't going to do that."

"Powers that Be weren't there " said Phoebe "so they can...   interpret what we did anyway they like. Damnit I'm glad I did it" she spat.

“What you call Justice they call demons and Ogres" said Mark softly.

"They're making you a scapegoat" Paige said, her voice choking. "I don't need a premonition to see that. They want someone to blame for their stupidity and they are twisting it into the one person up there who knew it was wrong. And trying to weasel out of their responsibility by proving they didn't know. Bastards "she said starting to cry. "Couldn't you say you were sorry and just pretend to follow the party line for a while."

"Whistleblowers always get screwed" said Phoebe and Paige glared at her while Mark shook his head.

Mark sagged a little awkwardly his intelligent face darkening. "You know me Pet" he said "Never one to follow the party line. Don't mind playing the game but I haven't sold my soul. If I do it now just to survive, I'll never be able to be …honest to myself again.  Then I would have to tell charges like Tisha I can't help them. Wouldn't be much point doing what I'm doing " he said.

"Fight them" pleaded Paige. "Leo did."

"Leo got out. I don't think they will go that way again" Mark answered. "I'm one to use the system to make it work the way it ought even when it isn't what's planned. It’s not easy though "he admitted." when I was mortal, when I was able to do...some good here. I had to play the system but I was sure of me, surer of what I was trying to get. Sure I could make a difference" he admitted. "I'm not sure I could fight them any more than you can fight the archbishop."

"You did make a difference those witches" Paige said "Edna and Tisha they were your charges. And they made a difference in Burvjara. They did it for you, you know and they didn’t fight for you. Do you think we could have done it on our own? We did it because we had help. Do you know how scary it is to be in the situation we were planning and what a difference it made not to have to fight or hide from the whitelighter?"  She put her arms around Mark "You made a difference" she said. Softly. "You tell me I do the job at the employment centre well. You tell me to screw .. figuratively .. the archbishop ..Why can't you screw the Elders now?"

"Guess I'm not a sure of the system" he said ruefully "as I was back then. Guess I knew what I was fighting more."

"You learnt how to handle the employment system" Paige pushed. "You can learn how to handle the 'up there' one. You can twist them around 'up there' just the way you used to in the employment centre."

"If he lasts long enough as a whitelighter" Phoebe said practically.

Paige stared at her and then paled even more.

"Tell them to go to hell. Or point out that's where Cole sent their colleagues." Phoebe suggested

"I didn't send them to hell" Cole said shimmering in behind them and making both Phoebe and Paige scream. "They get to go round again. Maybe they'll learn something."

"Don't shimmer in like that" Paige ordered Cole crossing her arms.

"What are you doing here " Phoebe asked.

"I live here "said Cole mildly "I left Correja's paper on the table" he explained moving toward the dining room.

"Cole"' Phoebe said catching his "you have to help Mark."

"Why?" he said as Mark rolled his eyes

"Justice" she said "Those bastards want to make a scapegoat out of Mark for what happened in Burvjara. Want to get at him for disobeying rules, orders for saying…giving a choice to witches about going to Burvjara."

Cole rolled his eyes "Trust me he doesn't want justice" he said as Mark nodded understanding. "Because he isn't an innocent. He knew what he was doing. If he wants an arsehole lawyer I'm happy to help though" he added.

"I'm still here" said Mark.

Cole shrugged.

"Its not fair "Paige bit out. "s They're rewriting what happened to make themselves look like they didn't know what those warmongering elders were doing and making Mark take the fall. What the hell use are guardians if they can't help such a … kangaroo court "

Cole just looked at her "History and lore is not my calling "he said in his guardian voice. "You sure you don't want an arsehole lawyer up there? "Cole asked Mark

"You. That might just prove their case" Mark replied quietly shaking his head.

"Well remember the court system is stacked against the innocent "Cole told him "so I wouldn't count on pleading that or try to prove in court you acted against an unlawful law. System does not want to believe it can happen, so acts like it hasn't."

"Is that your advice as an arsehole lawyer?" Mark asked. "So if that is what I don’t do that what do I do?"

"Well if you can't find a good technicality" Cole thought about it "Usually the best way is to argue that the action was justified. Like speeding to get a pregnant woman to hospital, or breaking and entering to get a fire extinguisher or looting to get food when no other available. Just twist the need and make it in their interests. Give them a way to want to get you off."

"The justification is those shits would not listen to him" said Paige.

"We'll never know" said the Guardian of Justice "because he didn't give them a chance did he?"

"You don't honestly believe they would have listened" snarled Paige.

"No" said Cole "But if I was their lawyer, not getting a chance to make the choice is a pretty good technicality."

Mark rolled his eyes.

"I get a lot of people off who are guilty as hell" Cole told Mark "You sure you don't want an arsehole lawyer."

"No" said Mark with a slight smile as Paige started to cry. He caught Paige's hand and she followed him upstairs while Phoebe watched them go her hands on where her hips had been while Cole watched her with a soft smile.

