Shape of Things to come Shape of Things to Come. Chapter38
Shape of Things to Come

Part 3:Seeds of Time

‘All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts'
...William Shakespeare. As You Like It

Locked away ‘up there’, the whitelighter Mark like many of his colleagues was not enjoying being caught behind magic barriers. However, it did give him time to meditate on the consequences of his sojourn in the further afterlife where to his shock he been given a clear choice by THEM about his future, although he had the distinct impression THEY were relieved when he chose to remain a whitelighter. Of concern to Mark, though still a junior whitelighter by length of service, since his return to the normal regions he inhabited, he was being treated by Elders as something of a luminary, apparently something to do with the way THEY had connected to him. He was bemused by his changing status as he had spent much of those years with the Elders tolerating his ‘waywardness’ only because of his success at preventing the Charmed Ones from self-destructing, in the view the Elders.

Mark’s reward for this success was being called to guide and guard some of the more ’difficult’ magic beings that the Elders oversaw, work he enjoyed although he dealt with some of the more fey, sensitive, unyielding obstinate yet interesting, creatures under the Elders’ care. His success at this ensured his, what the Elders called ‘vagaries’, were overlooked, although up until now he was considered an outlier to their hierarchy. In the beginning the latitude granted to Mark sometimes gave his whitelighter colleagues some every unangelic fits of envy, but as the years passed this was defused by Mark’s very real willingness to support them and their charges, offer guidance when he could and real assistance if necessary, so many, if not most whitelighter colleagues genuinely respected him and more than that liked him.

Other whitelighters were less inclined to use the time of the lockdown as passively as Mark. Since the passing of the whitelighter Caleb, the Elders mostly endlessly discussed the situation without any real outcomes. Some whitelighters, even those who normally adhered to Elders directions, were left angry at being unable to support charges as Evil ramped its activities, or worse, unable to heal them. Some even mutinously suggested the issue was that Elders were fearful for their own safety and were making decisions based on these fears.

Many of Mark’s whitelighter colleagues on discovering that darklighters, uncharacteristically, were working en masse believed that instead of hiding away, they needed to adapt proven techniques that Good had developed against them, even considering confronting them. There was one whitelighter, Vijay Rana who after fifty years of service, had become a very strong voice in questioning the roles the Elders assigned to whitelighters and their expectations of witches, and consequently was less popular with the Elders than Mark. Vijay was the whitelighter whose strategies and guidance had kept the recent Indian riots between Good and Evil from turning into a total victory for Evil. In life, he had been a very successful general in India, one whose reputation as a leader was unassailable. He had spent his lifetime as a soldier who made decisions that sent people to their deaths and caused the deaths of civilians. As his mother was a witch, he had understood magic and it was his insistence that he came back as a whitelighter. After doing his duty as a mortal soldier he simply wanted to spend eternity caring for the people who had no say in the fighting, who followed orders to their loss and sometimes death. Vijay had a military bearing and a lucid crisp way of speaking and a very wicked sense of humour.

Vijay, a clever strategist, believed grounding whitelighters completely was bad strategy. He considered that there ways and means to greatly reduce the darklighter assaults and stalking by sniffers and trackers, and as a soldier he believed it was the duty of angel guides to face the risks. However, as a general, he was also of the opinion, that the risks should be relatable to the results. He had some supportive voices amongst whitelighters who were helplessly watching charges battle for Good and then suffer for it. In fact, despite all orders from the Elders, Vijay and a few whitelighters were finding exits from ‘up there’ in hidden byways and eddies of the spirit winds. There were rumours about this information being passed to them by some higher beings.

Mark took note of these activities, especially Vijay’s view of only taking necessary risks and he reluctantly refrained from making rash escapes from the blockade, feeling strongly that the hidden paths were best reserved for emergencies and crisis. However, he did finally find an occupation during the lockdown, where at least he felt he was helping Paige and her sisters. He recalled the Evil chant and potion that the demons had thrown at the Charmed Ones at last university battle. He also remembered the witches told him Evil grunts had thrown potions and made chants during the HR fight at the university, and it concerned him. He even wondered if the whole point of the unnecessarily chaotic fights was about throwing those potions and making those chants.

