Faithfully Yours

Part 2: Witches behaving badly

Chapter 9

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

After rushing out of work Paige orbed into the attic to find Piper flicking through the Book of Shadows quite casually, with all three children in the attic with her. Patsy was organising all the toys he had in the attic into something that looked like a traffic jam. Melinda was dressing big cat in some of her old baby clothes.

"What happened?" Paige demanded "Did you get the demons?"

"No "said Piper clearly annoyed "I was doing laundry and Leo was working on the bathroom. Marly had the kids and these damned demons appeared hissing and sniffing and dancing around and throwing stuff. Really weird. Then they flicked away into another room and did the same thing. I chased them all over the house. Really weird."

"Flicked "asked Paige "what does flick mean?"

"It means flick "said Piper rolling her eyes "like as in they flicked out. Not like an orb, or a shimmer , just  a weak little flick."

"And they did not try to get you or the kids or Marly anyone?" Paige asked perplexed.

"Nope "said Piper "just danced around in each room and threw stuff. Didn't say a spell, didn't sing. "

"And you don't feel odd" Paige asked. "your powers are okay. Marly is okay?"

"Powers are fine" Piper replied flicking through the Book of Shadows "Nothing happened. Freaked the hell out of me." she added.

"Weird" said Paige "what were they?"

"Looked like some form of squat dumpy little gnomes in black raggedy robes. Just looking up" said Piper. "Got it" she said stopping at a page which showed a picture of a squinty eyed balding little gnome with a particularly spiteful expression. "Midsummer Spite. "she said "One of the sects that touch auras and concoct nasty potions to home in on some emotion. Usually focus on weak mortals. They leave witches alone. Just annoying little pests Apparently, Puck in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's dream was based on them. "

"Weird 'said Paige. "Spites attacking the Charmed Ones . No need for me to hang around."

"I thought maybe we ought to call Mark to see if  the elders have any idea why they would come near us" Piper suggested a touch maliciously.

"Oh in that case I'll wait" said Paige her eyes lighting up. "You didn't call Phoebe, did you?"

"Yes "said Piper "She'll be pissed when she finds out its just damn spites. What harm can they do?"

"Leo wasn't worried" Paige asked. "because its weird."

"Worried about spites " said Piper "No. Worried yes. He just  got a quote from the plumbing place for new pipes.'

"that  bad "said Paige "Spites coming here seems ..weird" said Paige "want a  coffee?"

She went down stairs and made coffee, yelled to Leo and then made Mark's favourite sort, then decided to save herself any spillage and orbed back to the attic. Leo came up to the attic tool apron in place. Mark, wearing baggy corduroy pants and an off white shirt  was already seated in the arm chair, quietly at ease, maybe just a little smug.

Piper did not have a pleased expression. Paige guessed she had already tried to piss Mark off and failed.

Leo and Piper exchanged glances as Paige carefully handed Mark his coffee and a plonked theirs down on the table in front of the sofa.

"Spites coming near Charmed Ones "said Mark "I know I  haven't been around long but spites here. Odd." He looked toward Leo.

Leo shook his head. "Makes no sense." he said "Piper didn't vanquish them, but that was luck. Spites coming near the Charmed Ones must know what will happen to them.

"Weird;" said Paige "what are they suicidal?"

"Only explanation "said Leo not very interested "Pipes are really stuffed" he said  "Sewerage ones as well as water."

"Sewerage" said Piper distressed.

"Pipes are a bitch "said Mark " A few years ago I had to keep going to Alex's from work's place  for a shower for a month  when they gave out on my apartment building."

"Just make sure Cole keeps away from it" said Piper. "Or they'll really be screwed.

"I'm not stupid": said Leo irritated.

"I never said you were" Said Piper "I just said Cole's..

"What did you say about Cole?" demanded  Phoebe from the door."

"Those demons turned out to be spites" said Piper not answering the question.

"Spites" screamed Phoebe "You called me home for  a bunch of spites." She stamped her foot "Do you know how low they are on the scal?. Hell Marly could handle them. Did you vanquish them?'

"I was so surprised I just watched them dance" Piper explained embarrassed.

