Faithfully Yours

Part 4: Toil and Trouble


Chapter 25

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Despite Piper's best effort Sunday dinner was not the best one the family in the manor had ever had. In fact it was very close to one of the worst since the days of Cole as the Source. Victor arrived early, and was introduced to Glock who carefully held out his hand, which Victor shook, vaguely noting that Glock was clearly not from the realm. Then he launched into a long speech about how lucky he was to have flesh and blood family and if it was not for his flesh and blood family his life would not be worth living.

Glock shook his head curiously and his nose twitched.

"Is that how it is where you come from?" Victor demanded of Glock "That the only thing in life you can depend on is your family, your own flesh and blood?"

"We call it our clan" Glock explained "But we include our mates in our clans." he added. "You call them spouses I believe" he added

"Hmm" snorted Victor "Do you know that … spouses are the source of all evil.'

"No" said Glock his yellow eyes wide "I did not "

"Hmm" snorted Victor "Ask Phoebe about spouses being the source of all evil.

"Daddy" said Phoebe sucking her breath.

"I've had two spouses and they both were… who.." Victor snarled bitterly. "Don't know the meaning of fidelity." he said his face puckering up.

Piper and Phoebe exchanged glances while Paige tapped her foot, and sucked her lip before responding to a pleading glance from Piper. She announced she was going to make coffee and get the strawberry cream cake that Piper had made as a special treat for afternoon coffee because Glock gingerly tasting a strawberry had told her that he imagined that fruit Burvjarians had once used to make the best wine in the realm tasted like that.

Melinda and Patsy then both stopped the conversation by claiming Pop's attention. Melinda trying to show him how wonderful her cats were and Patsy to get attention lifted himself into Pop's arms.

"How did he learn to do that?" Victor asked "I thought you said he wasn't a male witch?'

Phoebe shrugged as Glock watched her. "I think he's unique" she said nervously while Glock's trunk twitched.

Patsy planted a big kiss on Victor's cheek and Melinda hugged him close.

"Flesh and blood" Victor sighed hugging them back.

Paige coming back into the parlour with a coffee tray slammed it down making Piper wince for her best china while Glock's nose twitched again.

Victor spent the rest of the afternoon playing with his grandchildren, hugging them close, and making mutterings about how flesh and blood were the only ones you could rely on and if it weren't for flesh and blood a man would be facing a very lonely future.

Finally it became too much for Paige who was feeling guilty about Mark and looking for some-one to take it out on. She exploded at Victor telling him she had been nothing but supportive and she was sick of being reminded that she was not a 'real" member of the family and she bittered resented him even remotely implying anything about Patty's sense of morality.

Before Piper and Phoebe could jump in Victor surprised and voice choking explained he thought of her as a daughter, as his family.

"Thank you very much" said Paige sarcastically "And it's really DNA not blood and it takes two to screw up a relationship you know" she told Victor who gaped at her.

"I always thought of you as a daughter" he said hurt "I thought you were sweet" he added.

And then Victor horrified the girls but not Glock who watched with interest, by bursting into tears and saying how every woman he had ever loved had deserted him for someone better.

Melinda having learnt from the cradle how to manage 'Pop' put her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss but spoilt it a little by demanding to know if he had any chocolate on him.

Victor remembering in time Piper's warnings about chocolate mumbled he had forgotten to bring any so Melinda pulled herself free to catch Big Cat and hug him instead while Victor's trembling bottom lip was very reminiscent of Patsy's when he was in a snit.

Patsy perhaps empathising with Victor's emotion's or overwhelmed by them kept pulling away, making his grandfather hug him harder until Phoebe rescued him He blonked himself down on his bottom in the corner sobbing and hitting toy plastic blocks very hard with a plastic hammer til he punctured them, then he ran to Glock demanding to be picked up .

"I think he might be teething again" Phoebe explained to his distraught grandfather before Paige sobbing loudly in the dining room made her turn away.

