Faithfully Yours

Part 4: Toil and Trouble


Chapter 31

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Leo sat in the lounge thinking seriously. He was very conscious of the role he was taking these days, as a still apprentice advisor to the Guardian Durand and he recognised the truth was that he was still in awe of all of them, and Francesca their whitelighter. He often felt extremely unqualified to even speak to them let alone suggest and advise. And right now as confused as he was in his own life it seemed he was really overstepping to go to Francesca and tell her that things were out of hand and she needed to do her job. But after the fighting in the family, the clear divide between Cole and Therold and the way things happening around him, Leo felt out of his depth and the suspicion that her absence was something to do with the spites, nagged at him.

And if some-one did not do something about Therold and Cole it was just possible that weak little spites would cause one of the greatest confrontations in magic.

Leo finally decided he was responsible and overstepping or not, he needed to talk to Francesca and perhaps even prod her away from her fantasies.

He took some time to locate Francesca. She did allow him to keep her on his radar these days, for the most part, but it was not until he stopped focusing on magic places that he discovered she was in Florence, staying in a small hotel situated near the Arno river.

He was reluctant and embarrassed to orb into her room. Whitelighters were used to taking a higher view of privacy when they had to observe charges, and loftily ignored private moments they observed but the very idea of finding Francesca doing something mortal, like showering or using the bathroom, left Leo frozen with embarrassment . Therefore he found himself in a small dark corridor of a very old and atmospheric pensione, and apprehensively knocking on a dark door.

There was no answer for what seemed like an age although Leo was certain Francesca was there and he debated whether to just go in and check whether she was alright.

Finally just as he was deciding to orb, Francesca, opened the door. She was wearing modern pants and a tee shirt, no shoes and her hair was loose. Her face was the real one, the distorted face of her youth which she wore in the opinion of those who knew her, as a badge of pride in her history.

Phoebe, the truth teller and her friend put it more bluntly "Its an up yours to everyone who is uncomfortable with reminders about evil and makes judgements on appearances" she said clearly proud to know an angel who could say up yours to the world at large and still be a paragon of good.

Francesca stood at the door eyeing Leo off with a schoolmarm expression

"Leo" she said smiling with just a hint of irritation. "You found me" she said unnecessarily.

"I need to talk. Can I?" Leo glanced behind her into the room. And awkwardly backed away "I wasn't trying to impose looking for you or anything, but you weren't up there' and I.." he said "I mean… Things are happening" he said

"Are they? Come in Leo "she said pulling the door open and pressing her lips together. "Any-one see you arrive?" she asked pleasantly.

"Um No" Leo said awkwardly "I ..I orbed " he explained. "I wouldn't want to embarrass you. I mean…"

"Pity "Francesca observed with a wry smile as she offered him a seat on one of the two chairs at a small table. "I would rather like mine host to know that a handsome young man was asking for me." her eyes twinkled.

"Um" said Leo awkwardly

"Don't you dare suggest they will think you are my son' Francesca said as Leo awkwardly sat down.

"Um" said Leo glancing around the room.

It was an old room, rather small and narrow with most of the space taken by a big double bed but compensated for the size with a fantastic view over the Arno river and the red roofs. It had dark old fashioned furniture and a bright ruffled cover on the bed.. The pillows were piled up against the bed head and a book was open.

Beside the bed was a half full bottle of Chianti and a half empty large box of Italian chocolate

"I called" Leo said uncomfortably "But you seemed to be off the radar

"I was finishing a chapter "Francesca said a touch smarmily.

"Okay "said Leo deciding it would not be wise to say that he had been calling for an hour.

'"I did look" he said "up there. But was careful not to cause a fuss."

"In the circumstances I do not think going up there would be wise" Francesca said.

"Circumstances?" said Leo

"Have you come to tell me I may be a victim of Spite mischief" Francesca asked

"Well not just that" Leo stuttered. "Why isn't it wise going up there?" he asked.

"I fear I may be contagious" Francesca said "I do not believe it is a good idea for the Great Plan that the minions of Good really need to be indulging there fantasies about the annihilation Evil" she said

"I thought the fantasies the spites set off were sexual "Leo said and then blushed He glanced at the book on the bed and then he blushed even more.

