Faithfully Yours

Part 2: Witches behaving badly

Chapter 10

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Cole shimmered into Therold's cottage in the Cotswolds in England. It was late at night English time and Therold was sitting at his desk reading something off a computer and making hmm noises while one big Persian cat sat on his lap and another lay on the desk beside the computer. Three more large cats were distributed around the room taking up any space in the room that did not have books, new and old,  and papers over it.

All cats looked up as Cole materialised and one large tabby sat up and spat.

Therold noted Cole's presence, a prissy expression of distaste on his face. "Greetings friend Belthezor" he said flat voiced.

"Greetings.. friend Therold "Cole replied biting his top lip "I have to go back to Burvjara " Cole told him bluntly with no further words of courtesy between then. "I was called. It seems that evil is once again intervening and Good is  also ..having talks with the other sides. Its not random evil I am damned certain. Which means Good turning up at the same time isn't random either. I will fix it there for now, and I warn you it is not going to be nice if they resist but I believe, there are grounds for intervention in the Underworld and that is your business." Cole steeled himself for an argument.

"Tea?" asked Therold standing up.

Cole could not stop himself groaning." I have little time, hours here can be cycles there "he said. As Therold's prissy expression deepened Cole paced the floor. '"I keep thinking of the timing of my calling and I am damned certain you have not been telling me all. And I need it, before things get ..more contentious." Hands in his pockets, Cole defiantly faced Therold. " What am I missing?" he asked bluntly.

"You prefer lemon to sugar and milk I believe" said Therold as he went into his the kitchen.

Cole let his breath out with an aggravated hiss.

"Mrs Rinaldi" called Cole, then he yelled it as he heard some clinking of fine china in the kitchen. He had yelled it four times, and was about to roar Francesca, when she appeared in a show of orbs intensified by the magic nexus of Therold's cottages. To Cole's irritation, none of the cats lifted their heads but the big tabby started to purr. Francesca was wearing whitelighter robes and her hair was pulled back in a pony tail, with a smile on her crooked face, but her eyes showed her concern.

"I have to go back to Burvjara" Cole told her "And you may not like what I'm about to do."

"Which is ?" she asked. Then went to the kitchen to inform Therold of her presence. "Which is" she repeated to Cole as she turned back. And Cole noted that there was no school marm demanding he say please.

"They are going and it won't be any instigation of the Burvjarian's to break the alliance. It is because they are told to go. Both good and Evil, and should they chose not to go they will face my wrath" Cole told her.

"Geztalt?" Francesca asked in a voice that showed her concern.

"I'm guessing" Cole told her. "The demons in there now are some sect of yeoman warriors."

"That is what was on the winds?" Francesca asked. "Not the Geztalt?"

"No" Cole shook his head "I guess the concern there is that it is unbalanced, finding out why and fixing it is my problem.  Good is …reconnoitring" Cole told her "And it isn't low level whitelighters."

"And if they confront the Geztalt?" Francesca asked carefully.

"I was part of the Brotherhood," Cole answered roughly. "the enemy of the Geztalt. The Geztalt fight bloody, with every-one else's blood. They don't mind going until the last drop of every-one else's blood is spilt."

"Know thine enemy ," Francesca commented primly.

"I survived didn't I?" Cole asked with a smile and Francesca inclined her head.

Therold returned with a carefully laid out tea tray. His expression indicated Cole's survival in the demon world was a point of some regret to him. Therold put the tray down on a pile of books on a table, beside a chair where a big grey Persian cat slept. Cole eyed the cat then bowing to the inevitable planted himself on the arm of the chair while the grey cat inhabiting it eyed him smugly.

"I will return with your tea," Therold told Francesca and Cole raised his eyes.

Francesca took on a concerned  expression "You do know that confronting them as a guardian may make them leave now but I would doubt either Good or Evil will accept a decree to stay out." she told him carefully. Cole noted the prissy expression on Therold's face deepened as  he went to the kitchen. "They will more than likely react to you as a third party power involved in controlling the power not as an arbitrator. Very few of them truly understand what they risk if they confront guardians. And revealing yourself as Belthezor is not an option." she ordered.

