Faithfully Yours

Part 2: Witches behaving badly

Chapter 15

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Phoebe in the powder room of the Excelsior , checked her lipstick  made her lips look  extra specially moist, and then made a quick adjustment of her dιcolletage ensuring the black lace and beaded top showed everything she had with sufficient tease to enhance the earth mother look Pookie gave her. She checked her hair which she had curled and tangled into a distinctively loose and seductively style.

Satisfied she was beautiful, sexy and attractive, hadn't Cole told her that this morning, she made her way into the reception, facing the barrage of journalists, Bay Mirror executives, media types and general hangers on.  She accepted a mineral water from a waiter. Not even the satisfaction of her fantasy was going to make her risk her baby.

Shaking with excitement, her eyes bright, with determination Phoebe set about achieving her heart's delight. Working the room, with aplomb and style, she focused on where John Cotton was talking to a group of male sports journalists who were determinedly shutting out the female population, as they worshipped their hero.

With single minded determination, Phoebe eased her way toward the group, noting the beautiful round proportions of John Cotton's backside which was not hidden under the jeans and jacket he wore because he had his hands pushed in his back pockets accentuating its form. Finally she was close enough to catch the eye and arm of the Mirror sports guy, an ex baseball player who always had his stories ghost written and had made quiet a number of unsuccessful plays for her, despite or because of her pregnancy. Luc had a well known belief that married women were safe fucks so Phoebe had no illusions about using what she knew about him to obtain the realisation of her fantasy.

She caught Luc's arm and looked up at him sexily as some of the others glared at her intrusion and moved protectively around John Cotton. Luc was not all that tall. He called himself the proverbial 6 ft in biographies. In reality he was closer to 5' 9" but still had enough height to look straight down Phoebe's dιcolletage, because Pookie was making high heels a matter of torture to her mom. He took the size and projection of Phoebe's mostly exposed boobs, her red lips and the sexual message she was sending out and preened.

"Just passing" Phoebe smiled and hung on to Luc's arm, managing to half turn Luc so that she rubbed against him and used Pookie to her advantage

She felt it have the desired action on Luc and he flushed before  moved against her. Phoebe looked at him and then hung on his arm and sniffed and as she did so she sent her message to every man in the group. Apparently the hard on was contagious because it did not take long for the  'I'm interested but only to the strongest bidder' message to get through to the whole group, including to her great satisfaction John Cotton whose handsome Neanderthal face flushed a little, as his muscles bulged and the tight jeans became uncomfortable. The men all  moved and stepped and preened and she with satisfaction noted they all looked toward the top dog in the group. John Cotton drew himself up to his full height, arched slightly and put his hands in his front pockets emphasising his groin. A couple of the men tried imitating the gesture, but didn't quite have the same effect. Phoebe slowly loosened Luc's hold on her, turned her body her hips and arched so her boobs and Pookie were turned straight toward John Cotton.

The men in the group collectively moved away and stopped preening. The top dog had won the prize. Beside Phoebe, Luc shrunk back to his 5'9 as John Cotton winked seductively at Phoebe,

She laughed licking her lips and said she was not intending to discuss sports.

"I know men " she whispered huskily "do not want a mere female to interrupt their secret men's business."

"Not at all" said John Cotton while a few of the others glowered not liking the fact that they had been beaten as top stud.

"I know men" Phoebe  thought happily. She hung onto Luc and sent her message and refused to leave until she was sure the message that the alpha male would have access to the spoils was well and truly received by all in the group. And she was certain that Cotton would be in strong need to prove his status as the man and leading stud, to his lesser followers.

"A pleasant interruption " slurred John Cotton , in  a deep bass voice preening as he said it so the bulge in his tight jeans bulged more.

"Secret men's business Phoebe  whispered sexily. "I know its important " she said "I'll go and leave you to it. "

And she slide, knowing she had helped them decide the most important business of the group. Who was top dog.

Phoebe, once she was sure she had hooked her quarry, then after spent the rest of the time slipping just ahead of John Cotton, as he surreptitiously stalked her around the room knowing his reputation as an alpha male who could score any women was on the line with the males who Phoebe had not chosen..

Phoebe made sure she was surrounded by women every time he approached her and she made sure the women knew he was joining the group for her not them, deliciously aware of their anger, jealousy and disappointment as John Cotton focused on her . She preened, she arched her body and she acted shy .

When he joined a group she was in she waited long enough to make sure he caught her interest then she moved on, and waited in the next group until she knew he followed.

