Faithfully Yours

Part 3: Witches behaving worse

Chapter 16

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

"llusion is the first of all pleasures.
Oscar Wilde"

In his hotel room John Cotton, by general acclaim sportsman extraordinaire, by the account of several reputable witnesses, stud extraordinaire, and by his own account, every girl's fantasy, smiled in satisfaction. He eyed at the woman standing in the middle of  the room, wearing only her bra and knickers as she stared at him with excitement, pregnant and carrying it high, her big brown eyes were wide and intense.  Her excitement and her rapt admiration for his shirtless, caught his ego and excited him and he let his breath go in an anticipation of what was coming.. He was used to sighing and besotted women, in fact it was something her regarded as normal. The pack of them which had been following his every movement during his visits to the Bay Mirror and during the  press reception were  nothing more than he expected.

However this one was above the pack. She was beautiful and she was sensual and she had an air of confidence in her attraction that was missing in many of the women he saw, yet she had a fragility that was exhilarating him. And the pregnancy just made her seem more desirable. She wore the contradictions of her nature like a badge of honour

That the badge may have been well earned and hard won never occurred to John Cotton. Nor did it occur to him that a decent man would have recognised her battle and respected it. All he knew was that she was clearly, and in his view naturally, besotted with him and she was desirable and he wanted her. Badly. So he would have her.

She was not so pregnant as to look like a round blob, but the bump, round pert carried high, the symbol of fertility, attracted him as much as her air of open sexuality, combined with a curious innocence. That and the fact that despite her obvious attractiveness, besottness with him, Cotton had been warned she was not an easy pickup. At the press function where he had put his claim on her, he had made his point that he was number one stud when he 'won' her over every other man in the room and that satisfied him as much as anything that he knew would come.

John Cotton had enjoyed the looks of resentment and admiration from the lesser males as he had deftly removed the off-limits woman that he was warned was unreachable, no matter how much she flaunted her sexuality, from the room.

When told she had a husband, John Cotton's reaction had been smug. If the husband could not look after her, guard her, then he deserved to lose her. In fact he should be honoured to have  her taken by the number one male in the pack, any pack.  And if he didn't like it, he could always try and win her back. The husband was welcome to enjoy John Cotton's leavings. If he could. It had been John Cotton's experience that not many women wanted second best after him.

Cotton's eyes narrowed as he touched the smooth satin skin of her belly, with a practiced style, tracing the blue veins with his forefinger and ending with a caress under the bump. He was so taken, so aroused, with the feel of the satin smooth skin and the scent of her, he was not even aware that the tension coming from her changed form anticipation to anger. That instead of responding Phoebe was rigid as she stared at John Cotton's hand resting on her naked stomach, not to mention her baby Pookie.

"Come on pretty mamma "Cotton purred putting his other hand on Pookie and trailing his thumb down her belly again.

Phoebe gulped and her eyes opened wide, as she looked round the room as if she was seeing where she was for the first time. As if she was only just came to understand the reality of what was happening. The reality that she was letting another man invade what belonged to Cole, what belonged to her and Cole, and that realisation snapped her back from her fantasy.

Cotton moved against her, putting his hands to the side of Pookie as he rubbed against her. His body was hard and aroused as he moved in close to claim her.

So caught in his own responses, he did not even react at first when Phoebe spat. "Get your stinking hand off my baby, my husband's baby."

Cotton moved harder against her and Phoebe stepped back so his hand fell away. When he moved toward her again, making an angry grab she cracked him across the face as hard as she could and levitated slightly out of his way.

"I told you to get your stinking hands of my baby" she ordered him, her body braced ready to insist. Her brown eyes blazed, her face was flushed and expression would have shrivelled any man who did not have John Cotton's ego.

John Cotton stared at her in disbelief , unable to understand why the sure thing of a minute ago had turned into an angry virago who was acting like he had abducted her. And what he had done to set her off

"Is this some sought of game, lady?" he demanded stepping toward her, his eyes flashing his anger, and his body still hard, ready to do something about it but not entirely sure how she was by now well out of grabbing distance. "Because baby I don't need it, and I'm not taking it."

Phoebe in her bra and knickers glowered at him. "I'm a married woman "she said sanctimoniously. I don't sleep around, or screw around. And don't call me baby"

 "Do you know what they say about teases?" Cotton snarled, his disbelief coming out in frustration and anger and taking another step toward her. This time Phoebe stood her ground.