With considerable effort Mark was able to remember the chant or most of it and write it down. Afterwards he spent some time discovering that it was a rare archaic form of Latin. This surprised him because he knew that the Warren witch inheritance was only recorded from the seventeenth century and therefore spells to destroy them should have had no connection to ancient Latin chants. After some contemplation which gave him no answers, Mark finally visited the misty realms of the archives of Good, where all knowledge was hidden, yet accessible to those who knew how to find it. There he located the archivist who aided him when Piper demanded help on her research into the ‘new’ demon.

Mark had developed a reasonable relationship with the archivist but when he showed her the spell he had written down, she recoiled in horror after just glancing at it. Even though Mark crumbled it back into his pants pocket, the archivist would not talk to him until he, not quite truthfully, told her he had got rid of it, really meaning he got rid of it from her presence. Only then was she willing to accept his explanation that what he was searching for was information about the Power of Three and what the spell had done to that connection.

“Ah” said the archivist with her best professional face, as if she had not thrown her arms in the air and screamed in horror at the presence of such Evil. “You want to know about the Charmed Ones. The Warren witches. A favourite topic these days.”

“Who else is interested?” Mark asked sharply.

The archivist smiled slightly with her professional air and shook her head. “Clearly, after the earth realms felt even a small fracture in the Power of Three, there are those who would, must question its origins and the damage done.” The archivist stared at him “Surely you felt the shudder in the Earth realms after it happened?” she asked.

“I wasn’t in the earth realms” Mark admitted “About the Power of Three” he asked humbly. “Is it just Warren witches who have it? Who can form this great Power?”.

“Oh no” the archivist told him genially. “But it is only witches with certain backgrounds, certain … inheritances. Long inheritances of magic and then I believe a level of … trust or clarification. You understand that any Power of Three turning Evil would be a disaster for Good.”

“Yes” replied Mark with feeling “That I do understand.”

“Hence the regular concerns about the Warren witches” explained the sage/archivist. “Once Power of Three is granted I believe of course those who administer magic….”

“Elders” interrupted Mark.

The sage/archivist shrugged with a certain professional distain. “Those who administer magic tend to have a certain …concern and consequently frequently seek… reassurance.

“Who grants the Power of Three?” Mark asked “Elders?”

The sage/archivist looked down her nose with professional severity “I believe you will find it is granted from considerably higher and wiser than those ones. Greater Magic you understand” she informed him conspiratorially.

Mark did not hide his surprise that the sage/archivist was so severe toward Elders but then he decided someone who oversaw the records and story of Good would probably have considerable knowledge of the actual functions of its operation. It occurred to him that it was likely that the archivist was considerably closer to Greater Magic than he at first suspected. Although through his friendship with the Guardian Therold, he learned the importance Evil placed on scribes and seers so he should not have been surprised Good regarded the calling as important too. Therefore, no surprise either that one who chose to spend their eternity guarding the records of the earthen realm was a high-level angel.

“Of course,” explained the sage/archivist, dragging Mark’s attention back to her. “Many of these records are closed, locked away from risks they could be misinterpreted. You must realise when this knowledge becomes … readily available to all and sundry of Good, it will sooner rather than later be retrieved by…” she gulped, “Evil.” She sighed knowingly “Which of course balances because much of Good’s knowledge is retrieved from” she shuddered “records of Evil. But only so it can be interpreted for Good.” She added angelically.

Mark nodded casually as if this secret was something completely unnoteworthy.

This inspired the archivist to continue sagely. “You understand, witches of great power such as the Charmed Ones would not have survived to fulfil their destiny if Evil had understood some of the events of previous cycles relating to their forebears.”

“Yes I am coming to see that,” Mark asked wondering what THEY had passed onto the archivist that she was willing to talk to him. “About Warren witches? The Power of Three ?” Mark pushed.

The archivist waved her hands, the misty darkness became much, much lighter and what appeared to be ancient scrolls materialised in the foggy surrounds. She waved her hand again and one large scroll appeared in it. She opened the scroll and in a very professional voice read. “The Power of Three is recorded to be the strongest kind of magic that has ever and will ever exist in this world.” Then another handwave and a table also materialised in front of her. She spread the scroll on the table and began perusing it.

