Faithfully Yours

Part 4: Toil and Trouble


Chapter 24

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

In the kitchen Piper was carefully watching and timing and adding as she also prepared a pie crust. She looked up to see Glock in the kitchen doorway and Melinda at table level eying the pie crust.

"Chocolate mommy?" she asked

"No more chocolate" said Piper through her teeth.

Melinda rubbed her tummy. "Don't want chocolate" she said good girl, but looking under her lashes with a sly glance "Chocolate hurts" she said. "'lemon" she said "Unca Cole likes lemon." she explained to Glock.

"Lemon meringue "asked Piper relief spreading through her because she was busy looking at Glock and missed the glance. "Reality is the cure to Spite attacks" she told Glock with a shy smile.

"May I help? "he asked his voice gentle "You feed me and I offer very little in return."

Piper put her hands to her face and then shook her head "I don't let people help me on Sunday dinner. Its ... my time" she said her voice a little husky.

"You have white power on your face" he told her nodding.

"Flour "she said dusty madly at her face. "I always end up with flour all over me" Piper explained unable to stop the slight tremor in her hands.

"You made it worse" Glock said his yellow eyes glowing softly.

"I do that" Piper explained d awkwardly, her hands in the air not sure what to do with them "make things worse when I mean to make them better.'

"We have that in common "Glock told her putting his hand out and wiping her face.

"Thank you" she said trying to stop her body shuddering and hoping Glock did not notice.

"I have discovered sometimes you can often only make things really better " Glock said his hand still hovering near her face "When a friend helps."

Piper smiled

"Are you sure I cannot help here?" Glock asked shifting his weight, yellow eyes soft.

Piper softly smiling shook her head and looked down at her daughter just in time to see Melinda reach for the pie mixture and Piper smacked her hand away. Melinda started to make a sulky face. Piper started to warn her what happened to bad girls then Melinda's face really crumpled as if she was going to cry and Piper remembered her daughter was having a very bad time at the moment relented and gave her a mixing spoon to lick.

"The child minding really helps " she told Glock gently.

"Ï would be honoured" he said holding his hand out to Melinda

"More" said Melinda hopefully trying to sneak another spoon.

"You've had enough" said Piper all mom while Glock watched amused.

"Mean mommy" snarled Melinda as Glock took her hand

"Deal with it "said Piper as Glock's nose twitched


Phoebe and Paige, making a huge effort to be good witches and put fantasies away by studiously studying the Book of Shadows both jumped at the sound of orbs.

Mark their whitelighter appeared, receding sandy hair standing in end a little as if he had pushed his hands through it many times and his eyes were looking drawn.

Both witches eyed him suspiciously. When Paige did not immediately run to him he nodded almost as if he expected it.

"So"said Phoebe when Paige made no effort to say anything "who are we chasing?"

"No-one "said Mark ""I have been sent to make very clear to the Charmed Ones that they are to avoid anything connected to the Geztalt. Period" he explained not taking his eyes of Paige who flicked her hair.

"So they know about you getting us last time" Phoebe asked. "You get into trouble."

Mark shrugged "I'm used to it" he said.

"Elders can be right bastards" Phoebe consoled him.

"I know "he said. He grinned suddenly "I am to be very specific about explaining to you that you have no idea of the consequences of interfering 'with the Geztalt at this moment. That there are issue of higher magic involved and you should consider this a serious warning.'

"We'll file that where we file all the other serious warnings" Phoebe grinned "You in danger of being booted as our whitelighter?" she asked.

"Not while any other whitelighter can find conjure up the words no way in hell" Mark answered his grey eyes dancing.

"They really don't love us do they?" Phoebe asked sarcastically "Just as well they need us.".

"Well to be fair none of you make it easy to do that "Mark conceded.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Paige demanded hands on hips.

"Its supposed to mean that you all resist advice so …determinedly  no whitelighter wants to work with you" Mark answered softly, patiently "So I am stuck with you. And you with me" he added pointedly. He grinned " If anyone else would work with you they would probably recycle me. They talk of Leo with great nostalgia" he commented

Both Paige and Phoebe exchanged glances. Paige swallowed.