"Yeah they kick "said Phoebe "In the balls," she added to make sure he understood.

John stepped toward her and she levitated and kicked out, just enough to miss his vital parts. Cotton thought about coming toward her, and she half levitated threateningly. Totally confused seeing her in the air, uncertain where he was and what was real, Cotton just stood there as Phoebe came down to earth, literally and figuratively, desperately wondering how could she have done this to Cole. As she came down she sniffed, unable to comprehend how she could have put herself in the situation, how would she explain it to Cole who loved her, how she could explain to herself. Why the fantasy for this ….this Neanderthal, this stupid dumb, egotistical Neanderthal, had led her to be standing in his apartment ion her underwear threatening to kick his balls off him if he came near her.

As she landed, small and mostly naked and still desirable, he mistook her shaking anger for passion and games, because it was the only explanation he could find for her sudden change.

"Come on pretty mamma" Cotton slurred trying to step into her space and touch her again "You're no tease, come and play with daddy."

"No, you aren't any daddy and the answer is no "said Phoebe in a voice that let no doubt she meant it, even to the thickest Neanderthal   "As in no means no which mean get your bloody hand off me unless you are into rape . Attempted rape" she added with meaning. "I kick, and I don't miss "she added spitefully "no matter how small the target."

And was satisfied to see Cotton's angry flush. "And men who try seducing married women deserve all the … teasing they get. Do you know how disgusting that is, trying to destroy some-one else's happiness, because you can't control your dick. What a low life that is." Phoebe added. "Keep your hands off my baby" she ordered again. "home wrecker."

"You wanted me lady" Cotton snarled angry and confused and wondering if she was possessed.

"Why would I want an ugly stupid selfish Neanderthal?" declared Phoebe ignoring the fact that her fantasy had led her to be standing in John Cotton's room clad only in her bra and panties, with Pookie exposed for some-one other than her father, to caress "Do you know what I have, who I married? Who married me? You think those women were drooling over you. It's nothing. You should see the way the drool over my Cole. And he's mine. Hell "she declared looking at John's Cotton's flushed Neanderthal face, rope like arteries and veins standing out on his, and over developed, distorted torso. "Why the hell would I be interested.? Hell "she said "You think you're an alpha male. Mister you don't even make it past M compared to my Cole." She added scornfully.

Phoebe planted her hands where disappearing hips once were and let John Cotton feel the full wrath of her anger. "You aren't that special "she told John Cotton "And you aren't that hard to get."

'Neither are you" declared Cotton caught between his instincts to win and the growing suspicion that this small fragile girl may just be his match.

"Want to bet" declared Phoebe. "You haven't had me."

"So it's all a game just a game. You know how many little teasing bitches there are" Cotton declared angrily "Bitches who just want to boast they had me that they had me.'"

"I haven't had you" Phoebe spat. "Thank god."

Phoebe glared at John Cotton vaguely wondering what it was about him that she had fancied. She walked over to him and deliberately bitch slapped him as hard as she could, the effort making her boobs fall of he bra. Cotton fell back on the bed, showing clearly that whatever physical interest he had in her had rapidly waned.

As he fell Phoebe became aware of a shimmer noise behind her and gulped as she spun to see Cole materialise.

The expression on his face was a cross between amused, almost affection, anger and possession.

She wasn't sure what to do, to run to him, run away from him. To yell or to beg his forgiveness. So she stood there, horribly aware of her near naked state, while Cole lips formed a smug smile and his eyes flashed with a possessiveness she had never seen before.

He glances at Cotton still prostrate on the bed and clearly trying to  process in his neanderthol brain what was happening. His eyes flicked from Cole to Phoebe and it clearly did not compute.

Cotton confuse started to stagger to his feet and Phoebe caught her breath as Cole demonic smile in place lifted his and to flick his fingers at Cotton who had come to his feet again. Cole's expression with something between pity and a demonic sneer.

"Cole "  Phoebe pleaded "It isn't his fault .Its.."

Cole regarded her almost blandly.  "I know whose fault is here "said  dryly and started to flick his fingers while Cotton stared at him in disbelief. Phoebe lunged forward to catch Cole's hand and he easily pushed her away smiling almost demonically when he did and flicked so that the time slowed for Cotton and Phoebe shaking half glared at his hand still holding her hard.

"I am beyond temptation" he said in his source voice.

"I thought you could just resist it" she whispered.

Cole shrugged "Lucky for you either way" he said.