"I have no intention of revealing Belthezor. It won't help" Cole said quietly "Its heading for bloody between them now with the Geztalt, because Good will have a defined enemy with a name and a face ..of sorts" he added. "and if the past is any guide, there won't be much left of Burvjara when the blood is settled. All I can do in there at the moment, is get rid of invaders, whoever invades and make sure they know why. But I can't stop them coming back unless I get the ones who are sending them in either side." He caught the expression on Francesca's face "Convince them allying with various factions of the Burvjarians to help them win so they can control how the pole is administered …is unjust" he amended 

Francesca quietly nodded. "And unwise" she said deliberately.

Cole nodded and then sat silently while Therold brought a beautifully laid out tray with another small china  teapot and cup and gave it to Francesca. She poured a cup and sat watching Cole as he drank his tea and stared into the cup.

"If you can't fight the leaders, you could always try encouraging the troops not to fight," Therold suggested. "There are very few leaders who can fight. They see their role as sending others to die. Dying in a battle is for the minions. I believe one of the reasons the Charmed Ones are so reviled in the Underworld is they attack leaders not minions" he said before returning to the kitchen.

"It is my understanding that is why mutiny is considered such a heinous crime in the military" Francesca said "Hard to fight a war that no-one is willing to die for."

Cole snorted "It's worth trying" he said in a derisive tone , and realised to late that Therold thought he was being sarcastic as Francesca sent him a glare that clearly told him to think before he spoke.

Therold returned with his own tea and sat at his desk, . A large cat promptly sat on his knee "It is good you have an interest in history Brother." he said prissily. "if you are right it will be useful," he added, indicating he had been listening from the kitchen.

Cole looked at him irritably.

"History teaches everything including the future." Therold quoted deliberately adding to Cole's irritation.

"Have you met my brother in law Leo…Friend Therold?" Cole asked.

"Brother Durand's new guide, I have not had the pleasure" said Therold carefully.

"You should . You have a lot in common, quoting things ": Cole said curling his lips."

"Cole" warned Francesca very school marm as Therold sucked his lips, flushing so his bald pate went as red as his face. "Therold does not understand when you ....tease."

Cole nodded "Sorry "he said to Therold carelessly in an apology that both Therold and Francesca knew meant nothing.

"Do you want my permission to go to the Underworld and face the Geztalt, rip off their hoods and expose them, confront them or get them," Therold asked, "You do not have it. Any more than you have it to confront the Powers of Be of Good in the higher realms. Confrontation is never a viable threat unless you are prepared to use whatever power you need to win. Some of these great ones respond the same way. It is a dangerous ploy." Therold ran his hand over the cat and it purred in contentment. He  gave Cole his best stare, then sipped his tea "The Underworld is not the place for the Guardian Belthezor" he said in his high prissy voice. "Brother" he added.

"Cole understands this Therold "Francesca interrupted, her voice taking on a firmness that surprised Cole".

"The underworld is the business of the Guardian Therold" Cole answered, making an effort.

"It is not my nature to confront them" Therold told Cole. "my calling is not ..justice. My calling is governance and lore."

"That is why you should deal with them. The point needs to be made what they risk." Cole told Therold seriously. He met Therold's stare "Confronting the faceless ones is useless until you can expose them. I know their history " he smirked, unable to resist and then flushed at the glare Francesca sent his way.

Therold pressed his lips together

"This I do know from my time in the Brotherhood." Cole added pleased with himself for irritating Therold "I trust my brother guardian to find a means of advising the Geztalt, some rule of governance and lore."

Francesca recognised Cole meant it even if Therold, pursing his lips so tight they disappeared, did not.

"This is all you came to ask?" Francesca asked more with hope than belief.

"You know me better than that " Cole told her. You told me  Durand drove out demons before. Why was he not called again?"