Mark wandered to the window and then turned back. "They must have known what they were getting when they got me?" Mark said his voice taking on some of the strain of being constantly at battle.

"Do they know about you and Paige?" Phoebe asked reaching out to put her hand on his arm concerned.

Mark shook his head. "There is something between me and Paige?" he asked gently looking at Paige wryly

"So what are we supposed to do?"Paige asked brightly ignoring the question "Sit around and twiddle out thumbs while evil takes out innocents."

"Or keep you nose buried in porn pictures' Mark answered exasperation finally showing. He looked quizzical "Are you planning on listening to any message from the elders? Are you sure you're the Charmed Ones" he asked. "I just assumed you would dive in and go after the Geztalt as a point of order."

"Very funny" snapped Paige. "You know you're turning out just like any other male" She said "Scared of my sexuality, wanting to control me. Actually "she said smugly "You're turning out like any other whitelighter.'

"We're here to guide" Mark  said keeping his voice even, quiet. He  picking up a couple of her magazines and flipping them. "And I would strongly suggest, as a guide, that the purpose of spites inflicting this on you is not to give you pleasure but pervert your lives somehow. Make things very bad because of …."

"My perversion" said Paige chin in the air.

"You said it" Mark replied soft voiced and pushed while Phoebe watched in amazement that he was finally close to losing it and wondering if she ought to get Piper who would be really pissed if she missed it.

"You are no longer my boss' Paige sniffed. "What I do and ... read is my own damned business.

"Make sure its not" Mark replied quietly

"Not what?" Paige asked her  head on the  side, her legs apart.

 "You're damned business" Mark answered in a soft gentle voice.

"Oh just get out" Paige snapped glaring at Mark who frowned slightly his grey eyes narrowing.  "If you are going to be just another..".. male. Instead of …"

"A lap dog?" he asked softly

"Just get out" Paige roared at him

He ran his hand through his receding hair "Okay pet " he said softly 'If that's what you want."

And he orbed.

"So you are never going to tell me off for being irrational and unreasonable with Cole are you?" Phoebe asked Paige who pointedly picked up the magazine, half flipped through it and then threw it on the floor.

"So what is the cure for spite attacks?" Paige sighed after a few minutes.

"Reality " said Phoebe still staring at the Book of Shadows.

That afternoon Leo was standing in the conservatory watching out the glass to the yard where Glock was playing with Melinda and Patsy while Piper, holding Wyatt on her knee, was taking a break from cooking, sitting on the bench and watching them.

The morning out with the boys had not been great. Wyatt having successfully got his father's attention had slept the morning way and Patsy who Leo suspected with trepidation, had another tooth coming through, or maybe just in reaction to the mood in the manor was grumpy and grizzly.  Baseball clearly did not interest Patsy. He had insisted on playing 'throw anything that came in his reach out of the pusher and then magically retrieve it' and Leo finally had to orb hastily home when Patsy tried to bring the baseball itself into the pusher. Patsy cried all the way and as they arrived at the Manor he woke Wyatt who announced this with one of his loudest waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas

As soon as they arrived  back to the manor, Leo was less than happy to see Patsy suddenly get over his grumps and grizzles and toddle out to be with Melinda and Glock.

Leo, watching the children with Glock, frowned. The children were having a great time yelling and shouting as Glock picked Melinda up in the air and pretended to drop her and she levitated away. Patsy was demanding the same and Piper watching laughed and tossed her hair then clapped Glock as he managed to keep both children in the air.

Leo jumped slightly as Mark orbed in behind him. "Girls are upstairs" he told Mark, noting that Mark's usual good humoured gentle face was looking anything but that. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think I may have just broke up with Paige"  Mark answered quietly trying to keep his voice even and calm, only it cracked at the end. "She doesn't like good advice about letting fantasies obsess her.'

"Yeah well that runs in the family" Leo answered a touch nastily, as Piper stood up to join in the game. "Paige tell you good bye?" Leo asked putting his arm on Mark's.

"No" Mark slowly shook his head, his voice going softer "She told me to get out. "In no uncertain terms."

"Wouldn't worry about it " Leo told him with  small touch of superiority. "Doesn't mean anything."

"You think?"Mark  asked not hiding how hurt he was..