She looked at him, big eyes wide and tearful.

"I'm pissed "he said in Cole's voice.

Phoebe nodded

"So it's lucky for you I'll forgive you anything" he said in a hard voice.

Phoebe nodded. She let out a sob.

"So it's lucky or you I love you no matter what" he said his voice just as hard.

She choked back a sob as he moved toward John Cotton half forward ever so slowly moving off the bed.

"Do you?" she half pleaded, standing there in her bra, boobs, mostly falling out and knickers rolled under Pookie.

Cole regarded his wife, his Phoebe, contemplatively, standing in her bra and knickers, Pookie hanging over the edge, he hair in a mess . "Get dressed "he ordered.

Phoebe swallowed. "I don’t "she said half stepping toward him. She stood still "How did you know?" she whispered.

"Magic" Cole said not lying. "Get dressed "he ordered

"Cole "she leaded and only just caught the emotion coming from him was not anger. It was a smug supercilious superiority.

Cole eyed John Cotton "He's a god damned Neanderthal Phoebe," Cole said exasperated.

"I know "she whispered.

"Good "he said "Get dressed."

"Cole" she pleaded "I don’t know what happened. I mean I just was enjoying this fantasy and then, I just had to have him. It just. I couldn't resist it" she pleaded "I just had too" she pleaded throwing her arms around him, hanging on to him.

He let her hang there for longer than necessary and then touched his finger to her chin "Get dressed" he ordered.

Cotton ever so slowly, was trying to make it to his feet.

Phoebe trying to find her clothes, watched the slow motion, then concerned she watched as Cole's expression turned form a little demonic to purely demonic. She sucked her lip. And Cole grinned reminding her of his evil past.

"Don't tell Francesca" Cole said.

"What?" whispered Phoebe with her top in her hand trying to clutch his hand.

"I'm not beyond temptation" he said shaking her free.

"Cole don't "she pleaded.

"Can't help myself "he said letting his full frustration out in a punch that sent Cotton flying hard back on the bed despite the slow motion. "Keep your goddamn hands off my wife" he said. He turned to Phoebe "not quite the leader of the pack he thought he was" he said with some satisfaction.

Phoebe sucked her breath, arching her back, thrusting Pookie forward she glared at Cole furiously. She knew he could hit a damned sight harder than that.

"If you saw he was…touching me" Phoebe demanded "Why the hell didn't you do something protect me?"

"You seemed to be doing okay "Cole drawled."Maybe I don't feel very protective about you at the moment."

He flicked his fingers to stop the slow motion.

"Keep your goddamn neanderthol hands of my baby ": Cole told John Cotton. He turned to Phoebe "I'll be in the bar….baby" he  added.

He shimmered leaving a bewildered John  Cotton clutching his jaw and confused as Phoebe whispering "I'm sorry " dragged her clothes on.

"What was that?" John Cotton demanded confused and disorientated.

"What was what?" Phoebe asked.

Cotton snorted as he came to his feet clutching his jaw and moaning as if he had been crushed by a steam roller.

"He didn't hit you that hard" Phoebe said unsympathetically. "Bugga him."

'"Who didn't hit me?" John Cotton demanded then whimpered as he touched his jaw.

"Um no-one" said Phoebe grabbing her purse and looking around to see if she had left any evidence behind her.

"So what am I supposed to do" John Cotton demanded blocking her way. Phoebe cursed Cole under her breath for leaving her alone with him

"Find some-one who hasn't got her dream come true for her husband. The top of the pack" Phoebe said nastily

Cotton looked at her his hand leaning across the doorway.

"I'm leaving "She said eyeing his arm.

"You think I am going to tell them you dumped me" he said plaintively

"I don't care "Phoebe answered as Cotton started to look very nasty "play it solo" she suggested.

She glared at his hand.

"You aren't a dream come true….lady "he told her nastily as he removed his hand.

"I am" she said a little shudder in her voice "I hope...Still" she added darting out the door.

Phoebe holding herself together went to the elevator and took a deep breath. She pushed the button and it came almost immediately. She wondered why elevators always came immediately when you wished they would not. She let it go. She shuddered and pushed back a sob and seriously thought about sneaking home to her sisters where she could cry her troubles out.  She sobbed harder. Then she hit the button again.