“So Power of Three now is the greatest power ever?” Mark asked a little suspiciously.

The sage/archivist’s expression became even more professional. “Words are open to interpretation,” she told Mark. “Are you asking about the greatest power ever in all magic, or within understood limits. Such as the Warren witches’ inheritance” she mused looking at him over her glasses “You are in Good fortune that I have recently reviewed this.”

“So, its already out there and you’re not responsible for the information… leaking?” Mark commented a little slyly.

The archivist smiled knowingly. “Recording knowledge is important, understanding knowledge more so. Knowledge must be known to be understood. As long as it is only known to those who have the wisdom to know.”

“Who has that wisdom?” Mark asked.

“It would be too dangerous to answer such a question.” the sage/archivist told him in her most professional voice. I cannot tell you of individuals and who knows what.”

“Can you tell me more generally?” Mark asked having come to understand the sage’s rules.

“You do have some wisdom” the archivist told him, pursing her lips. “Let me see what can I tell you about Warren witches. It’s a French name. Norman . Ah ha French Celtic then Irish Celtic. That would explain the demonic fascination. Jean d’Arc and Elinor of Aquitaine notable witches from the descent. Would explain the archangel connection.”

Mark nodded, carefully keeping his expression blank.

The archivist allowed herself a superior smile. She continued reading. “Warren witches Power of Three. Hmmm. Generally, the power of premonition is of course the inheritance of wise women, a predisposition to understand and react to discourse which enables connection to Greater Magic. Women who not only collect Great Knowledge but use it with wisdom, propriety. and great cleverness.

“Phoebe inherited wisdom, propriety and cleverness” smiled Mark appreciatively.

The sage/archivist also allowed herself a smile, but shook her head at the same time. “I believe the Power of Time is connected and on her side” she informed him.

Mark nodded.

“Molecular Immobilisation” the archivist consulted the scroll. “Well, that is one of the more violent powers, the more active ones. Reflects a demonic inheritance and some warrior ancestry too ” she observed.

“What?” exclaimed Mark. “Piper, demonic warrior?”

“You must know that witches are the product of connections between Greater Magic, some not entirely Good and exceptional mortal women of their kind” the sage/archivist informed him.

“No. I didn’t know that” Mark answered her, swallowing hard.

“Given your role with the Charmed Ones you should” the archivist told him primly.

Mark could not hide a smile “So the Charmed Ones connecting to… higher levels of magic… demonic lovers” he mused.

“Just genetic really” murmured the sage /archivist blandly. “Inheritance. Warren witches. Heredity will always out. But I believe there is usually a balance…over time.”

“The Elders have rules about that sort of thing. Threaten hell on those who break the rules” Mark commented.

“Well, they would” smirked the sage/archivist. “Why do you think your… extra curricula activities are anything but an extension of history.

Mark, to the archivist’s satisfaction, felt himself flushing.

“Everything is recorded” she smirked again before returning to read her scroll. “So” she continued reading with a ghost of a smile “Warren witches. Some demonic connection some let me see …yes archangel. Several in fact that would explain telekinesis and the dominance of whitelighter heritage, after ah extra curricula activities.”

“I see” replied Mark calmly.

“I doubt it “ commented the archivist then continued reading. “Ahh. It is recorded that the first Warren witch Melinda Warren was the only child of two mortals, Charlotte Warren and Lawrence Cutler. Born on October 31, 1670, she was a witch who possessed to some extent powers of Telekinesis, Molecular Immobilisation, and Premonition. No where near as powerful as the Charmed Ones similar powers of course.” The sage informed Mark who nodded. The archivist continued to read. “Most of Melinda's story after her birth is unknown except she moved from Virginia to Salem, Massachusetts during the Witch Trials. Sometime during her life, Melinda gave birth to a daughter whom she named Prudence, and also created the Warren Book of Shadows.”

“So Melinda was the first Warren witch this cycle, one hundred and fifty years into the cycle” Mark asked sharply.

“I do not believe I said that” the sage/archivist answered carefully. Her eyes smiled.

“The line went dormant?” Mark reminded her. “There are a hundred and fifty years and more where in the cycle where no Warren witches are recorded.. Oh” he uttered realising. “Melinda woke the line.”