"Ï know "said Leo watching the children playing happily with Glock and frowning. "Been married a while now. Ask Cole if you don't believe me." he suggested.

Mark looked at him and shook his head, grinning slightly "I didn't think I had it in me to be this angry" he confessed softly.

Leo shrugged "When was the last time you were in a totally committed relationship?" he asked.

"Nothing this deep" Mark muttered.

"Well there you go "said Leo patting Mark's arm. Leo glowered again as Melinda and Patsy's shrieks came from the back yard, combining with Piper's giggles.

Leo turned his back while Mark watched Piper.

"That is some fantasy Piper is having" Mark said.

"If it’s a fantasy "Leo said "Want to go somewhere for a beer?" he asked Mark.

Mark shook his head "I can't be seen socialising around San Francisco" he said a touch regretfully. "And you know the rules about boozing with mortals."

"Worried about the Elder's spanking you ? 'Leo asked a trifle edgy.

Mark shook his head his lips compressed "It's not a fair thing to risk for those who I left behind when I crossed' he said gently.

Leo nodded and glanced at his watch. "Pubs'll be open in Dublin" he said

"Know a good one?" asked Mark grinning.

"I do" said Leo "Ryan's Inn on O'Connor Street. "If you are okay with Guinness not beer."

"Guinness is  \strong stuff" said Mark. He hesitated a second " I'll meet you there" and then jumped as Cole shimmered in, his clothes in tatters, his hair singed so that a large patch on the right side was completely missing and he had a huge bruise on his right cheek.

"That's my sweater" Leo said pulling at the bits of shredded wool that still hung around Cole.

"Was" said Cole rubbing at several large blisters on his right hand where he had stopped the combatant's fire.

"What the hell did I tell you about not pinching my stuff when you go there. Every god damned thing I have you ruin.'"  Leo spluttered exasperated

Piper let out a shrieking laugh and both Cole and Leo turned to see her dancing some sort of line dance with Patsy while Glock join in with Melinda.

"I don't mean too "Cole muttered contrite, understanding.

"Yeah well happens whether you mean it or not" Leo growled as the last shreds of the sweater disintegrated on Cole "Fighting still going on in Burvjara" Leo asked.

"'No not really "Cole said thoughtfully. "Opposite almost." He glanced from Leo to Mark seeing their grim expressions  "What's going on?" he asked.

"Paige told Mark to get out" Leo explained.

"Don't worry about it "said Cole who had learnt a few things in the last years. "Doesn't mean a thing."

There were more loud shrieks from the yard. Cole stepped forward where he could see Glock swinging Melinda and Patsy in the air while both squealed with delight.

When Glock stopped and put them back Patsy started to pull at Glock's clothes while Melinda put her head on the side and stamped her foot and in her best pixie voice demanded Unca Glock learn to keep in step with her.

"Melinda sure likes Glock" Cole said more than a trace of bitterness in his voice.

"Well he saved her "Leo pointed out bitterly.

"I'd have saved her if I'd been here" Cole answered pissed "and given her what for, for being on the roof "he added.

"I think that is why she prefers to play with Unca Glock" Mark replied a touch nastily.

Cole glowered.

"We were going for a beer at Ryan's "Leo said "Want to come or do you have to talk about Burvjara to Glock"?"

Cole hesitated shaking his head "I should" he said "I need to …." then Melinda shrieked "I luv you Unca Glock"

Cole bit his lip "Give me a few minutes to shower and I'll meet you at Ryan's" he said.

Some thirty minutes later Cole showered, shaved and having taken the time to revert to his magic self to heal bruises and burns shimmered into lane in Dublin  and walked up O'Connor street . As it was a soft warm midsummer night in Dublin, people were making the most of the night, out shopping or just walking being together. The pub was full and dark  and very noisy, people drinking, a group singing current songs by request not traditional Irish ones like the tourist  pubs, as Dubliners made a night of it.  Some of the crowd were standing around the band joining in the singing. The noise was bright cheerful and the party had clearly started some time earlier. Cole could barely make out faces but for a second Cole got a quick flicker of demonic activity he jumped as he saw a tall woman with honey blond hair bent over a young man, and then he looked again and saw nothing or no-one he recognised . He stopped testing auras in the room could feel nothing demonic and decided he was imagining things. The situation at home was making him jumpy.