"You have any doubts this is your business" Francesca asked, decidedly stalling.

Cole told her still guardian "The Geztalt were not an issue when Durand drove the great powers out to stop them directly fighting. He did it because he knows right from wrong. And the great powers did something very wrong."

"You are prophesied to fix Burvjara " Therold told Cole primly sipping his tea.

"If I fix it is through justice because that is my calling "Cole told them. "I can only fix it by righting an injustice. What is the injustice?"

Francesca remained silent.

"Mrs Rinaldi, what  is the injustice?" Cole asked in his guardian voice which caused Therold to almost whimper in agony at the upstart's affectation

"Who are the innocent victims of injustice." Cole demanded.

"Who do you think?" Francesca asked not intimidated.

"I know damn well its the Burvjarians but from all I have been told there they are not innocents in fighting this damned war" Cole waited for Therold or Francesca to say something but neither did  "I was there when the Old Source set the original invasion up, Friend Therold," Cole answered with no warmth in his voice. "I didn't pay much attention but there was never any talk that they should wipe out the Burvjarians. Just control them, enslave them.  Evil's way is to convert or destroy. The Burvjarians aren’t converted easily to anything and yet they aren't destroyed."

"So" said Therold.

"They need the Burvjarians" Cole answered ."And then I ask myself why they need them. I know why they want to control the place. Of course I know the answer. Its the magic pole. But that is the place, not the inhabitants. So I am still left with why not destroy them."

"Why not? "asked Francesca, her voice curiously neutral.

"I watch the Burvjarians" Cole explained "I have seen my son use magic reaching into his core. Its not a power, its who he is, the magic completes his soul. I see them treat their power as Patsy does, it defines them. Magic for them is, to use Piper's term, normal. Its one thing for the magic pole  to be there "Cole said "But only the Burvjarians to connect to it. No-one  can't control the pole without controlling them, and they aren't easily controlled, so better they stay at each others throats than use the power for themselves, in their interests, for their own advancement, especially if that conflicts with the ..agenda of the other powers.".

"So 'said  Francesca "a strange smile on her face.

"Don't .. "Therold started to say

"Durand drove good out of there" Francesca interrupted disregarding Therold "Some time before, in our time a few years ago, theirs generation."

"On the grounds there presence was wrong?" Cole asked "I've driven them out of there every time they ally themselves with some faction.  What's the difference? He could have finished it"

"Durand did what he had to and if you needed to know what he did I would have recommended you ask him" Therold told Cole "If Durand thinks its your business to know".

"We haven't been introduced "muttered Cole.

"Durand did what he was called for . The presence of Good was ..wrong," Francesca said. "When there was some political upheaval in Burvjara that put into power those whose views and… interpretations of the course of magic was different to Good, Good interfered to correct the situation so that the leaders were… more in tune with their interpretation."

"Those views of the Burvjarian leaders, were they evil" Cole asked.

"No" said Francesca quietly, "Just different. Mostly about self determination and their rights to administer the pole in the best interests of Burvjara. What they perceived to be the best interests. Good went in there to assist their opponents in driving them from power.  And Durand perceived this to be wrong so he drove Good out."

"Then left the place to civil war" Cole all but sneered.

"You lack respect … Brother" Therold said his prissy voice high with the anger he was feeling. "Durand acted honourably on his calling."

"Durand stopped a great wrong. " Francesca told him before Therold could say anything else "which is his calling. Your calling is to fix an injustice."

Therold opened his mouth to say more then clearly thought better of it and sipped his tea, stroking a second big Persian cat that had made itself at home on his knee as well.

"What's the difference?" Cole demanded.

"Good then did not ally itself with Burvjarians" Francesca explained  "they tried to take over the realm. They felt it was justified by the importance of the pole."