Phoebe knew men. They wanted the one that was hardest to get, the one that proved him top dog. The harder they had to work and the more public the battle, the more they had to win. She watched the girls falling at John Cotton's feet and over him, and caught him preening toward her and each time she happily felt the shivers down her back that told her she had won the battle, that victory was only a nod and a small wink away. And she felt a victorious thrill knowing she was beautiful and desirable and could catch any man she wanted.


Cole took a clearly uncomfortable Glock, clutching towels and Leo's clothes downstairs. As they went through to the kitchen he noted that Piper had  stirred  and was conscious and Leo less than sympathetically was advising her to stay still. Cole dumped Patsy on the floor with his toys.

"Paige is back, up in her room" he told Leo "she's acting weird."

Then as Piper made Piper made small coughing noises he hastily pulled Glock in the kitchen.

"What happened?"  Piper whispered to Leo faintly.

"You fainted" Leo said unsympathetically

"Oh" said Piper trying to sit up. She half made it before Leo pushed  a basin under her chin and she fought back nausea ." She swallowed ."I hate fainting "she said weakly, her face pale "I'm not pregnant" she assured Leo.

"I know" he snorted

She smiled weakly "I had the weirdest dream" she said "Cole brought this gorgeous magic creature home" Piper smiled to herself and flushed over her pale face  "He was gorgeous" she said  "Beautiful, tall, eyes like a lion, skin like..."

"Shut up Piper" said Leo.

After showing a very uncomfortable Glock the downstairs bathroom, Cole worn out and nervous about the consequences of the day shimmered back to the mess that was his and Phoebe's room. He winced then flicked his fingers and the room magically restored itself to Phoebe approved cleanliness. He went into the bathroom and did the same thing, then turned on the shower. He looked at the now pristine pink towels hanging on the rail and decided knowing  what they really were he still could not use them regardless of how clean they looked.

He swiped all the towels off the rack and threw them into the laundry basket and glared  at the now beautifully made bed and decide there was no way he was sleeping in that  no matter how clean it looked even if Phoebe did not know. He ripped all the sheets and covers off threw them in the laundry basket and went out to the laundry closet,. He pulled out a set of  covers and sheets and four clean towels from Phoebe's red set , which she  liked to alternate with her pink set.

He dumped all the linen  on the now unmade bed then picked up the towels, he  went into the shower luxuriating in the water and the comfort of knowing he was in a place he was loved and cared for, then remembered how weird Piper and Paige and Melinda were acting, and wondered if Phoebe was affected.  He thought he better call her and worked on how he could avoid telling her how long he had been home before calling without lying. He searched the room for a few minutes then remembered his cell  was in his brief case that he had dumped in the hall. He dragged some clothes on and went downstairs, disgusted to hear even louder giggles from Paige's room.

Piper was still on the sofa but clearly conscious and Mark looking very mortal, had orbed in. The expression on his plain intelligent face was almost pissed but Piper was to lost in explaining to Mark about her dream to notice. Leo was hovering watching Melinda did not orb to chocolate and Patsy did not levitate and half stepping toward Piper, while Mark kept shaking his head at Leo to keep him out of the conversation. Leo also looked pissed.

Cole went over to his brief case and pulled his cell phone out. He saw the text messages  from Phoebe and sucked his breath, clearly getting the message she was pissed at him and realising once she knew how long he had been home before calling her he was in really big trouble.

He called her cell number but got a not available message which made him purse his lips so he sent her a text message saying he loved her and he was okay, and hoped she would be home soon. He wondered how popular he would be if he gatecrashed Phoebe's party, thought he did not care whether he was popular and then remembered he had brought Glock home and it was better her stayed at the manor.

Mark finally gave up trying to talk to Piper, who was only interested in explaining her dream. He turned to Leo.

"Its got to be what happened this afternoon" Leo said and Mark nodded.

"What happened today " Cole demanded  ignoring Mark's head shake "to make you all so weird. Your aura is ..flakey " he told Piper.

"Keep out of my aura" Piper ordered Cole weakly. "I don't want to get connected to anything with you."

"I know better than to connect' with family" Cole muttered 'I just looked."

"Don't "said Piper pulling herself up , then lying back "Pervert "she said. "I hate fainting "she said.

"What happened today?"C ole asked ignoring her mood.

"Nothing much "said Piper. "Melinda got into the chocolate. "Your room" she said to Cole

"I know" said Cole very even more dryly. "I cleaned up the mess."

"You were going to do that" Leo accused Piper.