He bought three black Guinness and took them over to a corner table where in the midst of the party Leo and Mark were already on their second Guinness and despite the party going on around them lost in an intense whitelighter type conversation that made Cole decide the whole breed of them had no sense of fun whatsoever.

Mark was starting to relax as Leo explained "It's not easy being married to a witch"

Cole plonked the beers on the table as Mark drained his. He nodded as Cole put the beer down and immediately reached for his third beer.

 "You know Irish Guinness is about 5 times as strong than American beer" Cole told him.

Mark shrugged and took a gulp then burped. He looked at he Guinness. "Yes" he said softly "I did know that. I'm not a kid with a lot to learn about the world or one of those types who never look outside their own space. Bummed around Asia and India when I left college" he told Leo and Cole "for a year, ran out of money after the first month.  Earned my way the rest of the time. " He smiled at the memory "You know" he said taking a big swig of Guinness, I've been broke , down to my last rupee in Bombay. Got swindled by a few guys out to make a rupee from every gullible American." He shrugged. "Got marooned in Nepal in a flood "he said swigging down another third of the pint glass. '"Had to sleep out for nearly two weeks in Kathmandu. Didn't have enough for a roof'."

"Really "said Leo.

"Yeah" said Mark finishing the black beer. " And in all that time, lost broke in Asia, no way of getting home, and after that working in that damned employment agency fighting every day just to keep some poor guy the right to some dignity. No matter how shitty the powers that be behaved." he looked at the empty glass. 'Never needed once to drown my sorrows, to get drunk just to cope. Took Paige to do that."

"You want another"  Mark said indicating his empty glass

"Have you ever been in a committed relationship before?" Cole asked. "Not like the one with Paige?"

"No " Mark  shook his head "Not really , not like this. Even discounting all the crap with the Elders. Nothing as….well like this with Paige"

"Well there you go" said Cole sipping the Guinness.

"It's not easy being married to a witch" Leo explained

"More" said Mark standing up and picking his glass up.

Cole and Leo both drained their glasses and nodded.

"You feel anything demonic here?" Cole asked Leo as Mark walked weaving slightly toward the bar.

"Felt a flicker when we came in, put it down to something trolling around. Nothing sinister" Leo said "Why you feel something?"

Cole shook his head. "Nah" he said but frowned." Every thing going on at he moment just spooked I think" he said

"Don't blame you" said Leo staring at his empty looking around for Mark.

Mark finally weaving even more came back with 3 more pint glasses of black beers.

Mark sucked third of his down. "You know I love Paige" he said into his beer.

"Yeah" said Cole while Leo nodded.

"I want to strangle her" Mark told them the edge in his voice leaving them in no doubt how upset he was "you know I ain't no girl's dream fantasy. I know it. When I went up there I looked at who I was. You know what it's like Leo" He said. "You have to look at yourself honestly.'

"I remember "said Leo into his beer as if it was an unhappy memory.

"I chose to be who I am, who I was when I went "Mark said "Eternally for as long as I serve" he muttered into his beer "knew who I was. Comfortable with who I was." He said very softly "then Paige starts on those damned pictures and everything. Then I start thinking maybe being comfortable with who I am isn't so good." He looked up "Maybe things I thought I was okay with, thought I had the strength to deal with, maybe I was wrong, maybe I'm not as okay as I thought."

Leo sucked another mouth full of guineas and nodded in agreement.

"Maybe if it wasn't all this elder stuff going in, it would not be so bad. But you know, things up there are…. difficult because of who I am" Mark explained "With the powers that be in the Employment centre, I knew who I was, taking them on, I could be sure of what I was, Paige has got me well not sure, "he said. " Its not so easy" he murmured into his beer

"Women'll do that to you "Leo said "I gave up being a whitelighter for Piper when we first knew each other, so she moved in with another guy. Dan next door" he explained to Cole.

'"'Leo's right. Cole agreed "Phoebe talked me into giving up evil and then vanquished me for my trouble."

"You used to be demon. What do you want to do to Phoebe" Mark asked Cole '"when you see here going into heat over a good bum and broad shoulders."