Therold put down his cup and  patted both his catshis cat "Good felt it was necessary to control the Burvjarians, regardless of their ..own inclinations because the pole is so important to the world of magic" he said prissily. "And when they resisted, Good responded by trying to destroy those who resisted and  Evil was prepared to support these insurgents. You were present at the decision, you say?" he asked with a smile that did not reach his eyes. "The initial wrong was of course Good's decision to control Burvjara. Durand righted it"

The cat on Therold's knee purred contentedly. Cole found himself resisting a strong temptation to fireball the cat.

"That is so wrong, so evil " Cole bit out.

"That is the trouble "Francesca nodded "there are those who are good who confuse being good with being right. As they believe in their own infallibility because they are good, then anyone who disagrees is by definition evil. So they take it upon themselves to remove any opposition."

"Which is evil, and causes those who resist to turn to evil, in desperation, in anger, searching for justice" Therold explained primly making Cole gnash his teeth.  "It is your role to give the innocents justice so they do not have to turn to evil. Even when the perpetrator of the injustice is good."

Rather than risk a head on confrontation with Therold, Cole thinking of what he had seen turned to Francesca.

"You are one of their higher powers" Cole told her "why didn't you tell them what they did."

"I told you "Francesca told Cole evenly "The belief of certain powers in there own infallibility because they are good, can lead them to presume any-one who disagrees…. is evil."

"So you did nothing" Cole said in an accusatory tone thinking of what he had seen and how no-one had done anything to help the Burvjarians  or stop the war  "all your magic and you did nothing to insist they listened."

"All that would have done is made me a leader of a rebellion and escalate the war out of Burvjara "Francesca told Cole. "On the grounds that I was evil and must be defeated."

 "So you did nothing " Cole pushed bitterly, his frustration showing in every word..

"Do not speak to an Angel in such a tone" Therold ordered Cole and three cats hissed.

"I did something "Francesca told Cole before he could retort at Therold "I used my position and went to Durand. Good and evil now keep their interference to alliance, and ensuring the Burvjarians stay at civil war so no hostile group has the time or resources to control the pole. "

Cole stared at Francesca as she inclined her head, and met his stare.

"That was betrayal" said Cole who was once a demon called Belthezor, known to evil as the Great Betrayer. "You betrayed Good." he said in awe.

"It was right "said Francesca firmly .

Cole looked at her, then slowly stood up and bowed. "You really are an angel aren't you?" he said to Francesca.

Francesca smiled and half shook her head "I believed I was right. That time." she said "I told you once to use the power of betrayal judiciously. The wisdom was from my own experience. But although  that time I was  right, it is my wisdom to fear unyielding belief in my own infallibility because I know I am not infallible, and I know those who disagree with me are not evil."

"If you say so "said Cole  shrugging and not missing Therold's irritation at being ignored. "Did you find out why Good is not helping the Charmed Ones with the Geztalt" Cole asked to change the moment.

"No I did not "Francesca told him bluntly. "And if I had been honest this afternoon I would have explained that it was highly unlikely they would tell me" Francesca explained  "Í am assuming "she said quietly " there are elements in Good who have not given up on the idea of ..controlling the magnetic core."

Cole looked at Francesca "Who in good?" he asked grimly.

Francesca slowly and determinedly shook her head. "That is not the business of the guardian Belthezor "she said firmly. "Directly confronting them would be no more successful than directly confronting the Geztalt at this point."

"Even if they deserve some-one's wrath" Cole said not quite keeping the scorn from his voice.

"Cole "Francesca said with a small plea in her voice "I .. it would be better. I want it fixed, not avenged." She looked down then met his eyes.

"I will fix it " Cole who knew something of the price of betrayal, promised then realised he still had the empty tea cup in his hand. He slapped it down on the table where Therold had put the tea tray

"More tea" said Therold still a host regardless of his personal feelings toward his guest. "How you going to fix it?" he asked with something of a challenge in his high voice.

"I do not know" said Cole, shaking his head and glaring at the tea cup.

"Then why did you need to come here before returning  to Burvjara?" Therold asked

"I just wanted to make sure about the… history" Cole evaded, sarcastically .