"Leo" said Mark gently.

"Some spites attacked "Piper said ignoring Leo.

"I told you and Francesca about the spites" Leo told Cole "why in he hell don't you listen when you're told."

Piper sent Leo a glare that should have shrivelled him, but he was to pissed with her to care.

"Spite don't attack "Cole told them, impatiently.

"Well danced "Piper said. "I had this weird dream while I was out" she told Cole

"What did they look like?" Cole asked "What sort of spite?"

"You know goblin faces transparent skins, black flowing things. Never see much spites. " said Piper "I had the weirdest dream while I was out .."

"What happened Leo? "Cole asked turning away from her with a disgusted snort.

"Spites'" said Mark before Leo could answer. Leo sent Mark a dirty glare. "As Piper said "Dancing, threw some powder around and chanted danced and then the girls vanquished them. It was only Spites" he said frowning a

"You're not getting pissy about vanquishing them because they were only dancing are you Cole" Piper asked trying to sit up "Its none of your damn business."

"Which ones?" asked Cole ignoring her.

"They were spites Cole" said Piper making it to sitting up "Midsummer spites. Not the first time, some stupid evil creature has turned at the manor, not realising it was out of its depths. I had this fantastic dream while I was out "she said. "Not that I don't hate fainting. But having dreams like that makes it almost worthwhile, when you touched him his skin felt like.."

"'Piper's right about the stupid creatures" Leo said earning a smile from Piper which he pointedly "not the first time something hasn't been set up either "

"There was this gorgeous noble magic creature with an orange trunk like nose" she sighed "In my dream I mean." said Piper

Cole raised his eyes at Leo.

"Shut up Piper" said Leo.

Piper opened her mouth, then fell back on the cushions weakly "Bastard "she told Leo, her expression promising vengeance.

"Shut up Piper" said Leo.

"Jealous I'm dreaming of some-one else," snarked Piper.

. "What do you know about Midsummer spites?" Mark asked Cole quietly.

"Don't you know.Not my interest "said Cole "never really worried about  lower castes."

"I'll go check up there and check " said Mark smiling although his eyes narrowed.

"Say hello to the  elders for me ' said Piper trying to stand up "You know that dream I had was just so real" she said then froze he mouth falling open.

"Paige is in her room "said Cole slightly maliciously. Οf you want to see her."

Mark orbed.

Glock wearing Leo's jeans and shirt and sneakers, and to Cole appearing even more alien without his robe, quietly entered the room.

"Thank you for the shower" he said quietly "it was .. pleasant.'

"You're welcome" said Leo politely before Cole who was biting his lip, could answer. "You had no trouble finding my clothes okay Cole?" he asked a touch to dryly which Glock letting his breath go clearly understood.

"I do not wish to be a burden" Glock said.

"You are a welcome guest "Leo told him smiling" Cole is the burden "he added grinning.

Glock's trunk like nose twitched and he nodded with a small awkward smile.

Piper had sat on the edge of the sofa frozen as she stared at Glock. She suddenly tried to haul herself to her feet, breathing and panting hard.

"God" she screamed "Oh god, oh god that wasn't a dream, that wasn't a dream" Her voice reached a high hysterical pitch as she struggled to get off the sofa her excitement making her lose all co-ordination, as she panted like a dog.

Glock backed away a step, uncomfortable awkward, trying to remain dignified as Leo made it to the sofa and  put an arm across Piper forcing her to stay on the sofa and stopping her freezing him.

As she stared at Glock tears of hysteria poured down her face and she sobbed  bastard, bastard, over and over again as she fought to free herself from Leo and get to her fantasy..


Some time later, Phoebe stood in John Cotton's hotel room, pretending to look out the view over the balcony but more interested in the view in the room. She held a glass of mineral water, refusing alcohol, but smiled as he poured himself a straight scotch. She was lost in admiration as he pulled his shirt off to change into what he said was something more comfortable. He was just gorgeous. And she shuddered with excitement at the vision. Muscle upon muscle upon muscle and not an ounce of fat all the way down to his tort dark - hair covered belly.

Those muscle rippled down his back and biceps and Phoebe almost whimpered, even if John Cotton wasn't the smartest cookie she had ever met. His total conversation to her had been about sport, his role in the movie, his agent. If she thought about it, he was a bit whiny about his agent but he was so gorgeous, such a total fantasy, as beautiful as any hero she had eve read about in her sexiest  novel, she was prepared to ignore it..