“Look to what you know” suggested the sage/archivist. “Nothing really new. Same choices each cycle.”

“Warren witches made the choice to walk away from magic at the end of the previous cycle” Mark guessed.

The archivist smiled cleverly. “You have some wisdom. So, the words ‘most powerful’ could mean the Warren inheritance or the cycle or the epoch. As I said the Warren witches tend to be cyclical and the Power of Three tends to appear in the beginning and the end of a cycle when for the protection of all it tends to fade only to reemerge when necessary to maintain the magic balance.

Mark took a deep breath “Kind of when the new Source is appearing and gaining Evil and the old one is lost.”

“You may speculate,” the sage answered with a superior sniff.

Mark immediately speculated. “So, when Melinda Warren said. ‘It was prophesied that they would be the most powerful witches she was quoting history as much as a prophesy’.”

“You may speculate” the sage sniffed again.

“And the balance is just totters when the Warren witches’ powers…fade?” Mark asked.

The archivist consulted another scroll “Of course not” she answered decisively and put the scroll down. Mark watched her intently until she finally conceded and consulted another scroll “Power of Three remains” she told him. “In a configuration relevant to the time.”

Mark took a deep breath whilst he considered the implications of what she told him. “Did that happen in the cycle before last?” he eventually asked.

“Its often my observation that some of the connections to Greater Magic are also cyclical” the sage/archivist commented, clearly avoiding confirming what he asked.

“So can you tell me what will happen after this” Mark asked for Power of Three.

Rather snippily the sage/archivist told Mark she was not a recorder of the future, her role was protecting the integrity of the past. Then she snapped her fingers and the scrolls and table disappeared and the misty air became quite dark.

“Anything you can tell me about the Simpson witches?” Mark asked knowing he was pushing his luck.

“Strange” the archivist sniffed. “I have also had a number of enquiries about them recently.”

“Very strange” agreed Mark and did his best to look pleading .

The archivist finally conceded a little. “Something similar to the Charmed Ones” the sage/archivist told him. She snapped her fingers and some more scrolls appeared. “Originally…yes.. some French origins.” The sage/archivist smirked. “Family name originally Fiammetta. Connected to Fire.”

Even Mark smiled.

The archivist continued. “Changed several times. Males are so peculiar, possessive about wives and children taking their names. Useful when witches need to hide though” she suggested. “Unlike the Warren inheritance from Ireland, some more middle east…ahh Africa. Africa is always the cradle” she told Mark. “Powers of recognition of Evil, powers of knowledge, powers of fire naturally.. Aha some demonic origins, would explain. These connections would explain the call to Power of Three.” she mused “Very powerful in the early decades of the previous cycle. Mostly fire. Witch advocates. Arrived in Virginia early times. Been virtually dormant since. As a Power of Three.”

“So the family still had a magic calling when Power of Three went dormant” Mark asked quietly.

“There is a long history of witches including Fiammetta witches, including Warren witches serving in many capacities,” the archivist told Mark in her most professional voice. “Not just…”

“Not Power of Three though” Mark asked.

The archivist shook her head.. “Its cy…”

“I know” sighed Mark “Cyclical.”

“Then why ask?” the sage spoke severely. She consulted her scrolls “Hmm level of powers vary depending on the inheritance and times. Hmmm recorded in the family. Conjuring the Elements” she told Mark. “The ability to conjure and control the elements of earth, wind, water, and even lightning been in the mix but mostly fire. Could grow as the witches become more aware. Enhanced Senses. Often shows recognising Evil or injustice. Incineration. The ability to kill someone by setting them on fire. Knowledge Absorption. Very clever women.”

Mark went to ask another question but the archivist shook her head, then waved her hand and the desk and scrolls disappeared and the mist surrounding them turned darker again. “I believe you know what you have come to discover.” She dismissed Mark by turning away.

All Mark could do was nod and wish her a grateful thanks. “I’m not the first to ask?” he suggested as she shook her head.

“The last ones knew the correct questions” the archivist sniffed.

“So, the information...the knowledge is out there?” Mark confirmed before orbing away.

“To an extent” the archivist said to the space where he had been.