"Cole" said Francesca slowly, warning.

Cole frowned "Justice isn't always benign" He said "This time it will be wrathful on those who do not concede to it."

"Regardless of the price" Francesca asked.

Cole nodded. Tired and feeling all his 120 years." Everything has a price" he said a trifle bitterly. "Yes " Cole answered "I am prepared to pay the price. I am feeling wrathful toward good"  he admitted "and those who are in Burvjara are the business of the Guardian Belthezor."

"Regardless how you feel about their inability to understand they are not always right "Francesca advised Cole "Remember that Good are good, and try to be good."

"So" he demanded not wanting to hear about their virtue.

"It can be a useful point in an argument" Francesca told him. "Evil is not good" she added

"If you say so" Cole said.

"Listen to Francesca" Therold ordered Cole. "Do not be rash and reckless."

"I have to go" Cole said between his teeth.

"Good "said Therold smiling for the first time since Cole arrived. "By the way" he asked standing, picking up one of the purring cats so it was held over his shoulder. He patted it sensuously. "How is your beautiful and  gracious wife?" He flushed slightly at the question, his bald pate as red as his face.

"Phoebe is enjoying herself being a right royal pain in the butt Brother "Cole informed Therold, enjoying the disgust on Therold's face. "She is not being gracious," he added  "she is being  wilful demanding. She  wants everything her  way and even when she concedes it isn't her way some how or other she turns it around to make it her way ." he said "That is how my beautiful gracious wife is."

Francesca rolled her eyes ."Cole" she warned  schoolmarm in place.

"You do not deserve such a woman as your wife" Therold told Cole his voice twitching with emotion ."she is a madonna, she is an angel."

"Have you ever really loved a woman" Cole interrupted Therold .

'"I lo.. No "said Therold caught.

"I suggest you refrain" Cole told him "because god help her when she falls off the pedestal."

He shimmered away without another word.

Francesca turned he best schoolmarm glare at Therold.

"I have heard things" Therold told Francesca  poking his lip out.

She regarded the small monk like guardian  severely, "You have heard them out of perspective." she told him in a don't argue voice. "Therold you need to be inside a relationship to understand how it works." she explained without any concession to his passion, "Sometimes what looks harsh on the outside is really a way of saying I love you " she advised him firmly.

Therold snorted and turned it into a sniff  "Do I go to the underworld?" he asked pouting .

Francesca shook her head, just managing to hold onto an exasperated sigh and remembering how she disliked demons "It would be my advice that any attempts to deal with this mess outside Burvjara will escalate the war outside Burvjara, and that is not good. I would think rather than accept arbitration, the Geztalt would be more likely to find another realm in which to fight."

"You think Belthezor is wrong? " Therold asked maliciously.

"Any-one can be wrong" she answered in a don't push voice  "but it could not hurt to reconnoitre below" she added.

"We may not be able to stop it escalating" said Therold in his Guardian voice "If Belthezor acts on his wrath regardless."

"Something he does fixes it" Francesca  said worried "according to the visions of the future. You are right about them ?" she asked Therold.

"I am never wrong In these things" Therold replied primly" Something Belthezor does fixes it and prevents a great wrong in this realm." His voice showed his incredulity that such a thing could happen.


Piper had got back from the super market to find Leo hanging out for her to get home as he had a call from Durand. She barely said hello before he was gone and Piper could finally do something that had been bugging her for three months and was obsessing her thoughts all through her shopping trip.

Up in the attic she put  Wyatt in the play pen with some of his toys and ordered Patsy and Melinda to play close by. Motherhood responsibilities appeased she had sat with the Book of Shadows finally able to indulge herself.  For three  months Cole had been disappearing to the realm of Burvjara and for three months he had talked of the horrors of war and what war did to people but he told he nothing about the magic.

And with her recent interest in magic creatures these ones had gone to the top of the list even though when she asked about them Cole had given her his best guardian stare and with the tiredness of some-one who had reached he end of their tether told her to butt out of guardian business.

