Faithfully Yours

Part 2: Witches behaving badly

Chapter 13

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Cole shimmered back to the manor and into the conservatory, keeping his hold on a very surprised Glock.

He immediately let Glock go as they materialised and Glock staggered back looking around him. He  stood in the middle of the conservatory in his tattered and burnt robes dripping red dust and orange blood from the effects of the explosion. His eyes wide and the orange trunk like nose, turning burnt orange, indicting some heavy emotion in control, Glock slowly turned around scraping the tiles with his heavy hobnail boots. He stared at the coloured glass, green plants and cane furniture and tiled floor with its coloured rugs, not missing the rocking horse and toy pedal car in the corner.  He eyed Wyatt's playpen, the boxes overflowing with toys, the mirrors, and the books and the potpourri on the shelves and tables as well as the ornaments and pictures.

"Welcome to my ..abode" Cole said apprehensively.

Glock inclined his head and raised his eyes as Cole stood there, still wearing the remains of the second hand coat  Phoebe had bought him, and the tattered burnt robe. He had a two day beard jeans ripped, shoes gapping and shirt and sweater stained with orange soil and burnt from the fire power. Cole had a massive bruise  down on side of his face and it had gravelled grazes around it.

"Your abode is soft my friend" Glock told him quietly "Take me back to where I belong."

"Its not that easy "Cole replied holding his ground. "the consequences are ..complex."

"Its as simple as you taking me back and dealing  with consequences and any surprise" Glock looked around again and walked to the garden door. After an examination he opened it and stood looking at the garden with its kid's sand pit and climbing apparatus, Melinda's bike against the wall, the flowers in summer bloom and the green grass sloping down to the trees at the back.

As it was midsummer the sun had not set but there was some cloud and sea mist and the sky had a softish blue green tinge to it.

Glock shook his head. "It is green here" He said quietly. It is different here."

"Many things are different" Cole explained.

"Things I will never know" Glock told him firmly "Take me back.".

He stopped as Leo dressed in his usual jeans and open shirt over  tee shirt, and also wearing tea towel wrapped around him, appeared from the kitchen. The tea towel indicated Leo was battling to feed children.

Glock looked at Leo enquiringly, and Cole introduced them.

"My brother-in-law  Leo" he said. He saw Glock's confused expression "My wife's… sisters….my clansman" he finished "Leo Klikian Glock, who is going to stay here for a short while."

"I am not" said Glock determined but accepted the hand Leo held out, not missing Leo sucking in his lips and glancing at Cole. "Leo I greet thee" he said carefully.

"Klikian Glock. I greet thee" Leo answered. You are welcome for as long as you stay" Leo told Glock "Spare room isn't made up "he told Cole. There was a loud screech from the kitchen "Have to go "said Leo '"Kids mealtime".

"Offspring" Cole explained as Glock looked puzzled. "Where are the girls?" he asked.

"Paige and Phoebe are still at work" Leo answered backing toward the kitchen "Piper's at the supermarket."

"Didn't she go to the supermarket this afternoon?" Cole asked.

"She had to go back" Leo said snippily "she knows Patsy only eats over ripe bananas not green ones."

"Couldn't you have ripened them?" Cole asked carefully.

"I didn't feel like it" Leo snipped. A very loud whine came from the kitchen "and while we're on the subject" Leo added clearly pissed "why in the hell did you have to buy Phoebe all that chocolate" he demanded.  "Melinda ate the lot."

"All of it "Cole asked stunned "is she okay?"'

"Of course not" Leo snapped and rushed back to the kitchen.

Glock rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand either," Cole told him.

"Explain it to me on the way back to Burvjara" Glock said his nose twitching.

"You are dead if you go back" Cole insisted  sucking his lips. "And I do not think I am prepared to pay the huge price for your death.'

"There is nothing of value in Burvjara to pay a huge price." Glock told him with an amused smile.

"II believe there is" Cole said told him. "I made my choice."

The Burvjarian stepped away looking at him with the cool determination and calm control that Cole so admired in him "Death is an inevitability of war" he commented "And preventing mine helps no-one. Take me back."