"Nothing "Cole said sanctimoniously .

Leo ad Mark exchanged glances, which Cole saw.

"Strangle her" Cole admitted. "Lock her up. Do both "he said into his beer. "But I can resist temptation." He swallowed his beer and thought about it. "I think I can resist it" he said. He glanced behind him. "I don't see why she has to go looking at other bums" he said "I thought I had a good bum. Phoebe always said it was" He swallowed another mouthful of beer " I can resist temptation" he said "I think." he added.

"Well speaking of resisting temptation I..I wish to god you had resisted bringing Glock to the Manor," Leo told Cole accusing.

Cole did not answer as he and Mark exchanged glances

"Want to know why?" demanded Leo.

"I know why" said Cole into his beer. "It's not easy being married to a witch" he said "Piper loves you" he said.

"Phoebe loves you and you want to strangle her" Leo accused.  "Piper thinks Glock is some sort of hero. Some sort of goddamned fairytale hero "he said bitterly "Not like me. I just.." he stopped.

"Screw her "said Cole. "Bad news Leo. Glock is some sort of hero''.

Leo let go his breath out and the black beer bubbled. "So does Melinda" he said "think Glock is some sort of special Unca"

"Bastard angel" Cole accused Leo. "I like Glock" he said into his beer; "really respect him. Think we may even be in the presence of … some great legend.'"

"I wish to god he could keep his bloody legendary.. whatever away from my wife" Leo muttered

"Í wish he would stop .. being the kids best uncle" said Cole into his beer.

"It’s the Burvjara stuff" Mark said suddenly.

Cole froze "That isn't something you should know "he said in his guardian voice "You know but better you don't Mr whitelighter." he added. "not your business."

Mark frowned at his beer '"I know "he said "That's what I was told up there. It's none of my business. Not junior whitelighter stuff at all… only when I heard the talk, you know how thing get leaked up there Leo

Leo nodded.

"When I heard it" Mark shrugged "and I knew Glock was at he manor. I listened. Talk "he said "worried about the girls "he said "Worried about Paige" he said "Worried about witches "he said.

Cole put down his beer' "This isn't my business" he said carefully.

"Your business if the powers send witches in to win whatever battles they are fighting in Burvjara?" Mark asked.

"Good can't win in Burvjara" Cole said in his guardian "No-one can." Cole sucked his breath "Elders shouldn't be thinking of …invading." he said

"You can't act on stuff we're saying here" Leo said hastily.

"Him or me "said Mark.

"Both of you" said Leo in his guide voice 'You're re crossing so many borders here"

"I know I can't. Family business" said Cole. He listened " Spirit winds are okay at the moment. No call for me." he said relieved

Mark swallowed. "No I can't act either" Mark sad and making a decision "And won't but …I need to know what it means " he added. "And maybe family ..sort of.. was.. nearly." he said "I need to know to not .."he let it hang

"In the family" Cole said "Good aren't the good guys there. In Burvjara."

"No one ever is when their existence as they know it is at the core of the war" Mark said.' "Even if it's really about protecting 'things" that make your existence. Like power supplies." he met Cole's eyes  " I hear about pole and how it control all magic and is the reason magic exists , it’s the gravity for magic."

"The pole keeps the balance of the realms" Cole said.

Yes "sad Mark'. "Can evil win there?" he asked "Family business" he said taking a sip of beer.

"No "said Cole "It's not in any-ones interest that powers of good or evil control the power.'

"It's not in any-ones interest that the minions get slaughtered while the powers that be figure that out" said Mark "You know me "he said 'I fight for the little guys. So I won't point out the little guys in this case are your wives. There are other little guys.'

Cole frowned and for a second both Leo and Mark saw the guardian turn dark and wrathful. Then Cole suddenly stopped. "There's always something to make it balance" he said turning "something that the great powers miss seeing. Something to do with the little people" he added. "You've got a hell of a calling Mr whitelighter" he told Mark and stood up.

"Want another beer?" Cole asked and staggered slightly s he headed for the bar.

"What the hell am I going to do about Paige?" Mark asked Leo as he sculled the last of his glass.

"Its not easy being married to a witch "said Leo.