Up until now Piper had respected that request, even if her curiosity nearly killed her. Now, today, she damn respecting guardian business, she had to know and she was going to know and nothing was going to stop her. Today, this afternoon  the need to know was her total preoccupation.

 Piper was able, now she had the time to truly search, find some details on the Burvjarians. She learned about their interaction with the magic pole, the role of the collegiate of magic they had once had, their reputation as ferocious defenders noted by her great, great, great grandmother in the Book of Shadows, with a picture of Burvjarian in a long white robe, carrying a book and a sword. Her ancestor had had   when she had had reason to refer to Burvjarian wisdom and was very impressed. Piper became convinced that Cole was being an obnoxious bastard trying to keep from her experiencing Burvjarian, understanding them.

Piper stared at the picture of the Burvjarianfor some time, seeing in it a nobility of soul, a charismatic presence, that did not exist in those normal people around. She sighed deeply over the picture and caressingly ran her hand down it.

 She suddenly realised she was sick of Cole, every time she asked about them getting that Piper is obsessed with magic creatures look, rolling his eyes toward Leo and telling her in his arsehole lawyer voice she did not need to know anything about them.

She thumped the Book of Shadows  "These people are the centre of the magic realms, they are the core of magic" she told Patsy who was not all that impressed and far more concerned with organising his toys into a traffic jam.

 "It's important we know and understand how they live what they are. This idea we are not to know about them, there is something dangerous in knowing about them, I have to know about them " she told Patsy her voice becoming shrill as she thought of the injustice of it. "I think your daddy is turning into a patronising know it all bastard" Piper told Patsy." I want to know, understanding magic is important. Understanding magic creatures is everything. And I have to know. I have too. Especially these ones, they're " Piper searched for the word "Magnificent"she drooled, "awesome, noble, heroic, charismatic  And "she told Patsy "your bastard of a father is infecting Leo. Getting him to interfere with em knowing about these people. Encouraging him to bitch."

Patsy looked up  clearly  pleased with his traffic jam. "Daddy" he said

"And" Piper told him "I need to know that there is something greater than the magic here.  I have to know" she said more than a trace of fanatic in her voice. Then she blinked at the traffic jam in the attic.

"How the hell did you get all those toys?" she asked as she realised that Patsy had collected every toy he had into the attic which was when she realised that the attic door was open and Patsy happily demonstrated  how he could levitate toward the stairs.

Piper caught him before he left the room then glanced at her watch and she discovered that she had been going through the Book of Shadows for two hours, gathering every minute detail she could about Burvjara and its people and becoming more fascinated by the realm  and somehow for  two hours Patsy had been levitating and telekineticking toys into the attic while she had been absorbed in Book of Shadows.

She swallowed guiltily, then glanced back at the Book of Shadows flicked a few pages then looked at Wyatt who had fallen asleep on the foam mattress in the bottom of the playpen. His toys were not with him, they were in the traffic jam and Piper swallowed triply guilty because if Patsy took Wyatt's toys, Wyatt would have screamed the place down and she had not noticed. Wyatt quadrupled her guilt by making a sleepy sad little hiccup noise.

Piper, the mother, swallowed even more guiltily and thanked god that taking her eyes off the children for well nearly two hours had resulted in nothing worse than filling the attic with Patsy's toys. She shut the Book of Shadows with a bang, then opened it at a page that dealt with magic feuds.

Then it occurred to her that there were three children who lived in the manor and one of them was not in the attic although Piper had a vague memory of Melinda moaning and muttering about being dragged up there  and whining 'Mommy' about two hours ago and maybe whining an hour ago.

Maybe she slipped down to the bathroom Piper hoped desparately. If she had not heard Wyatt yell for his toys, she could easily have missed Melinda saying she was going to the bathroom. Melinda was a big girl now, three and a bit. She went to the bathroom mostly without help if she did not have too many buttons and straps and today all she was wearing shorts and a sleeveless t shirt.