"No" said Cole just as calmly "I think it does help.  You are .. there are deaths that leave a greater legacy or gap and you're one of these. Your opponents knew it, evil knew it. The Others blamed you for not being able to control their allies. "

"My death or my absence" Glock said "It is all the same. I must return."

"Maybe not "said Cole "the return must be" he said thinking hard. And aloud "well timed."

Glock nodded then turned away, a soldier to long to not understand strategic retreat. He turned back "I did not know your power to materialise was as a demon" Glock sighed  "That power .. my friend is not good. It was evil "he stated calmly.

"I am not evil "Cole said just as calmly determined matching Glock. "My powers are demonic. I have never lied to you about what I was doing or why I was there. Never lied to you about the role of an ..Ogre."

Glock's expression was less than trusting

"Mrs Rinaldi" Cole called.

He was interrupted by Patsy making an escape from the kitchen, running to him yelling dada dada, and speeding up the process by levitating the last few strides, Cole caught him mid-rise and picked him up.

He greeted Cole with a big kiss, pleased he had got daddy's attention, and Cole swallowed guiltily  then kissed him back.

Glock curiously regarded the Ogre who he had just seen despatch a legion of demons holding the little boy. Patsy dressed in red shorts and blue tee shit, his already dark hair cut quite short, big brown eyes that Cole knew were his mother's eyes, lit up happily. Phoebe insisted Patsy was not going to have any gender issues wearing Melinda hand me down girl colours and gender neutral clothing.

"H'lo" Patsy said to Glock.

Cole blinked because he had not heard Patsy greet any-one before. "My son" he told Glock

Leo followed Patsy holding Wyatt while a rather subdued Melinda came with him.

"He's been saying hello to every-one he meets for a week" Leo told Cole.

Melinda had a very pale look but she still went to Cole put her hands on her hips  and demanded "Choc'lite Unca Cole."

"You've had enough, I hear " Cole told her .

Melinda stamped her foot and stalked off, picking up a very large doll and plonking herself down in the middle of the floor cross legged, muttering viciously to herself .

Glock's nose twitched "Your abode. Where is it?" he asked.

"It's my family home, my realm, " Cole explained "Mrs Rinaldi" he called louder

"It’s a place called San Francisco" Leo explained putting Wyatt on the floor so he could crawl.

"You live well my friend" Glock commented his orange face a darker shade of colour always a sign he was concerned "You have a great magic" he commented" And I will reserve judgement on it purpose, and source. Who do you call? He asked "What is this missus Rinaldi"

"It costs a bloody fortune" Cole explained. "My damned whitelighter."

"Mrs Rinaldi is a Cole's guide," Leo explained, keeping a careful eye on the children,  "Her name is Francesca. She's a whitelighter. Like me "he added "well much more of an Angel than me.'"

"Francesca" Cole roared as Patsy decided he had enough of daddy's attention and had things to organise. He punched Cole in the face to get daddy to put him down.

Glock enquired, "This is how we behave in your... realm?," he asked.

"No its not " said Francesca orbing in. "thank you Leo " She said, indicating she had heard some of the conversation. She  held out her hand to Glock. "To whom do I have the honour?" she asked "And do not swear when you describe me" she told Cole

"You didn't answer me" Cole sulked as Glock watched him in amazement.

"I clearly have answered you" she said "and even if I had not, why would that justify swearing at me.'"

Glock's yellow eyes widened more but he said nothing.

"Glock "Cole introduced him " One of the sages of Burvjara. May I present Francesca Rinaldi . My whitelighter., Angel guide" he explained as Glock rolled his eyes.

"Cole is not far off demondom" Francesca explained her eyes twinkling. "It explains but does not excuse his  manners."

Glock took in her ugly pockmarked face, salt and pepper ponytail,  white lighter robe still slightly translucent from orbing. He looked at her extended hand clearly uncertain with a female then accepted the manners of the situation "Francesca Rinaldi" he offered "I greet thee" and he reached for her hand..

Cole thought to himself that what he had found of Glock in his own realm and decided that in situation, which was totally  out of his control, where he was a ragged alien in a strange realm, the effect of his dignity and quiet restraint was doubled.