The situation was only saved by Wyatt letting out a huge  Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa when he was ignored. Victor picked Wyatt up and Wyatt clearly believing making as much fuss as possible was the way to make everything work to his advantage happily snuggled up to 'Pop', while Paige sobbing all over Phoebe and Piper moaned that she was not wanted.

Piper, looking back at Victor wiping tears, Patsy hitting things in the corner and Melinda hugging Big Cat and making muttering noises, ground her teeth.

"It keeps coming up" Paige sobbed "That I'm not really family, that mom did not want me."

"Oh for God's sake " snapped Piper  "Mom screwed Sam. You happened. They panicked about shit Elders, you were given up. In a perfect world it shouldn't happen. It isn't a perfect world. Deal with it. "

Glock who had watched the whole fracas from a distance nodded in sympathy to Piper, his orange trunk-like nose twitching with some amusement.

His look was far from amused though when  ole and Leo, more than slightly the worse for wear from matching pint for pint of black beer with Mark, returned. Mark had earned himself a new respect from them by the amount of alcohol he could consume without it appearing to affect him. They arrived back with Cole leaning over and Leo's arm draped across him as if Cole had won the argument over whether Leo would get him home or he would get Leo them home.

When Glock discovered that Cole had been off drinking in Ireland instead of talking to him about Burvjara, the family who had tended to regard him by the docile lost face he was showing in his effort to maintain his dignity in a realm and place he did not want to be, found out why Burvjarians held him in such awe.

Glock stated his case in no uncertain terms what he thought of Cole, ogres and interference and what he considered his rights, in a deep growl that sent shivers down everyone's backs, except for Piper who caught her breath in admiration.

Cole without any justifiable reason for going off with Leo and Mark instead of discussing Burvjara with Glock , other than he was jealous of Glock playing with Melinda, was left floundering and trying to find words and could not.

Leo struggling a little for words tried to come to Cole's defence by declaring Cole was just being a good brother, being with him when he needed one. Unfortunately as the explanation why he needed brotherly support was because he was jealous of Glock's attentions to Piper, Leo was also left floundering for words.

After making sure Cole knew precisely what he thought of him Glock turned on his heel and disappeared into the garden where a trail of blue smoke could be seen in the night and Leo and Cole were left to face two very annoyed wives. They would have been even more trouble if Piper had not rushed to the kitchen to make sure dinner was perfect and Phoebe had not got a call on her cell phone from "Gorgeous George" trying to organise a lunch time meeting to discuss the plans for Phoebe's promotion photos for the Mirror advertising campaign.  Cole already in a very bad mood because he knew Glock was right was not improved by seeing Phoebe turn her back on him and then hearing her giggle into the phone. He frowned and narrowed his eyes and started to move his fingers.

"Cole" ordered Paige.

"I was only going to fry the phone" he muttered sulkily, and Paige narrowed her eyes at him.

As Piper chose that moment to say she was going into the yard to reassure Glock that the Cole was a thoughtless bastard, Leo also found himself frowning and muttering to himself and his fists clenching.

'"Leo "said Paige.

Leo sucked his lip and Paige pursed her lips and shook her head ta him

The exchange did have the effect of making Victor appear a little happier when he realized both Cole and Leo were having as bad a time it as him.

The result was although Leo and Cole had reasonably sobered up by supper, and Victor had determined to try to be good company  for the sake of his flesh and blood and the flesh and blood of those he held dearest, so as to include Paige, Glock was angry enough with Cole, and Leo was angry enough with Piper, to make supper an extremely uncomfortable meal which ended in disaster  when Melinda had a chocolate regression. She and Patsy ended telekineticing most of the lemon meringue pie at each other before both in tears were dragged off by their respective mothers to bed. Mothers who when they returned downstairs, let fathers know precisely and in no uncertain terms that the whole evening's disaster was their fault.