Piper, Book of Shadows finally forgotten in her fear, called Melinda very loudly. There was no answer. She yelled again.

Then making sure Patsy was all right in the midst of his toys and Wyatt was asleep she rushed down to the landing and checked Melinda's room. No Melinda. The doors to the other rooms were shut. Piper suppressing panic pulled open  the bedroom doors. No Melinda.

She checked the bathroom. Fearfully. No Melinda.

"Stupid" she told herself "Bathroom does not work"

Piper ran downstairs, relieved as there was no little witch lying comatose at the bottom of the stairs. She rushed to the downstairs bathroom. No Melinda.

She ran into every room calling Melinda's name. She started to think of demons sneaking in while mommy was lost in the Book of Shadows. Or Melinda pulling off her anti-orbing bracelet and really orbing anywhere.

"Make her all right "Piper  prayed. "make her all right." as she searched the basement, fearful Melinda was lying on the stairs or caught in a cupboard. No Melinda. Piper  then ran back up the stairs and out into the yard. No Melinda.

Piper rushed to the front of the house. The front door was securely shut but Melinda knew how to open it. She went outside. No little witch had fallen down the front stairs. Piper went to the street and looked both directions. She glanced up the street to where the house two doors up had a large Labrador dog that slept in the front garden most of the day. Melinda loved to hug and pat Rosy the Labrador.

Piper noticed her neighbour nosy Mrs Taylor in her front a garden opposite weeding. Throwing caution to the winds, she ran over the road and asked Mrs Taylor if she had seen Melinda.

Mrs Taylor enjoying being the centre of Piper's panic knowing exactly what was wrong. "Haven't seen your daughter since this morning "she said. "Did you look under the beds. That is where you used to hide as a child." She added with a smug smile. Mrs Taylor had lived in Prescott St for forty years and had spent much of that time watching the odd happenings at the manor.

"I didn't "said Piper struck by guilt again. "I will now. Thanks" she called over her shoulder  and rushed back across the street without looking, avoiding being killed by a car by instinctively lifting her hands an freezing it half a yard in front of her while Mrs Taylor stood up and gaped Piper not even noticing, kept running only turning to stop and unfreeze the car. She ran back to the house calling Melinda then remembered Melinda was not the only child in the manor.

She tore up both stairs to the attic and to her horror now both boys were missing, "God" she screamed "Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god." She ran down the stairs again and then all but crashed into Leo as he came out of Cole and Phoebe's room holding Wyatt on his hip and Patsy by the hand. His expression was not pretty.

"Melinda" breathed Piper all put snatching Wyatt and managing to hug Patsy at the same time.

"Melinda" snarled Leo "Its so totally irresponsible Piper. How did you let it happen. What the hell has got into you. You can damn well deal with it." he said as he glanced over the room.

Piper going from panic to hope to apprehension flung the boys back at an angry Leo and ran into the room.

Hidden on the other side of the bed was Melinda sitting in the middle of Phoebe's once white fluffy rug, She had the 4 pounds of chocolate that Cole had bought Phoebe or at least the little that was left of it. There was chocolate on the rug, chocolate on the Melinda, her face was covered in it  . she was heaving and gasping and clutching her tummy with one hand and stuffing more chocolate into her mouth with the other.

Piper lunged across the bed and hauled her daughter to her feet.  Only just noting that Melinda must have started her binge on the  bed because there were chocolate smears all over it and  Melinda had clearly thrown up on the comforter as well.

Piper  pulled the remains of the chocolate from Melinda who continued to scream "Chocl'te, Chocl'te, Chocl'te" and fought to grab the small amount remaining, back from her mother.

"No more" Piper told her, her voice shaking and then whimpered as Melinda to heaved all over  the rug , and the edge of the comforter on Phoebe's bed and Piper , while Leo standing at the door , holding the boys, glowered at his wife and  daughter..