"I gave up lunch with John Cotton because you got a visit from spites" hissed Phoebe in disbelief "Jeesh.'"

She plonked down on the sofa where Leo was sitting next to Piper.

"Midsummer spites" Piper said as if that ex. "like Puck in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream."

"What were they doing here" Phoebe asked "Stupid demons.'

"No coincidence Puck rhymed with fuck " Mark grinned.

"That makes sense. Its an Elizabethan word," explained Leo and Piper ground her teeth. "Puck threw a potion that made everyone fall in love with the wrong partner"  .

"That's it "screamed Phoebe. She flung her arms around Leos neck pulling him a bone crushing embrace. Purring his name over and over ."

"Very funny" said Leo disengaging himself.

Phoebe stood up "Not in love with Leo "she said "Must be Mark."

She threw herself across the room at Mark who finding himself tangle up with Pookie between him and Phoebe gently put his arm on her shoulders and pushed her away while Paige glared at her sister.

"Not in love with Mark either" sighed Phoebe "guess I must still be in love with Cole. Stupid spite " she yelled falling back down on the sofa. "I missed lunch with John Cotton for dumb stupid spites."

"I don’t like it "said Piper  "Its too weird. You think they didn't know we were the Charmed Ones."

"Every demon and his dog knows where the Charmed Ones live" Phoebe pointed out "If the come back we'll know it wasn't an accident."

She had barely said the words when she  jumped as twelve spites flicked into the attic and catching hands started dancing around the attic singing this high shrill song over and over.

At first all three Charmed Ones and the two whitelighter just stared in surprise as 12 small balding, big eared, squinty eyed, barrel chested  gnome like creatures in raggedy black robes danced around the attic holding hands and singing.

"What the  hell" said Piper they all watched the dance .

"Piper freeze them " ordered Paige after the spites had danced to full circles around them.

"That dance is sort of mesmerising" said Piper  apologised. She  lifted her hands and froze the spites so they looked like a really ugly line of Christmas decorations, holding hands and frozen in dance steps.

"Mommy "called Melinda. "Ugly demons" she said running to Piper.

Patsy looked up from his traffic jam and contemplated the twelve frozen spites frowning deeply and then spat his disgust.

Wyatt realising he needed to do something to get attention opened his mouth and wailed.

"Okay honey" said Piper as Melinda hugged her.

Paige picked up Wyatt and Phoebe recognising her son's leave me alone and let me think about it face, left him sitting on the floor.

The Charmed sisters nodded to each other then without further conversation in unison recited the all purpose destroy the demon spell and twelve spites quickly blew up in a  cloud of black dust that settled over the furniture and the whole room, to mingle with the remains of numerous other demons whose dust was still in corners of the attic..

"That was" said Piper.

"Weird "said Paige.

"Really weird" said Phoebe.

"You all okay?" Mark asked standing up. "Nothing changed "he asked  fairly unconcerned

Phoebe put her hand on her heart. "Nope don't feel a thing for you and Leo" she said "Still in love with Cole. Sorry guys."

"Pho-ebe" said  Piper. She aimed her hands at a very ugly jug Margaret had given her for her last birthday and she had vanquished to the attic. She blew it up." I'm okay. Powers are based on emotions, so nothing touched, if powers are okay."

"Cat" said Paige and Big cat landed in her arms still dressed in a baby dress and bonnet "I'm okay" she said and grinned as  Mark smiled his grey eyes gentle, realising how silly she looked cuddling a ginger cat dressed as a baby. "And I still love you" she told Mark.

Phoebe lifted herself into an awkward levitation

"Weird" she said.

"Very weird" said Piper.

"Really weird "said Paige.

''Seems okay "said Leo.

"I hope so "said Mark softly.

"I take it you still love me?" Leo asked Piper.

"Le-o " said Piper narrowing her eyes "we've got two kids  and been married for ever."

Leo winced until he caught a gleam in Piper's eye. He glared at her.

"Of course I love you" she said pecking him on the cheek.