Glock almost immediately with a polite apology to Victor removed himself to the garden again where Piper glancing out could just see a flicker of light and a trail of blue smoke and she knew he was really struggling with his presence in the realm.

As soon a Victor left in a flurry of hugs from his daughter's and an especial big one from Paige who said she understood what it meant to be alone, with enough of a smirk for Phoebe and Piper to get the message, Cole knew there was no help for it and he had to face Glock.

He was aware enough of Phoebe's concerned and understanding glance to smile a little at her and she put her hand out to touch him before remembering she was mad at him. With some deliberation Cole went to the conservatory door and went outside.

Piper also watched Glock with concerned and hungry and jealous eyes and Leo watched her with concerned and hurt ones.

A small flicker of light told Cole that Glock was sitting on the edge of the children's climbing frame, smoking.

As he approached Glock watched Cole and Cole steeled himself for it.

"You my friend test the friendship "Glock told him bluntly and with no softness in his voice.

"It's not much of a friendship if it is never tested" Cole answered carefully.

"And if the friendship fails the test" Glock asked.

"You need to find a way to co-exist without it descending into enmity" Cole answered, tension and guilt making his voice terse as he found a perch on the edge of the large plastic blocks the children played hide and seek around and carefully tested whether it would hold his weight.

"That is not a gift granted to my people "Glock commented dragging deeply on his pipe.

"Then they need to learn it" Cole snapped. "Some-one needs to learn it" he said more calmly.

"You my friend "Glock said with a mildness that did not deceive Cole "Do not live in  a perfect world, and you have no right to preach" he added.

"No" Cole conceded "I do not."

Glock drew on his pipe slightly mollified. " I am learning much about  your world what do they call it… on the

"TV" said Cole

"On that "said Glock "Dealing with conflict. Is that what they call it?" he asked thoughtfully. "Your clan has interesting… dealing with conflict processes." Glock sucked hard on the pipe, and let the smoke out in satisfied breath. "Say it, suffer it or deal with it seems to be the choices" he said.'

"Things are a bit .. crazy here at the moment" Cole said awkwardly.

"Piper informs me that crazy is normal in your clan… family" Glock commented drawing on his pipe with a little less tension. He blew the smoke out.

"Piper's" Cole took a deep breath as if it was hurting him to speak "right" he finally got out

Glock and Cole were silent for a while. Piper sitting pretending to read a magazine by the open conservatory door half stood up straining to hear what was happening. Leo ordered her to stay still and she scowled at him.

"Are you going to tell me "Glock asked blowing smoke out of his trunk like nose. "What is happening in my realm?'

Cole stood up turned away then made himself face Glock.

"I fear the news is not good" Glock murmured "I can deal with this" he said as Cole smiled "And now you will tell me, my friend, what has happened since my… de… departure."

"Not much" Cole answered carefully selecting his words. "They seemed to have stopped fighting" he said.

"So my de… departure has achieved what my life could not' Glock commented, not without bitterness.

"I don't" Cole hesitated trying to find the words, "I don't think its peace. Think they have just stopped fighting. Making small settlements, putting a cloth over the rocks to make a shelter with a cover, not moving on, hunting, growing a few things."

"We always do that in fighting lulls" Glock replied "so we have something to fight for when we start fighting again." He added matter of fact

"I understand that" Cole told him.  "That is what it is like, only its everywhere. No clan is fighting and I have seen ones that were"

"I would like to go back then "said Glock calmly.

"The reason your people ...refrain from fighting is because they …mourn you" Cole told him "I fear  if you return, now, they will have a reason to fight each other.'

Glock's orange trunk like nose twitched angrily. "Why? "he asked shifting his weight

"Because there will be those who hail you return as a hero ..or a god" Cole said

"I am neither " Glock said "And? " he added as Cole hesitated.

"There will be those who see your return as a betrayal" Cole answered finally. When Glock remained silent he continued "If I know anything of Burvjara and I do not pretend to know much, I know that this will be enough to give them cause to fight and it will be because of you" he added.