Piper picked her heaving daughter up as Melinda threw up more over the floor, over Cole and Phoebe's bed , and made a projectile over the dressing table all the time screaming Chocl'te", Chocl'te,Chocl'te"

Piper dragged her into Phoebe's ensuite and let her throw up into the sink

When Melinda stopped heaving down the sink and into all Phoebe's matching towels, Piper, whimpering, eyed the mess, her daughter was in, remembered the plumbing was not working in the main bathroom and decided there was nothing to it  but to put  Melinda under the shower with her. Keeping a firm hold on Melinda she stripped and firmly held her under the shower while Melinda never missed a beat screaming for Chocl'te in between heaves. 

Leo apparently had decided to leave Piper  to deal with it. She called to him to get more towels but got no answer so eventually she  ragged Melinda through the stinking mess of Phoebe and Cole's room dripping water over the rugs. She found some towels in the bathroom to dry both of them and dressed Melinda, still crying her eyes out and begging for Chocl'te, unsympathetically plonking a bucket in front of her when she heaved again,

"You're greedy "Piper told her "Taking auntie Phoebe's chocolate. Melinda what got into you. And what got into Cole buying that much. Telling Phoebe the truth about being high maintenance is not a 4 pound of chocolate sin. Stupid damn man"  she hissed.

Piper pulled a resisting Melinda into her and Leo's bedroom while she dragged some clothes on,

"Want Choc'lite "demanded Melinda banging the door knob while Pupe dressed. As Piper opened the door, Melinda made a beeline for Phoebe and Cole's room. Piper caught her and  furious dragged her screaming downstairs to where Leo was watching both boys in the conservatory. Piper was hoping to catch him out but he was being an angel of responsibility and sitting on the floor playing ball with both of them, using a favourite toy Francesca had given Pasty, a ball with lights in it that could be hit hard into even the most delicate China ornament and not break it.  As a still angry Piper dragged Melinda after  her Patsy smirked delighted Melinda was in big trouble. Melinda telekineticked ther nearest object at him, only a cushion and Patsy belted it back until Piper froze it

"You're a bad girl "Piper told Melinda  ":Don't you know one piece of chocolate is enough. Stealing auntie Phoebe's and making yourself sick. Its not  what a good girl does "she told Melinda as her daughter pouted furiously, "Making yourself sick like a greedy … demon. Play with the boys. No "she ordered as Melinda opened her mouth. "Play with the boys and don't say a word."

"Its not her fault" said Leo cuddling Melinda. "You should have watched her ".

"Melinda should know better. She has no sense of proportion" Piper  told an angry Leo.

"Like her mother" snarled Leo "You had your head stuck in the Book of Shadows, didn't you. Looking up creatures , reading about magic,  totally disregarding everything else." and for an instant he swallowed guiltily, and hoped he could convince Cole not to rat on him because Piper really needed to be made aware of her own sins.

"Only a little while "said Piper hiding her guilt with anger "And don't make  this about me. Your daughter is behaving in a way that shocks me."

"Of course its about you. Melinda only does bad things when she isn't supervised properly" Leo  told Piper. "And" he pushed "How did Patsy get every toy in this house up to the attic" she demanded. "In just a little while. You're obsessed Piper  with this magic creature thing and youre putting the children at risk."

Guilt overwhelmed Piper. She swallowed hard, not forgetting her panic at Melinda missing.

Leo pushed his point "Patsy levitated Piper.  A 16 month old baby goes down two flights of stairs god knows how many times right under your nose  and you are so obsessed with the book you don't notice" snorted Leo all sanctimonious angel. He would have said more but Melinda threw up again.

Leo glowered at Piper who had tears of guilt pouring down her face

"I'll clean it up" said Piper , distraught.

Leo nodded all whitelighter "Piper honey "he said patting her shoulder "I’m only trying to make you understand just what could have happened."

"I know" Piper  said contritely appeasing Leo and thinking when the kids were in bed and Leo was off reading Greek philosophy, she was sneaking back to the Book of Shadows to  see exactly what it meant by magic pole because she had to know.