"And I greet  thee, Mr Glock " Francesca told him nodding her head. "What happened"? "she asked Cole.

"I told demons, and Good to get out." Cole said "You were right Good still thinks it is good, they went with some persuasive words. The demons required stronger persuasion. Some of the Burvjarians were not thrilled my friend Glock here did not argue with me."

She looked at Cole and then at Glock  who met her intensity with an expression of distrust.

"You were right about Good and what they were doing'" he told Francesca as Leo looked at all three quizzical. "It was not minions. Glock is one of those who does not approve of their involvement."

"I see "  Francesca said "This was the best solution" she asked "Bringing Mr Glock here" she asked very doubtful.

"Klikian Glock " Cole told her.

"I stand corrected "said Francesca "Klikian Glock to this realm."

"Yes" he said "it was that or lose him and I don't believe we could risk that. I don't believe any  solution will  happen without him."

Glock narrowed his eyes.

"You know your wisdom'" Francesca answered quietly "It does present certain complications for Klikian Glock and maybe this realm" she said thinking about it.

"I know that  that's why I called you" Cole answered stubbornly "But so would his death in Burvjara.".

"What complications?" Glock asked with dignity "if I may be so bold. To ask. As I feel it be my business" he said.

Francesca inclined her head acknowledging him "Your business it is "she said "at the least there will be some issues with time." she said "When you return "and she frowned at Cole as she stressed the word return, "You will have lost much of your time,  past. They move at different rate."

"How different?" Glock  asked quietly .

"Depending how long  you stay a lifetime" she  answered honestly as Cole winced. "Much will  have changed already. Cycles" she said

"You are an honourable; angel "Glock commented, taking the time to think by staring out the window at the greenness.

"'Thank you "said Francesca sincerely.

"I need to return" he said. "My people will..  ."

"Be mourning you as long dead. "Cole told him bluntly "And very soon be consigning you to memory and legend."

"I see" said Glock "

"I had to do something "Cole said "Something I do fixes it." he told Francesca "Maybe this is it."

"I don't suppose you fixing it, is like you fixing up the house" Leo asked.

"What do you mean?" Francesca asked quite brusquely.'

"Every time Cole fixes something up here, he stuffs it up worse" Leo explained.

"I believe I am glad Phoebe did not say that" Francesca answered clearly concerned and Leo grinned, while Glock frowned and Cole glared. She raised her eyes. '"Taking him back  now?" She asked.

"I got rid of the demons" Cole said "Good are " Cole shook his head. "doing what you thought they would do and they are finding my friend Glock an impediment, which they want gone. Which makes me think he ought not be gone. And his own people don't understand dealing with the devil and not selling your soul. He will die and die uselessly if I take him back" Cole insisted.

"You don't know that "Glock answered pushed.

"I'm a bloody good guesser" Cole answered daring Francesca to complain.

"If that is your wisdom, you must listen to it" Francesca said

Cole grinned in amusement "That must have hurt to say" he said cheekily.

She turned the school marm expression on him so hard, he shrivelled and swallowed. Don't be a brat Cole "Francesca told him. "and don't swear " she added.

Glock's orange eyes narrowed and his trunk like nose darkened. And he glanced at Leo standing to one side respectfully, half watching the children, half listening. who openly laughed.

"All I can suggest Klikian Glock" Francesca said "is listen to Cole's wisdom."

Leo and Cole exchanged glances.

"Why? demanded Glock.

"Because we have no other" she answered honestly

"You will forgive my suspicions  at your suggestion Madame Francesca" Glock told her "But my land has had the adherents of good, beings like yourself, come to rescue us, they claim but their motives have been self interested as any evil, and the difference between good and evil had been barely apparent to my compatriots.  Good has an .. agenda of defeating evil and controlling my land, not protecting it. They made it worse. " he added bluntly.

Francesca met his eyes "I know "she answered "and for what it is worth I would strongly advise you to keep you suspicions."

She watched Glock intently until he nodded then turned toward the conservatory door, looking at the view of the green yard as Cole and Francesca and Leo watched him.

 "This place is ..alien" he said and turned away to look at the view again.