She looked at the fine dark hair on his chest. She bet he waxed just so it looked gorgeously sexy.  And then she pushed down that thought, because fantasy men did not have to do anything to be gorgeous, they just were.

Phoebe was shaking with excitement and anticipation. She was lost in her fantasies and her dreams and her smugness at remembering the looks on all those girls' from the office faces when John Cotton had caught her at the end of  the reception, offering, with a triumphant smile, to give her some more information about men's business to help her write her column.

As she saw those glimmering muscles, Phoebe forgot that she was going to say thank you very much, I'm a married woman as soon as they left the reception.  As she got out the door, and her senses took in the pheromones pouring off John Cotton  she forgot that she was a married woman, a happily married woman. She forgot everything accept her fantasies and the envy of her work mates.  Her body was shivering and she was swallowing and smug, but somewhere deep down she did wonder why she was not more physically aroused and wet and aching and thought it odd  when she only had to watch Cole clean his teeth to ache in her loins.

At that point John Cotton, the something more comfortable being no shirt at all and his belt undone and a definite bulge in his pants finished his glass and then he moved toward her. The word Cole barley registered to Phoebe as she realised she was about to experience all her fantasies , and all those of every woman with whom she worked.

John Cotton put his massive muscled arms around her and moved his tongue down her face and as Phoebe smelt him and felt him, she shivered with something that was not quite anticipation.

John Cotton then with practiced experience pushed his hand up under the black lace top

"Sexy  mamma" he slurred as his fingers worked under Phoebe's bra.

He preened like a  man  who won the  battle and the prize.

He put his tongue between her lips then ran it down behind her ear

"Show me" he said ordered as she whimpered when he ran his hand down her spin.

He pulled her top off and she stepped out of her pants, standing there in matching red satin bra and panties that only just came up under Pookie.

John Cotton  starting to sweat pushed a hand under her bra and squeezed her nipple and she whimpered .

"Pretty baby" he murmured  as with a practiced experience across he ran his other hand across the bump that was Pookie.


"I do not wish to cause discord" Glock said awkwardly, uncomfortably as he watched Piper and Leo wrestle while tears poured down Piper's face.

"We have a magic problem" Cole explained "Possession or something. Happens all the time here.  Don't worry about it"

"Can I help?" Glock asked, as Piper almost went into spasms at the sound of his voice.

"'We'll fix it "said Leo "Happens all the time, we always fix it.. Kids Cole "he said he warned struggling to stop Piper using her hands, not sure she wanted to freeze or blow him up .

Cole dived and caught Pasty mid levitation and Melinda mid orb. "Just be good" he begged them as Melinda stuck her tongue out  and Patsy crashed another toy.

Wyatt feeling he had been annoyed long enough let out a loud Wahhhhhhhhhh. Cole picked him up.

Glock shook his head from side to side.

"Magic issues" Cole said "happens all the time here."

"I am not possessed" Piper told Leo struggling hard. "Bastard "she told Leo. "I just have to touch him." she whimpered almost breaking free : "He's so beautiful" and she started to cry at the emotion of it.

Glock flushed a deep dark orange

Piper struggled  to her feet trying to get toward Glock as Leo clasped both arms around her "Oh god oh god oh god " she sobbed.

"Oh god" said Leo

Glock instinctively stepped back, meeting Cole's eyes concern all over his face.

"Nothing to worry about "said Cole "magic stuff happens here  all the time here" he said. "This one is a bit weird though. Normally Piper is half way sensible."

"Bastard "breathed Piper glaring at Cole "Gorgeous "she said trying to get to Glock.

"Hell "said Leo holding on for all he was worth.

Mark orbed back to watch the scene. "Very weird" he said. He looked at Glock and smiled politely.

"See Paige?" asked Cole

"'Yes" said Mark softly. "She's ..busy" he added.

"Doing what?" asked Leo.

"Rolling around on the bed looking at porn" Mark answered calmly.

"That's weird" said Leo glaring at Piper who ignored him.

"This is Glock" Cole said " Mark the girl's whitelighter"

"I greet thee, Mark " said Glock extending his hand

"Pleased to meet you " Mark said taking Glock's hand.

"Well" said Cole rocking Wyatt to stop him screaming.

"What" said Leo rocking Piper to stop her screaming.

"Midsummer spites" Mark said "Could be a problem "he said calmly. "They use a potent powder that make the witch victim want her total fantasy, she becomes obsess ed with it."