 "Yes dear" said Francesca "they are but then most fantasies of domination and annihilation are sexual aren't they? Even when it is called politics."

Leo swallowed and nodded.

"So I decide to spend some time indulging a few of my fantasies for a few days" Francesca told Leo. "Safely" she added

"Good said Leo glancing at the book.

Francesca sighed and smiled showing just a small sign of irritation "'What do you want to talk about? "Francesca asked. "Spites?"

"Not exactly" Leo said "Cole and Therold" he said. "I know its none of my business." he glanced uncomfortably around the room.

She sighed. "I take it you have come to tell me my absence and personal indulgence has caused a problem?" she said matter of fact.

"Your absence hasn't caused the problem" Leo answered carefully

"Exacerbated it?" she asked.

Leo nodded awkwardly.

"Would you like to go out for some coffee?" Francesca asked accepting he was too uncomfortable in her hotel room.

"Yes" said Leo far to rushed.

"It is very hard on a lady's ego when a gentleman is so anxious to get away from her boudoir" Francesca commented a touch slyly.

"I.." said Leo shuffling.

Francesca went into the bathroom while Leo awkwardly stared at the view of Florence, the red rooves and the tourists below and the cobbled streets and the covered bridge.

Francesca appeared a few minute later, her hair pulled into  a neat chignon, her face the one she showed to the modern century that cringed from the affects of disease and pain and having pulled on a  linen jacket over the tee shirt ,she looked a very sensible middle aged woman.

She picked up a shoulder bag and Leo relieved followed her form the room.

"You want to orb?" Leo asked hoping.

"No" said Francesca firmly. They went downstairs in the small elevator that was barely big enough for one person let alone two, Leo holding his breath so he did not have to crowd Francesca knowing full well she was thoroughly amused by it.

The owner of the pensione took her key and eyed Leo with an open curiosity. Leo he flushed even more as he opened the door for Francesca.

Without asking Francesca turned away from the covered bridge and wandered up the broad Via Dei Calzaiouli toward the Duomo, mingling easily with the tourists who strolled along the street and window shopped in jewellery and clothes shops or contemplated the scents from the occasional Pizzaria along the route.

Leo silently walked with Francesca.

Francesca smiled "I like to walk amongst the mortals" she said softly "I like to feel a sense of mortality and humanity. I like to be reminded why I exist." she explained.

"The elders do not encourage …interacting" Leo said.

"The elders are not always wise" Francesca told Leo ."Locked as we are in…. what we do. It is easy to lose …perspective" she said "and very hard to advise others well when your own perspective is flawed. Some of us need to keep perspective" she added.

"I understand" Leo said recognising the lesson.

"Good" said Francesca dryly. "And it is very sweet of you to accept my advice when you are truly annoyed with me for failing in my responsibilities."

"I'm not…" Leu started to say and stopped as Francesca narrowed her eyes.

Half way down the via she stopped and stood in front of a cafe. The building was a very old medieval one like most of those in the street, but it had been renovated as a shop so many times since it was built there was not  much of its original form left. It had wide glass windows and inside, tables were set up for the afternoon trade.

Francesca looked at the cafe and then walked on. Five steps later she stopped again turned around and said almost to herself  "Very important to keep your perspective.'" And walked back to the cafe

"It looks nice" Leo said uncertain as he followed her in.

"I haven't been in here in a very long time" Francesca said as they were seated at a table close to a fireplace that in summer had a large basket of flowers in it.

"Nice place" Leo said as a waiter came up and Francesca ordered a cappuccino and he ordered a latte.

Francesca looked at he polished floor boards an expression of disapproval on her face.

'They used to be stone" she said . "Rather beautiful grey serena. I wonder if they pulled them up and sold them." She looked around "Going back and looking at our fantasies is often … a curious thing" she said sipping her coffee.

Leo looked at her

"I used to live her 550 years ago "she said. "Indulging fantasy for a normal mortal life. It was  a tavern. I was married "she said.

"I heard stories" he said. "'Was the reality worth indulging the fantasy?" he asked.