As Glock stared at the yard, Francesca turned to  Leo and frowned. "Something feels… not right here" she said slightly perplexed "Do you sense anything odd?".

"No" said Leo.

"Nothing odd happened here?" Francesca asked

"Girls had some spites dance around this afternoon?" Leo told her "But theyre no danger to the Charmed Ones."

"Spites?" Francesca said "here?"

"We thought it weird too" said Leo.

Cole was watching Glock staring out the door '"Balance is swirling "he admitted' "Something. Change " he shrugged.

"Change can be good" Francesca nodded pursing her lips. "anything…weird happen here afterward?" she asked.

"Melinda ate 4 pounds of chocolate and made herself sick" Leo told Francesca.

Francesca looked at Melinda still sitting cross legged in the middle of the floor, hugging her doll and muttering to herself.

"Curious," she said, her expression concerned. She walked to the cane table. "What's that ?" she asked picking up a very large paper back book with a lurid cover.

Cole glanced at it and sighed "Another of Phoebe's light reading" he said "Impossible sex and total fantasy"' he glowered.

"Really ,"said Francesca looking back at it as she put the book down.

Cole and Leo exchanged glances.

Glock had clearly been thinking. He turned from staring at the garden "Nothing  you have said changes my desire to return "Glock told them "My place is in my realm with my people. If I do not return now I do not see a reasonable explanation for my return, if the time is .. different."

"You need to stay here" Cole said in his guardian voice as Francesca watched him intently  "Something needs to change there. Something is changing there. I promise you I will return you but I need to see what your absence does.. What happens as a result. Something is changing," he repeated, lifting a hand trying to touch the spirit winds "And this is the first time," he said. "I can feel it on the spirit winds" he said intently "You have my word, Glock. I will return you to Burvjara when the time is right."

"I do not desire to return as some resurrected .. godlike creature "Glock said  "Can you promise me any other explanation? " he asked bluntly.

"No" said Cole "I cannot" and he held his ground.

"The sooner the better" Glock said " I believe for you to create some fantasy of me….if that your intention" he told Cole "is evil."

Cole quietly shook his head as Francesca watched him. He became aware of her glancing again toward Phoebe's bodice ripper romance book. She with reluctance pulled her eyes away from it

"Cole is not evil Glock " she said "He is ..beyond it and only some-one like him can solve your problem."

"I do not wish to return as the dead arisen" Glock stated, his trunk like nose twitching.

"We don’t always get what we wish" Cole tole him gently, firmly

Glock nodded his orange face lightening and the trunk like nose went darker, wrinkled,

Francesca nodded supporting Cole. She smiled "Cole has some wisdom" she said "sometimes he uses it well" she added as Cole raised his eyes.

After what seemed like  a long wait Glock nodded and Leo found himself letting go his breath.

"Now what?" asked Glock maintaining his dignity.

"You need to stay here" Cole explained to Glock.

"In this house, you would be noticed away from it" Leo added when Cole seemed stuck for words.  As Glock cocked his head in an unspoken query , Leo explained "In this realm the magic is not ... It is hidden. You would not be well understood."

"What of your clan?" Glock asked accepting this reluctantly

"You are welcome "Leo said firmly "To stay as long as is necessary."

"Your mate "Glock looked at Leo "mates will accept me?"

"My family will accept you because I ask them to, they will make you welcome because I ask them too" Cole said confidently. Then he stopped aware that Francesca had picked up the bodice ripper novel and  was surreptitiously flicking though the pages.

Leo looked at Cole and shook his head.

"I promise you it will not be a problem" Cole told Glock , whose expression was disbelief as Patsy came up to him stood at his feet again and said "H'lo."

"It will not be a problem" said Leo as Cole, rather proud of his son, picked Patsy up. As Cole bent over then Leo noticed his ski mask hanging out of the remains of Cole's pocket. He walked over and flicked it out and it all but disintegrated in his hand "I told you to stop pinching my clothes" Leo snarled at Cole pissed "My mask, my parka last time, 3 of my shirts. Wreck your own damn stuff" he told Cole really pissed.