When Glock's nose began to twitch Cole hesitated and then added "and because of me taking you away.'

"Who are you trying to protect?" Glock asked.

"Burvjara" Cole answered without hesitation.

"I see" said Glock. He sat down>"you did me no favours my friend" he told Cole "my life is not so important to me."

Cole sat opposite him. In his guardian voice he said  "I believe. "Ashina Glock, your life is important. I believe your life is one of those that touch others and I believe that you are called. I believe if you gave up on your life you would fail in your calling. " Cole told him

Glock sucked hard on his piper "So I must be dead to everything and everyone know but live in an alien limbo because there are those who believe in life above everything" said Glock "To wish to be dead, to not be part of the life that is defined by others, is a sin, against the common belief." and those who wish something separately...are spurned."

"This is not Burvjarian creed" Cole said surprised. 

'I have watched your realm on your television." Glock said "It is yours and it is not something I would .. agree with.: Sometimes there is honour in death my friend

"I know that "Cole answered slowly "There are worse things than being dead. I have been worse than dead." then he softened his voice'" Television is not a true reflection of truth in this realm. Its distorted "Cole told him My whole family is a tribute to the belief  that death is not the end nor is it  to be feared. "he smiled "You should get Piper on the subject of death. 'Not dead again' she screams. "We've all been dead so many times. It's not even a joke it’s a bloody damned nuisance."

Glock suddenly smiled, more open and gently than Cole had eve seen him smile and his face became a deep dark orange.  And he bit his lip in surprise, then Glock carefully changed his expression and frowned "So I must be dead in Burvjara for the good of Burvjara" he said. " But live here, breath here, for the sake of your realm's creed. You test my loyalties.'" He said "and my resolve. And my courage to believe I can do this for however long I will breath in this realm"

"I am frequently told the right choice is very hard road" Cole answered.

"The whitelighter Francesca?" Glock asked

"Amongst others "said Cole. "It may not be for ever, there is no peace in Burvjara Glock and they do not know how to live in peace. There is just no fighting. Its ...eerie.  I feel your return must not be a reason for Burvjarians

"To fight" Glock interrupted.

"To fight each other" Cole said. "It should be a reason not to fight each other.'

Glock nodded '' I am no saviour, I am no hero  and I am no god" he said bluntly

"With respect , I disagree with you, in part' Cole told him staring at the ground..

"Explain to me why you think the lack of fighting is not peace" Glock said.

"You know as well as I do "Cole answered looking up from starring at the ground.

"They have no reason for peace, nothing to gain from peace" Glock answered. "What else do you have to tell me?" he said "and do not find a way to avoid answers." he ordered.

Cole nodded "The forces of good and evil do not appreciate the ..lack of fighting"

"That does not surprise me' Glock said "always, always there is the control of pole, we are cursed by owning that which the magic world cannot exist without, and the fear of the other side controlling it drives them to do crazy, evil things and call it helping Burvjara. I do not see that my…de… departure changes that."

"You are right" said Cole simply

"And "said Glock

"I hear that both side have concern that the lack of fighting and the lack of requests for assistance, means the other side is in control and are taking steps to remedy this situation" Cole explained>

"I curse that damned Pole" Glock said simply.

"If I were you I would too" Cole nodded.

Glock nodded a  grim smile on his face and his trunk like nose twitching.

Cole hesitated and then said "Evil, evil wants control it because they are evil. At least with them it's easy to understand. Good" he said

"Good do great harm" Glock said in matter of fact voice

"They can:" Cole conceded. "But.."

"But "said Glock.

"It is not Good's intention " Cole said" they fear evil winning because for evil to win, unconditionally would be the destruction of the realm. The problem is they do not differentiate between winning and winning unconditionally. They want to win unconditionally to. They do not understand the great plan. It perhaps cruel that what they strive for, unconditional defeat of evil would destroy them, but maybe the hope, from what I see is what keeps them striving."