After Francesca left Cole sat staring at the harbour and doing some more thinking, which he considered justified because Phoebe was not having lunch with him. If she wanted him to think of her she could damn well spend time with him, and not Neanderthals.  Otherwise he was going to think about Burvjara.

What he thought was that if he had Francesca on the witness stand he would have been damned certain she was with holding things from him. And he had enough of Guardian experience  to know that it was either because it was another  Guardian's business or because either Therold or Francesca did not trust his recklessness, or his wrath in the circumstances.

He viewed a tourist boat run down the harbour and wondered what Glock would have to say if he knew of such useless things as pleasure boat trips. He watched the boat for a while and came to the conclusion that his wrath was the one thing that he had not tried in Burvjara. Every-one else around him had felt his wrath but not those in the place it would do most good. Therold had been warning him off for fear of him, escalating the situation and Cole seriously concluded that the situation was never going to end and presumably be fixed unless it was escalated.

No matter how many times he kicked demons and Good they came back, invited by a desperate Burvjarian sect, but he had always kept the war away from them. He had always broken the ties with the faction, working through the Burvjarians who had a healthy awe of ogres. He wondered what would happen if he confronted both Good and evil and they felt a guardian's wrath.

And slowly promised himself that next time they would.

Then he grinned and remembered he as almost certain to be facing a wrathful wife in the immediate future and he better have something to appease he. He glanced around saw the coast was clear and shimmered.

Cole shimmered into his and Phoebe's room holding a large bag that contained four pounds of  very expensive chocolates that Phoebe craved and were only available from a very special shop over the harbour and a bunch of red.  He often thought of the first time he had been in that room, sitting on Phoebe's bed waiting for her to return so he could tell her about Kalisha the priestess who had kidnapped her sister Prue, waiting for an evil Phoebe. And where that had led him.

"Whacha thinking. Unca Cole" Melinda demanded behind him. She had Big Cat draped over her shoulder like a big ginger rag doll and was pulling Patsy along by his hand, apparently on one of her little mom moods. When she wasn't beating up on Patsy she took it on herself to make sure he was properly mothered. Cole who since the eclipse had some insight into where both of them ended up as adults and where their destinies would carry them alone and separate was decidedly amused to see that Patsy was not thrilled about the mothering. However because Melinda  was so powerful his only defence was to pick up something and hit Melinda with it.

"Just thinking about the first time I came to this room." He told Melinda.

"Why?" demanded Melinda as Patsy wrested himself free and stood staring up at daddy

 "Dada"  he demanded

Cole thought about it remembering that Phoebe had kicked the stuffing out of him.

"Why?" demanded Melinda as Patsy took a kick at him to get attention.

"Without a doubt your Mother's son" Cole told him picking him up. "Don't kick its not nice," he told Patsy.

Patsy's expression clearly said he did not appreciate Daddy's preaching. Definitely his mother's son.

"Why?" demanded Melinda "why did you come here?"

"To tell Auntie Phoebe I loved her "Cole explained carefully.

"Oh"  said Melinda.

Patsy snuggled up, the kicking having successfully demonstrated that his father loved  him, because .he was first in daddy's attention.

"What happened?" Melinda asked.

"Auntie Phoebe told me she loved me back" Cole replied.

"Like she does now?" Melinda asked.

"Yes" Cole told her "Like she does now."

"By kicking the stuffing out of me "he thought.

Cole suddenly became aware that Melinda was not wearing any orb preventing magic bracelets that Marly, their witch baby sitter made her. "Who's looking after you" he asked her suspiciously.'

"Daddy "Melinda told him head cocked to the side "he's got his nose in a book" she explained innocently, mimicking her mother.

Cole went to the bedroom door and roared "Leo."

After three more roars Leo answered', rushing half up the stairs in a panic as he realised he was missing two children.

"Melinda orbed them up here" Cole told him primly.

"Oops" said Leo.

"Hello daddy "said Melinda from behind Cole while Patsy arms around his daddy's neck turned to Leo with an impish grin.

"This could be a problem" Leo said awkwardly "You aren't going to rat me out to Piper are you?" he asked Cole.

"What if she'd left the house? " Cole demanded.