Francesca smiled gently "They are lying "she told Glock bluntly, "it will be a problem staying here.. for you. Being forced to live with this family is an exercise in living in chaos. Their hearts are good and their souls are good, but their passions and fantasies  can be ……wearing. You may find you need to exercise more patience and restraint that a lifetime of war have not invoked. Their conflicting ambitions and beliefs and desires make for an interesting experience " she told Glock

"She is joking" Cole interrupted.

"No I am not "said Francesca severely, school marm in place.

"I have imagined living with passion and hope and desire," Glock replied  "Hope is painful" he said. "and I fear I am beyond passion and too worn out to desire anything."

"I know  about feeling like that  "said Cole suddenly.  He cuddled Patsy close to him. "Can I tell you something. Glock for most of my life I lived without hope, passion. I existed because I was scared to face the alternative."

Glock looked at him then glanced around at the Manor room, the antiques, the glass, 300 years if family knickknacks and the toys magazines and books piled around the conservatory.  "Yes"  he said bemused.

Cole smiled while Francesca watched him closely, her eyes never leaving his face.

"I got  a glimpse of passion and for  brief moment a .. a ray of hope." Cole said "Then for some time it was all I had…. remembering passion and… not quite letting go of hope, even if it seemed... impossible" he smiled "I found the courage to face the alternative." he turned away and turned back "It led to some very dark places but it also …. When nothing else is left the memory of passion and hope, a little,  made it possible to do the things I had to do. I found it here" he said "in this house. And when I first came here it was the last thing I expected."

Cole glanced at Francesca surprised to see the expression on her face was one he had never seen before . It was wholehearted approval.

He looked down then looked at Glock "Or maybe I'm just a stubborn arsehole bastard who hates being beaten." And he grinned while Francesca raised her eyes and her expression became school marm again.

"When your experience of passion and  desire is watching what some-one else has "said Glock as his orange horn like nose wrinkled "then it can just be jealousy." He wandered to the cabinet and stared at  a dainty porcelain figurine of a fairy type creature that was one of the Halliwell family treasures that Grace Warren in 1810 had been given by her coven as a wedding present. Glock touched the delicate figures and gently ran his finger down it "Thank you for your hospitality "he said "But please understand I need to return as soon as you can  possibly organise it "he said accepting the inevitable with the dignity and restraint Cole so admired.

"Well you may find the fantasy bears little resemblance to the reality "Francesca said  "So jealousy may not be an issue.

"I comprehend" Glock said, with courtesy if not honesty, doing his best "what happens now?"


Paige could no longer stand it. She had spent the time since she got back from that stupid spite attack, if you could call it an attack trying to write a report for central that answered all the questions they asked about how she managed the centre without actually telling them. Paige glared at the report on her computer. Normally she enjoyed this task, it satisfied her need for creative writing, but all her creativity had left her because she was consumed by something else. It must have been looking at the naked pictures of Mark or maybe Anne drooling over Cole like he was a fantasy man, or Phoebe drooling over John Cotton as if he was some re-enactment of one of her bodices ripper novels heroes. For some reason, she was lusting really lusting over her own fantasy. Nice safe pretty pictures of very pretty men.

Paige wriggled in her seat, practicing controlled breathing and  tried searching the Internet, for work safe pictures of interesting men but airbrushed publicity shots of movie stars did not satisfy her and goodgays,com was definitely not work safe on the archbishop's computer. Finally  after fighting it for what seemed like hours, Paige realised there was nothing for it, the only way to get rid of an itch was to scratch it, even if the itch was in a place that should never be exposed in a  workplace. She stood up and announced she was going home.

Alex and Ella her work colleagues, as was the way at the employment centre accepted this as nothing unusual , nodded and wished her good night.

Paige rushed out to her car, the car the archbishop provided for the centre and she mostly used. She made her way down to a mall half way between the employment centre and Prescott street where she knew, from researching the Geztalt demons incursion into the media, there was a shop that had a wide and varied collection of magazines that were not always found in the more family orientated bookshops.