"How could I?" she thought  bitterly as the elevator door opened.  'How could I?

in her brain all the images of Cole since she had known him flashed by,. With a bigger sob she let the elevator go. And stood there thinking of Cole gently touching her face in the mausoleum after the Banshee, forgiving her. The pained loving expression he has as he asked her "Now do you believe me when" he killed the Zoltar after she found out he was a demon. She remembered that last kiss in the mausoleum demon as he left for what they thought was forever.

She thought of Cole coming back to her. Cole helping her and Paige because he loved her. Cole begging her to marry him, and taking the rejection and pain because he loved her, Cole the time he gave her a ring before he had been taken over by he hollow and telling her no matter what happened he loved her. Cole going mad to love for her, as he faced his destiny. Cole a year later, facing the wrath of her family to be with her because he loved her. 

Phoebe pushed the button again. The bell rang and the door opened. Some-one was in it and after a hesitation she finally stepped in. She went to step out but the door shut to fast. The elevator went down far to fast for her liking and the door opened at the foyer.

After a hesitation that could have been for ever, Phoebe stepped out of the elevator, standing in the hotel foyer and feeling a lost and frightened little girl.

"How could I?" she thought "Oh god how could I. How could I risk it? What was the matter with me Oh god" she thought and wanted to run. She got as far as the door and stopped as she realised that the reality of it was the only hope she had was to face Cole and trust him. She pulled herself as tall as she could, thrusting Pookie well forward and glanced toward the bar then sobbed and went into the ladies' restroom instead.

Cole was sitting sat at table near the bar at the Excelsior bar room glaring moodily at the brandy glass in his hand and swirling it. He stared at it and then at his reflection in the mirror behind the bar.

He had not shaved when he had changed after returning from Burvjara and the clothes he had pulled on were just jeans and a casual shirt. The Excelsior staff had been inclined to argue about his scruffy presence and he shut the man up with a flick of his fingers.

Cole was not sure what he was feeling, anger, possessiveness, a small amount of amusement, hurt. He had no doubts that right that this moment what Phoebe was feeling was fear, embarrassment at how she could do such a thing, and total confusion as to why. He also had no doubts that she would come to the bar. He was well aware she loved him enough to risk anything and whatever else she was, she had the guts to face herself and what she did.

However recognizing that these were some of the things he loved most about Phoebe, did nothing to override the fact, magic extenuating circumstances or not, he was totally pissed with her.

He glanced at his watch. Phoebe was taking her time. No doubt freaking herself with guilt he decided. Cole stared into his brandy and waited becoming more pissed but still certain she would appear.

As he finished his second brandy, he finally saw her reflection coming from the direction of the ladies. Phoebe had neatened her hair and replaced her makeup, needing a face to face him, Cole concluded with a smile. As she saw him sitting at the table she sniffed and shuddered, hesitated and then took a deep breath coming toward him with Pookie defiantly arched in front of her.

Cole sat back watching her, one arm stretched along the back of the chair, a demonic smile on his face and all he could remember was how much he loved her and what she meant to him. She came to the table he was sitting at and stood there glaring down at him. Waiting to see how he reacted.

Cole was almost certain from the glare this was going to be his fault. He let her stand for quite a few seconds and it was only when she half heartedly turned away he stood up and drawled "Evening…. Mrs Turner."

"Don't you call me that" she hissed nastily, as he pulled a chair out for her

"Sit down" he drawled even nastier pushing the chair under her with a little more enthusiasm than was necessary.

"Go to hell" said Phoebe sliding into the chair

"Been there," he said "Mrs. Turner.'

"I hate you" she bit out.

"Guilt Phoebe?" he asked casually.

"I didn't do anything wrong" she half pleaded.

A waiter came by and without asking her ordered her water and another very expensive brandy for him.

"Can we afford that?" she asked.

"We?" he asked sarcastically.

"You promised me you would forgive me anything "she whispered. "Aren't you going to keep your promise?" she sucked her lip, doubt on her face, Pookie pushed against the table, eyes big and brown and close to tears.

"Do you want me to?" he asked curiously not quite ready to concede.

She swallowed and bit her lip ."I couldn't live without you" she said. She reached her hand toward him "I would have to hunt you down make you be with me." She said. "I've done it before" she added.

"Have you that much power you could find me" he asked dry.

"You love me "she said still certain of that and thanking god for it in her head "That's all the power I need. You could not resist the temptation, to have me."

"I can resist temptation" he told her narrowing his eyes.

"So I saw up there "she said  s Cole  narrowed his eyes "Anyway I would do something bad you would have to come after me" she told him.