Leo was saved from answering by Wyatt wailing for being left on his own. "I better get Wyatt" he said guiltily as Cole always one to enjoy catching angels in their sins smiled.

"What's this?" Melinda demanded not quite innocently  showing Cole  large bag of chocolates she had picked up off the bed, Big Cat remained happily snuggled over her shoulder as Patsy snuggled over daddy's shoulder.

"You damned little witch "Cole thought looking at her pixie face and green eyes. "You're so certainly a Halliwell."

"What's in the bag?" she demanded as if she did not know.

"Put that back" Cole  told her.

Melinda hesitated then with Big Cat still on her shoulder took the chocolates back to the bed and with one last longing look , her green eyes flashing she put them down and picked up the bunch of roses and held them up to Cole.

"Pretty" she said

Patsy reached out to touch the roses then wailed as he touched  a thorn.

 "Let that  be a lesson to you" his father told him. Everything that is beautiful has  its thorny moments."

Patsy sniffed clearly as unappreciative as his mother of his father's wisdom. Cole bet somewhere in Patsy's head, in the thought processes none of the family understood, the word preachy was forming.

Melinda sniggered "Silly Patsy. "she said .She dropped an annoyed Big Cat off her shoulder and half reached for the bag of chocolates "Lots of chocolate "she said her eyes gleaming.

"You sure got that chocolate gene"  Cole told her  "they're Auntie Phoebe's chocolates."

Melinda made a noise like a snort.

Patsy reached for the chocolates putting his hand out to call them to him using one of the lord knows what powers he had accidentally taken on when  the Charmed Ones had vanquished the warlock Willem.

"Don't touch mommy's candy" Cole told them firmly.

"Why?" demanded Melinda her eyes getting brighter and greener, the Halliwell chocolate gene working overtime.

"Because Auntie Phoebe, mommy gets very pissy when she thinks other people touch her candy" Cole explained.

"Auntie Phoebe  doesn't want all that" Melinda insisted her eyes alight and her expression  peeved.

"It doesn't matter whether Auntie Phoebe wants it all. She doesn't share well "Cole told her firmly  and caught Patsy's hand as he reached for the flowers. "They're mommy's" he told Patsy.

Both children glared at him, Melinda's eyes particularly bright and demanding, craving.

He grinned and pulled two chocolate bars out and gave them one each. He put Patsy down and he plonked himself on the floor to eat it and Melinda positively snatched at hers.

"We go and give Wyatt his" Melinda asked Unca Cole

 Cole stopped as he felt a movement on the spirit winds. "Okay then you can both stay with Leo and make sure he doesn't read any books." Cole told them.

"Mommy says that's impossible" Melinda informed Cole. through a mouth full of chocolate.

Patsy breaking small pieces of his bar and putting them in his mouth  nodded as if he really understood, which always frightened his father.

As Cole shut the bedroom door  Melinda turned to take another  look at the extra big bag of chocolates  on the bed.

"They're Auntie Phoebe's "Cole  said firmly "you have to wait til she gives you some."

"Yes Unca Cole " said Melinda licking the chocolate that was left around her mouth. All good girl.


The Honoured One, the less than great leader of the Geztalt demons sat on the throne in the Great Hall of the Geztalt Lair. He sat there in mortal form because the Geztalt had long since learned that it was a much easier form to reconcile and flatter and they reserved the Red an Black demonised version to impress and fear.

Behind him stood 4 of the grey robed hooded faceless Geztalts, the two tallest standing beside the throne touching the throne reverently in what was perceived by many as a gesture of respect and what was known to certain upper level and highly connected demons as the means by which they controlled their leader.

The hall was filed with a number of lesser light robed, faceless, hooded demons and representatives of the many lower level demons who worked in league with the Geztalt. Some of these owed them for certain victories in the time of the Old Source or others had sheltered the Geztalt in that time and now claimed their reward as the Geztalt again rose to power.