Inside the shop, Paige walked over to the magazine section of the store and at first searched through the magazines in  the female section. She flicking a number of the more lurid and adult magazines and found a few with pictures, mostly of very young men with shirts undone or off and a couple in bathing suits which were caught her attention, but she wondered if there had been some airbrushing in the interesting places.  They did not quite satisfy her fantasy, although she held onto them on the off chance she would not find anything better. She did surreptitiously opening the sealed section on one and was rather disappointed in the youth and effeminacy of the centre fold.

She did find one with a picture of  well known movie star naked but the interesting bits were blocked out. It did have some quite satisfactory back views, of extremely tight buns and rather muscled thighs so she added it to the pile.

Paige checked a few  more of the well known glossies but the fully clothed models were somehow effeminate, or looked like boys not men and she decided these were not worth her while.

She tried the men's sporting magazines and found one or two interesting views of near naked sinew and muscle, photographed in nice detail because they were supposed to be discussing sporting theory and health but none of them really got to the centre of the itch. Then she realised there was only one way she was going to satisfy her fantasy.

Paige glanced around making sure no-one she knew was in the shop and went over to the section, the restricted section where the explicit gay magazines were shelved . There, she finally found 5 very expensive glossies which just about satisfied her soul, pictures of naked men not boys, full front and muscled, all types, sizes and races to satisfy every taste. She whipped through each one, added them to the pile and then found three more that made her smile ecstatically as she quickly flicked through them glancing over her shoulder to make sure she was not seen, as she did.

Page, smiling in delight, eyes glazed with anticipation, picked up her pile of magazines with the innocuous women's gossip magazines on the top and went to the cashier, a pleasant faced motherly woman in her forties. The cashier took the magazines and wished Paige a polite good afternoon then carefully added up the total cost, giving  Paige a disapproving motherly look and shaking her head ever so slightly.

"That will be $138.70" she told Paige as she flipped the pile of very expensive glossies, steadfastly ignoring their content. Paige swallowed, hesitated and then determinedly presented her credit card.

"They're for research" Paige explained to the woman then flushed to the roots of her hair.

"Naturally" said the cashier "Do you want these in a bag?" she asked her face blank.

"Yes "answered Paige with determination.

Outside in the car the archbishop paid for as part of the contract arrangements with the employment centre, she put the bag of books on the passenger seat and then backed out of the parking bay, narrowly missing a car going past because one of the magazines had slipped out of the bag and she was looking at the cover not her rear view mirror.

As she left the shopping centre Paige was faced with a red light so while waiting she pulled a magazine out of the bag and opened the first pages, sighing to herself and then licking her lips as she examined important features of the first nude in the biggest glossy. It wasn't full frontal but she could take in muscle development, size of feet and the suitability of scruffiness. She was so absorbed it took four horns honking before she realised the lights had turned green. She just made it through before they turned red again.

She drove slowly making sure she got the next red light so she could look again and not noticing that all the cars behind her missed the green light because she had been so slow.  At the next light she flicked another two pages of exquisitely muscled men and just had time to glance at a full frontal when one of the cars that had been behind her at the last set o lights  pulled up to one side and an elegant woman in the passenger seat mouthed the words  "Stupid fucking bitch."

Paige gave her the finger as the light turned green and accelerated  home . She swung into Prescott street glancing at the open magazine on the passenger seat and narrowly missed Rosy the labrador ambling across the street where she had been visiting nosy Mrs Taylor. Paige did not notice Mrs Taylor shaking her fist.

Slamming the car to a stop in the drive behind Cole's car, Paige bundled the magazines up into the bag, not noticing one had fallen under the seat. She got out the car, wondered whether Cole was really there or he was off playing Guardian in Burvjara and decided explaining to him about magazines about the magazines was not something she wanted to do, not that he ever noticed what any-one else was doing these days anyway. But if he did he could be damned nasty  so she orbed from the driveway to her room, not noticing a very angry Mrs Taylor crossing the road, stopped in shock.

In her room Paige shut the door and flung herself on the bed, to examine her booty in intricate detail comparing pictures and sizes of all sorts and scruffy versus clean shaven versus bearded. And  the effect of jeans with the fly undone, and different shaped tight butts, and feeling warm and sated as she rolled on her  back on the bed and held a particular favourite high to examine it better.