"This is a great wisdom" Glock answered

"It's not mine" Cole said ruefully "it has been given to me by those with more vision."

"The whitelighter appears to have great wisdom" Glock said guessing.

"Among others" Cole said dryly " there are those in Good who genuinely want what is good "Cole said. "Which is how Good remains.. good." He swallowed choosing his words " I suspect that the answer in Burvjara is somewhere between, that good must win, in the sense that they win because evil does not.'

"Good and evil feel the only way to win is if they gain control of the pole "said Glock bitterly

"I did not say Good should feel they have won" said Cole quietly. "Only they will have,.." He stopped "May I tell you something" he said "about Phoebe's wisdom, what she did for me, told me?

"Your mate has wisdom?" asked Glock bemused.

"You're not seeing Phoebe at her best at the moment" Cole said."I  hope you do before this is ended because" his smile softened, the one that was just for her "Phoebe's best is pretty special."

Glock looked dubious.

"Her worst is pretty goddamned annoying "Cole conceded.

Glock's nose twitched.

"I was .. what we call rock bottom" he said "as far down as I could go facing… returning to evil, facing every inner demon. I begged her to save me" he said "I pleaded I cried.'

"Did she? "Glock asked clearly disbelieving she did.

"She told me to save myself" Cole said not looking at Glock.  "Phoebe has the gift. She knows the truth even when she does not understand.'

"I know little of love" said Glock "But I would dream that if you loved… you to try to save the one you loved."

"She did try' Cole said  "Only you see she couldn’t. In the end the only way I could be saved was to .. save myself...."

Glock looked up.

"And she knows it" Cole said "she was there when I struggled to find the way but I had to do it myself. And" he said, his voice soft with affection "she knew that I had to save myself on my terms not hers." Cole watched Glock intently.

 Glock moved uncomfortably

"I am not unique" Cole said as Glock dragged a deeply on the pipe causing he blue light to flame.

"I would need to be a god to inflict that truth on Burvjara" Glock finally replied with a rumble like laugh.

"Or a saviour" Cole said a Glock snorted his disgust "Or at least seen as one" Cole added

Glock looked at Cole and sucked on his pipe. "I will return to  Burvjara " he said finally "when there is a reason not to fight… each other." And his tone dared Cole to argue

Cole nodded. And waited while Glock smoked.

"You are lucky to have found a mate to believe in" Glock said dismissing the subject. "I see you.. I see …Leo. You both are ...lucky."

"We are" Cole, agreed. He stood up "I'll leave you "he said as Glock nodded.

As Cole turned back to the house Glock said "It was not a good thing that you did. Not to tell me this when you returned."

"No " Cole agreed "It was wrong.'

Glock was silent, his silence clearly expressing what he thought of Cole's failure.

"If you don't like what I did "Cole suddenly grinned ' "Deal with it " he said and was only just aware of Glock's nose twitching as he turned away.

As Cole came back inside Piper stood at the conservatory door and looked out on the yard. Leo had gone into the kitchen to make coffee and she frowned as Cole whispered "Be good Pip." as he passed her.

Piper could see the flicker of light just near the children's play ground here Glock was alone in the dark smoking. She hesitated for a second and then taking her courage walked out into the yard without switching the light on.

She approached Glock and nervously said 'Hello."

She was greeted by a flicker of the pipe and she could not see Glock but she felt his body react.

"I'm okay" she assured him "I'm not going to jump you. I don't want to embarrass you. I mean for some reason the magic isn't affecting me that way. I just want to know you are all right. I guess you're no longer my fantasy "she said shuffling her weight from foot to foot.

"Good "said Glock. "It appears I am a fantasy to quite sufficient numbers without including you." He looked up at her and she could feel the softness in his eyes more than see it.

"What " Piper asked' curious

"It appears I am the fantasy of a whole realm" Glock told her.

"That is enough fantasy for anyone" Piper agreed. "May I?"she asked indicating the spot beside him.