In front of the throne, stood a small demon. It was very short and had a gnome like demeanour. Its face was far too small for it large balding head. The grey hair was combed over the back . The gnome had a certain demonic presence thanks to large bushy eyebrows. Its mouth was too large and turned down at the corners giving itself an expression of a permanent petulance that in no way reflected any strength of character, although a certain sneaky intelligence  hinted at why it had survived to be the leader of its sect.. It was dressed in a dark robe that had a slightly translucent look and even though the robe was made to impress, on the short barrel-like body of the demon, it just showed off its limitations. Its eyes, small pig-like, darting around never focusing on one place, were hidden by thick glasses which indicated this small demon was so weak it could not regenerate. Behind it stood its kindred, wearing similar though less translucent robes. They nodded in awe as their leader stood almost in proximity to the Honoured One of the Geztalt

The Honoured One inclined his head in a gesture that appeared to be respectful at a distance but had more than a hint of distain and boredom.

"Well met friend " the Honoured One told the demon using the  demons greeting and allowing the gnome a degree of  kinship, but speaking slightly over its head. The Honoured One formed a cultivated smile as he said "We are pleased to see our special ally  in our ancestral halls."

"It is an honour to be here" said the gnome-like demon. It was nervous and its voice took on a flat out of pitch high note that grated even on demon ears.

The followers of the gnome positively preened at this evidence of kinship and equality with the Geztalt. They smiled in the light of demonic approval while many of those in the throne room snickered.'

The Honoured One continued talking above the gnome-like demon's head so the allies in the throne room also heard "The Spites have always been the great allies of the Geztalt" he announced.

"Midsummer Spites" hissed one of the faceless hooded grey demons behind the Honoured One.

"The Midsummer Spites" repeated the Honoured One in its resonant cultivated and insincere voice of bonhomie "have always been the great allies of the Geztalt. And it is with pleasure we name you our special friend."

The leader of the Midsummer spites puffed up so his burly round chest looked like it would burst. His glasses fogged and he opened his mouth to speak. At first nothing came but then in a high pitched squeak it told the Honoured One it was a great source of pride to the Midsummer spites to join the Battle of the Geztalt.

"We are pleased "said the Honoured One. Both the Midsummer Spite leader and the demons in the hall waited.

"The Charmed Ones" hissed one of the faceless grey demons behind the Honoured One.

"The Charmed Ones?" asked the Honoured One in a its easy resonant voice that was carefully crafted to not quite demand.

"We went to the Charmed Ones" said the Midsummer Spite. "The Charmed Ones have never openly fought the nation of Spites" it squeaked and its allies, half turned as the demons in the hall tittered.

"The Charmed Ones are known for making their reputation by fighting only weak opponents " smiled the Honoured One using the phrase that he knew always smoothed out queries from allies about  sending demons into attack stronger enemies, who had never attacked them..

The Midsummer Spite puffed up then squeaked out "We crafted the attack to seem like an accide… a surprise when we first went there to undertake the first wave of attack.'

"First wave "said the Honoured One not interested .

"Yes "said the Spite coming forward to explain the cleverness of its kind." We first infect the area with a magic powder stolen from comet tails and mixed with lunar rock powder and a special alkaline water from a well where for centuries the bodies of human sacrifices were thrown. This gives  a special power to the water because these bodies were always female. We then dry out the mix and add some mercury"

The Geztalt nodded approval  and pulled back from the lower creatures . One of the faceless ones behind him touched his shoulder slightly, to indicate what he should do and he regally sat upright maintaining his height and demonic presence. 

"How interesting" The Honoured One said.

"The Charmed Ones" hissed a faceless grey demon behind the Honoured One.

"This infected the Charmed Ones" asked the Honoured Ones.

"It affects all females" explained the Spite "It enhances their dreams and desires and makes them ….obsessive about their wants and the further the fancy is from their outward demeanour the stronger the obsession." It laughed spitefully "It always comes out in sex. Females always chase the most unavailable males, or females if that is ..their fantasy. They can't get enough."

The Honoured One smiled congenially.  A faceless one touched  his shoulder and he asked "and the powder will destroy them?"