He eyed Piper sobbing and the n Glock and shook his head. ''They do it to amuse themselves at the chaos when witches lose all sense of responsibility. Its not lethal."

"Its not" said Leo as he just stoped Piper blowing him up.

"It can cause some problems though" Mark

"Yeah" said Leo as he a nearly hysterical Piper sobbing and muttering god, god, god struggled to get near a clearly nervous Glock ''Why?" he asked

"Seems the powder affects pheromones. Spite magic is pretty weak.  Elders think the dance may have made it stronger, magnifies the effect on the witch, they get pretty hysterical. " Mark said watching Piper.

"No kidding" said Leo as Piper's breathing hit a deep sob.

"Really "said Cole "sexual fantasies "he said as Glock backed a further two steps whenPiper nearly made it free from Leo's hold.

"The dance has been recorded before in places where there are magic nexus.  Liverpool , San Francisco in the sixties. They think after the dance it can mutate on any female who comes into contact with  the powder or an affected witch" Mark said.

"Liverpool?" asked Cole.

"Beatlemania" Mark told him as Piper exhausted, collapsed against Leo, her hysteria spent in sobbing.

"Is the female well?" asked Glock concerned.

"Just dandy" said Leo disgusted. "Not much doubt what she's been fantasising about "he added pissed. He thought about it "The sixties free love was not just  women looking for what they fancy" he said his face creasing in a frown

"I guess the woman fantasised and the guys didn't say no".said Cole who used to be a  demon.

 "Are you sure?" Piper asked coming out of her fancy world as she remembered she was a mother  "Melinda is acting weird and she's only three."

Glock eyes opened wide and he stared at Piper, who shuddered for a second as she glanced at him then with a huge effort concentrated on her daughter

"Chocolate is  full of pheromones " Leo shook his head "No coincidence its given on dates" he said, and kept a firm hold on Piper.

Cole still holding Wyatt, his face paling, and his eyes narrowing flicked back through the messages on his cell phone.

"I guess that is that" said Mark. He glanced upstairs, his grey eyes a little less calm than normal "I guess I know what Paige fanaticises  about… naked over endowed men." He thought about it "You know when I have said I wanted to know what goes on in their heads."

Leo nodded. Glock head on the side listened curiously.

"I lied" Mark  said gently. He saw the expression on Cole's face "Phoebe?" he asked

"Phoebes downtown" he said bluntly "satisfying her fantasies. I assume" he added,  his voice quiet  ."Cocktails with the Neanderthal"  he explained. "John Cotton" he explained to Mark.

"I've heard about him" said Mark dryly.

"You're her fantasy "Leo said  "don't do anything rash Cole" he said, letting Piper go with one hand  and catching  his arm "like trying to find her" he added.

"Actually she says Cole's her reality" said Piper swallowing hard and making a huge effort not to look at Glock. He backed another two steps away totally confused but looked at her curiously. "She wouldn't Cole "Piper said  soberly.

"Paige is upstairs turning herself on over porn, Melinda is stuffing chocolate down herself no matter how sick it makes her. You just made a goddamn fool of yourself falling over a guest like a teenybopper groupie "Cole told her his voice deadly  "and if Leo had not been here to protect you and Glock.. god knows how that would have ended."

"Your name is Glock " Piper sighed "I'm Piper."

"I greet thee Piper" Glock answered politely but refrained from extending his hand.

Cole groaned then dumped Wyatt on Piper, as Leo let her go enough to catch her baby. Piper pulled Wyatt against her, looking over the top of her baby's head at Glock who this time stood his ground and watched her intently as Leo hovered close. Piper shuddered and swallowed slightly as she met Glock's eyes and Leo put his arm possessively and protectively around his wife and son.

"I should have listened to what you told me about guarding my mate" Cole told Glock his voice tight with anger.

Glock half nodded "Not that it is any of my business, my friend" he said catching Cole's arm as he looked at his angry face noting Cole's angry face and tense stance   "but  I also told you our legends record that claiming… " Glock his yellow eyes becoming very tawny glanced at Leo protectively holding Piper "claiming rights with a female was the cause of out problems.  We are not a rational people when our pride is at stake."

Cole shook Glock's arm off "As you say" he told Glock grimly while Mark and Leo half nodded and Piper shook her head. "We have much in common."

"What are you going to do Cole" Piper asked sober and frightened cuddling her son as Glock watched her.

 "I am going to find my mate" Cole answered slowly, "I am going to protect my mate. I am going to claim her "he said.

He shimmered.


"Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualification.

Oscar Wilde"