"We need to fix that "Phoebe told him "You aren't going to tell me the Powers that Be making a scapegoat of Mark is anything like justice."

"It is if they're calling him to account for stuff he did before you went to Burvjara" Cole said.  "He broke every damn rule."

"You know damn well that isn't fair" Phoebe pursed her lips.

"It's legal" Cole said "and you've been married to me long enough to know that the law isn't fair.'

"They screwed up and they are going to kill Mark" Phoebe insisted "and break Paige's heart.'

"Recycling isn't killing exactly" Cole pointed out "Mark's already dead."

"It'll break Paige's heart" Phoebe argued "and after all that happened in Burvjara, it all comes to 'Do you really need them to get rid of the voices who said it was wrong, the one who listened to their conscience'?. You think they won't go there again. You going to tell me that Mark won't be needed again." she demanded crossing her arms rather like Piper did. "And if recycling is what those Elders got, does Mark deserve the same punishment for doing his best to stop people getting killed. Its not right" she insisted

"Unfortunately for invoking justice , they are not going after him for what they did " Cole shook his head.

"Why can't you help him?" Phoebe demanded catching his jacket lapels in her hands "You can be an arsehole lawyer for everyone else even when they are guilty as sin."

"You want me to go up here and find a technicality?" Cole asked. "Happy too."

"Technicality is pretty clear" she said "Mark did the honourable thing. How about creating a precedent about people doing the honourable thing when the law is wrong.'

"Most of those precedents involve pardons after death" Cole said logically "and there is a real risk of opening up all the other laws he has broken, including what he is doing with your sister right now."

"Law "Phoebe said in disgust. "That's your business and its stinks. And it will break Paige's heart. Its family business Cole. You're a smart lawyer. And a guardian."

"As long as they keep to what he did before you all left and not try and rewrite what happened in Burvjara to blame him for what happened that 's got nothing to do with guardian's business Phoebe" Cole told her putting his arm around her.

Phoebe turned to face him "They are doing that" she said

"Then its got everything to do with lore and myth and balance. It still not my business" he said. "The myth and legend of the hero.  Its not my business."

"Its Therold's business isn't it?" Phoebe pushed. "So if I asked him.'

Cole looked at her "And if I asked you not too. If it's his business he'll know."

"You sometimes make some things your business when someone asks." Phoebe said as Cole frowned darkly. "It would break Paige's heart" she said nose in the air "If anything happened to Mark."

Cole stuck his hands hard in his pockets. He stared out the window.

"You really think I would let Mark die and break Paige's heart" Phoebe pushed. "Just because you're pissed off at Therold.  You think I would."

"How about if I tell you not to?" Cole asked slowly.

"Don't you dare" she fired up.

"Phoebe, disregarding what happens in this house which is family business" Cole said catching her hands "A witch can't tell a guardian his business and to ask Therold to do it because he has …a crush on you. I can feel the balance shuddering at the thought" he said "Because if Therold listened to you…."

"Then who can tell him guardian's business?" Phoebe demanded. "Who can ask him?

Cole took a deep breath "Francesca. Another guardian." he said slowly. "But Francesca is pretty good at minding her own business."

"Ask him" ordered Phoebe calmly.

Cole looked at her "You're joking" he said "You want me to go to Therold and tell him to interfere with Good. What did I just say about asking guardians?"

"This is family business between us. If they're rewriting what we did, what I did" Phoebe pushed "I did good things there. And to let this bastards rewrite it so we look like a pack of mutineers and justify killing Mark, makes me furious."

"Didn't you go there with the intention of mutiny?" Cole the arsehole lawyer asked. "Didn't Mark send you on your way to do it?"

Phoebe glowered at him.

"If Therold interfered" Cole said "If "he said "If I go over there and got him to interfere" he said "You know the story gets told as Phoebe the heroine. It won't be told as the pissed off Phoebe who lost her temper at bunch of pricks."

Phoebe looked at him outraged then she slowly smiled. "You know me" she said. "Maybe if you tell everyone why I did it."

"I do, but they won't like the version so they won't believe me" Cole replied. "The story they will tell will be the beautiful mythical, pretty damned boring prissy, if you ask me, heroine." Cole took her hand. "You're going to hate it, you're going to be miserable about it. You want me to do that to a witch I love."

Phoebe took a deep breath and looked as if she was going to cry then stopped "You want to break Paige's heart?" she asked Cole.

"No" he said sticking in his hands firmly in his pockets.

"Then go and ask Therold" Phoebe ordered him. "You said…"

"I know. I said I'd do anything for you" Cole muttered pissed and shimmering before he could change his mind.

Phoebe stared at the space where he had been standing and a little shiver went through her and she smiled to herself "He really does love me" she explained to Pookie and shivered again. "Bet old Glock would laugh like hell about this" she said bitterly.