Glock nodded in the dark and she could just see it by the movement of his pipe.

Taking a deep breath Piper sat beside Glock a small flood of pleasure going through her at the warmth of his body.

"The dark is friendly to me" Glock told her "It is not our way to fight in the dark. The dark is safe"

"It used to frighten me" Piper replied, sharing a small piece of her soul " Only when I became  witch, when I knew I was a witch did I realise. It was a place I could...I can fight in the dark, I can use the dark. I no longer have any fear of it" she said. "I can control the dark "she said.

"I was told you are a powerful witch" Glock said.

"With my sisters" Piper explained.

Glock drew on the pipe and Piper was aware of the strong odour of the smoke.

Glock must have felt her reaction "I have been told what an evil smoking is in this realm" he said. She felt rather than saw him shrug. "It is a great pleasure in mine.'" he informed her.

"It causes death and pain" she told him firmly. "eventually."

"It gives us peace a small satisfaction. Rare in Burvjara" Glock told her "and eventually is not a …concept Burvjarians understand. But to believe there could be a time when eventually mattered. That to me is fantasy" he said.

"I do not have sister's gift of premonition" Piper replied. " So I cannot tell you the fantasy will not come true. I am glad you have a fantasy. It means hope is not lost.I can hope too. I can hope for you.' she said.

"Thank you" said Glock drawing on the pipe. "To have someone hope for my people" he said. "It is a great kindness."

"I hope for you" Piper said hesitating and then putting her hand on his knee "and I feel, in hoping for you I hope for your people."

"Thank you "said Glock. ''I do have dreams, fantasies" he said pulling on the pipe, rushing the words out, "Even now, after all I live…d through. I have hopes." he said "Fantasies to wake and know this day I will not fight, and my people will not fight.  he glanced at the hand Piper had put on his knee . He hesitated them" slowly put his hand on hers and she shuddered a little at his warmth. I see you with your offspring, with all your offspring.  I see you love them, I see you want more from your offspring than you want for yourself. To see you hold your offspring is a beautiful thing."

Piper swallowed "To have children. It was dream for me you see" she almost whispered ". Ï was told I never would have… offspring. It was a miracle "she said "or  a fantasy come true for me."

Glock nodded understanding. "To hope that I could see such a thing in Burvjara " Glock said "To see a female who can love her offspring and not consider the consequence. I never believed I could see such a thing. And you have made me believe that such a dream, is not an impossible dream. Not quite.'

"Then I am honoured" said Piper not pulling her hand from the warmth of his. "Tomorrow you will wake and not have to fight "she said.

"And ironically neither will my realm" said Glock "according to Cole."

"Which is fantasy come true" Piper told him

"Not the way I imagined it would come true" Glock said dryly.

"They very rarely do come true that way" Piper agreed and noticed Leo watching her.

For sometime she and Glock sat in silence and then Piper looked up at the house."

"I better go look after my offspring " she sighed. About fantasies coming true "she said standing up so she looked down on Glock " You see the way my… offspring behave. Not exactly  the way I fantasised my.. offspring would be"

"Just as well" agreed  Glock his nose twitching with amusement "Thank you"

"For what?" Piper asked

"For not believing I want to be alone here" Glock saidsimply.

Piper walked back to the house. In the light from the conservatory Glock saw Leo standing at the door and he watched Piper half reach and touch her husband as she went into the house. He lit he pipe again and sucked on it, then after sometime he went back to the house. Leo was sitting alone watching TV,  or pretending to.

Glock smiled his skin a dark orange and Leo nodded.

"Thank you" Glock said

"Why?" said Leo

"For lending me what is yours in my moment of need" he said to Leo indicating the tee shirt of Leo's he was wearing.

Leo hesitated "You are welcome." He said politely.

"Perhaps not quite welcome" Glock told him "but I am grateful and I do not forget that what I use here is borrowed and truly belongs to you."