He just stared at her and finally to her relief mellowed enough to lasugh.

'Ph…oebe "he said sighing and gulping, helpless in the face of her stating the truth. It went through his mind how men for whom he had handled divorces told him of their confusion when they caught their wives inflagrante. He had always been amused at their helplessness. Right now he was less amused.

"I would not have done it" she said suddenly. "Cole I don't know why I was there. If I could tell you why if I could explain I would…. I love. I "she looked at him and reached for his hand which he let her touch but did not quite give to her. "I love you and I want you, and I'm not lying. I …as soon as the ….reality hit me " she said "All I wanted was out.

'"Do you think whether you would have, knowing you wanted to" he bit out "How much it hurts. Knowing that you even thought about it.

"I don't know what got into me" she said. "He's a fantasy, a game, girl talk and suddenly I could have him and I had to make the fantasy come true. It was I couldn't think of anything else. Only when it stopped being a fantasy I didn't want it any more, couldn't believe I wanted it, can't believe I wanted it." She pulled his hand to her catching it with both of hers and he let her. "I love you and I hate me for it. I don't know Cole" she pleaded "I just don't know why. Only when he touched what was yours it killed the fantasy." She looked at him her brown eyes huge.

 "I'm pissed at you" Cole told her stroking her palm with his thumb. "You wondered what it was like to have sex with some-one else."

"Well its not like I haven't had sex with some-one else "she pointed out "which is why I know I want you."

"You fantasized about some-one else now." he accused.

"Don't you?  "she asked eyes wide

"Ph..oebe "he said  narrowing his eyes. " No I don't. You're all I ever wanted."

"That's not healthy ": she commented/

Cole's narrowed eyes widened and it was all he could do not to laugh at her while shaking his head.

"Are you going to forgive me? " Phoebe asked nervously glancing at him sideways through her long lashes, big brown eyes bright, apprehensive, and making his heart skip a beat, trusting and for a second Cole had some understanding what was sending Therold's pulses running when he saw her.

"Cole if I could find any reason to explain why I suddenly went from just enjoying playing at fantasizing sharing with girlfriends, joking, to it becoming uncontrollable, don't you think I would, for god sake, tell  you. I don't know what got into me" she asked, meeting his eyes half angry half pleading, half damning him.

Cole smiled and the smile was demonic " Its damned lucky  I do isn't it."  he said slowly.

"What "she screamed at him making several people looking at them. "What do you mean you know?  There was a reason?" she pleaded.

He thought about it. He put his glass down, gave her a superior smile and then picked up the glass and swirled the brandy.

"Cole "she pleaded.

"Yes" he said.

"Yes" she repeated dumbly

"There was a reason" he answered slowly

'"What? "Phoebe begged while he swirled the brandy.

"Spites" he finally answered.

"What. I saw' them today, they danced" she said confused "Badly. We vanquished them."

"Not before the dance worked" Cole told her not taking his eyes off her face. "Pushes the fantasies." he explained "in females. Makes them … compulsive. The fantasies."

Phoebe stared at him.

"That's why they call them spites" he said self satisfied.

Phoebe stared at him.

"They like to play with emotions and make them ruin you" he said. '"Spiteful little bastards." Cole swirled the brandy glass.

Phoebe stared at him.

"So" he said willing to make his peace with her. "I understand. Only….it hurts" he looked at he smiling the smile he saved for her, eyes blue and bright and in love, willing to keep his promise that he would forgive her anything.

"You mean I got zapped by those damned spites and they made me want that prick even if I didn't want to."  Phoebe asked her voice flat.

"I think it only works if you want to" Cole told her dryly.

It was a full three seconds before Phoebe answered. She dropped his hand. Her eyes opened wide. She stood up.

"You bastard "she screamed  "You knew …you knew it was not my fault and you let me beg. You sat there all like you were some sort of ..victim and you let me cry and beg and ..and feel guilty. You made me feel guilty and knew .. it was magic. You knew."

"Phoebe" said Cole standing up.

"You bastard "she shrieked 'You demonic bastard. You, you, you… male bastard." She stood up and stalked off while people in the bar stopped drinking and talking  to stare at her.

Cole threw some money down on the table not waiting for the bill. He glanced around at the gaping crowd, shrugged as he took in the various expressions of discomfort, embarrassment and curiosity. Then as he followed Phoebe out, he smiled. Phoebe, mother, wife, lover and witch, was still most definitely Phoebe.