"It is not our way to destroy our enemy, it is to harm them." said the Spite spitefully. "Any female entering the ungodly  lair of the Charmed ones will be affected if even one small particle of dust touched them,. The lair is a magic nexus that  enhances the power of the powder. If they carry some out, even a speck and it lands on other females, it will affect them, worse if they are magic. That is how we got the Free Love fest in San Francisco in the sixties. San Francisco is a particularly good environment for the magic of the dust at certain conjoining of planets during midsummer. This year is a particularly virulent year, which makes the dust maybe twice as powerful. On females you understand."

"It was not just females in the sixties love fest" interrupted a faceless one.

The Midsummer spite shivered suddenly "I believe very few males say no when they are offered " it said "Human nature works for us very well. Some males even boast of their weakness in the face of temptation. Others use religion or magic to blame females as evil. This has worked in our favour for eliminating witches."

The spite was greeted by silence until a faceless demon tapped the Honoured One on the shoulder.

"We are grateful that the holders of such wisdom are our allies and friends" intoned the Honoured One

 "But we have a special arrangement for the Charmed Ones." the spite  told the Honoured One, its gnome like chest puffed up.

One of the faceless Ones behind the Honoured One stepped forward, anger making its robe shake "You were told starting a war to get the Charmed Ones is strictly against the orders of the Source." it shrilled.

The spite shrank back and looked to the Honoured One who helplessly glanced to the faceless One behind it and sucked on its lip.

Another faceless demon stepped slightly forward while the spites looked at each other confused.

"You did not fight the Charmed Ones?" It demanded in a brittle cackled voice.

The spites became decidedly nervous, the leader wringing its hands and its face twitching, as they realised several of the more warrior-like greater allies of the Geztalt were moving toward them

"It's not our way to fight them "squeaked the Midsummer Spite leader "the powder allows us to read the aura of the females and discover what their fantasies are. We can then expose them to the DANCE OF DESIRE and if we match the rhythms to the witch's aura once the dance finds her rhythm then it will make her obsession so strong they will destroy their lives themselves and their magic by chasing their obsession.  Females who are not subject to the DANCE OF DESIRE " it said using capitals to describe the ultimate power of the Midnight Spites "Just want badly and erratically and erotically, but the rhythms are not easy to choreograph so we only do it for special witches. We thought the Charmed Ones were special" It squeaked as the warrior allies hovered and the two angry faceless ones towered over it. It looked helplessly at the Honoured One who was  just as helpless when confronted by the anger of faceless Ones.

"You are certain?" insisted the first angry faceless one "That it will be the Charmed Ones who destroy themselves."

"That's the was it usually works, unless." squeaked out the spite. It caught the narrowed confused express of the Honoured One "That is the way it always works" The spite  tried to sound certain but succeeded in  sounding frightened.

"And" demanded another faceless one, its body still rigid with anger. "the Charmed ones just stood there and let the dance happen?"

"The Midsummer spites lost many of our bravest compatriots" the Midsummer Spite announced "Brave spirits who were willing to lay down their lives for the Great Fight."

The demons in the hall sniggered, knowing that this meant the Leader of the Spites had managed to manipulate its most disliked followers into attacking the Charmed Ones on the certainty they would be vanquished. Spites  truly earned their names.

The faceless ones stood still for a few seconds, pushed in front of the Honoured One, towering over the spites,  then slowly stepped back behind the Honoured One's throne, resuming their respectful stance. They tapped the Honoured One on the shoulder."

The Honoured One dutifully stood up and moved down a step to the Midsummer spite Leader. It took his hand in both of his which may have been warmth but was also  dominance, then said magnanimously, using the phrases he had been trained to say " The Geztalt understand the great loss off its brave compatriots and recognise the nobility of their sacrifice. We looked forward to our special friends the Midsummer Spites joining us at out celebration banquet when our mutual enemy has sunk into oblivion. We will toast the lost spirits and remember their great deeds which we will ensure will be recorded in the Book of Deeds so all demondom will honour them."

Every demon in the hall recognised this as a clear statement of the Geztalt's connections to the new source Tempus.

"We will be honoured "breathed the Midsummer Spite Leader, tears of emotion forming in its petty piggy little eyes and fogging its glasses.