"Yes" Francesca said firmly "I found some things about Francesca that have.. helped me over  the years. Ensured Francesca survived." she added "Now do you want to tell me how I have failed in my duty and the situation between Therold and Cole is becoming …difficult?"

Leo looked awkwardly about him, took a deep breath and hesitated.

"Yes Leo" said Francesca

"I know you have been around mostly" he said "But the last few days you haven't been and ."

"Yes Leo " Francesca agreed "I haven't been around for some days."

"It's Cole and well about Phoebe" Leo said.

"Phoebe was not going to sleep with anybody else and Cole knows it" Francesca said "Always with spite magic reality sets in and you know as well as I do the only person Phoebe is besotted with is Cole. And that is her reality."

"Cole was ..upset "Leo told her

"I wonder why that does not surprise me" Francesca said But I am not going there. They live in this..". soap bubble private world, all the spats .. and the passion and I would not care to come between them." she said "it would be unwise."

"That is what I mean" Leo said "About being unwise to get between them. Therold I don't think is being wise. "

Francesca winced slightly and nodded "How?" she said in a calm voice.

"Therold came to give Cole some warning about Cole not taking care of Phoebe and Cole got nasty and...snaky with Phoebe" Leo said. He took a deep breath " I don't know Therold well." he said "at all really but Durand has suggested to me Therold has .. not  a great understanding of deeper  more complex relationships."'

"Durand" Francesca said slowly "is right."

"Nothing happened' Leo said  "But I just thought I should .. Cole just he wasn't polite."

"He never is with Therold' Francesca said school marm in place

"Cole can be an arsehole " Leo explained awkwardly "except well Therold probably thinks its personal, not just he feels he's right."

"Cole can be an arsehole when he is right; Francesca agreed answered "he enjoys being right over Therold and it is personal."

"Therold's concerned about Phoebe.. sees her…" Leo started to say "You know about Phoebe, he's .."

"Obsessed" smiled Francesca  "Therold was not intending to visit Cole. I believed him.  You feel my presence may have alleviated the situation."

"Cole may not have told Therold to get fucked" Leo admitted.

Francesca took a deep breath "I suppose that is true" she admitted eventually.

Leo nodded wryly.

"I doubt restricting his language would alleviate the problem though." she continued " Do you know Leo" she said a touch resentfully  "Its seems unfair. I give into temptation to be … selfish a little and the world lands on the brink." she smiled just a little resentful "I once centuries ago kept a promise to a friend to indulge in something reckless and … it had consequences."

"What were they?" Leo asked unable to help himself.

"The Battle of Waterloo" Francesca answered dryly.

"You caused the Battle of Waterloo" Leo asked stunned.

"It was a consequence" Francesca corrected "Of keeping a promise to be…rash. Who knows if I hadn't it may have been the battle of ..oh.. London Bridge. I neither made nor stoped the British and French fighting.  Anymore than I truly made Burvjara happen. Do you think there is a message in there?" she said

"Probably" said Leo smiling. "Burvjara?" asked Leo

"No matter "Francesca interrupted quickly. Only" she said thinking out  loud "Wars happen because of … certain circumstances. Conditions. Am I just putting off the inevitable by ..supervising them. Or do we need to fix the problem."

"Therold's in love with Phoebe" Leo said "And Cole resents it."

"I suppose we could hope Therold falls out of love "Francesca pondered "But the last obsession lasted a lifetime, even after the husband threw him in the Thames and the lady laughed.'

"Maybe we could stop Phoebe flirting" suggested Leo.

"Ï think we need to think of solutions that have a half way possibility of succeeding" Francesca answered primly "We seem to have limited options." She added.

Leo half laughed "All I know is that that evil begets evil, and spite magic isn't harmless. Our place is in chaos "he told her. "Paige is in big trouble in her job, Phoebe is besotted with the worst sort of fantasy men, women are going nuts over Cole, seems there are about 3 females in San Francisco who ..are not nuts and one is a first class b…." he saw Francesca's expression "Not a nice person' he amended "and all the Book of Shadows says is that reality to fix it."

"Judging from my own experience" sighed Francesca "It is right."

"Only there is no spell to induce reality" Leo said.

"Well there wouldn't be would there?" Francesca said "not from Good Magic which is a fantasy in itself for many."

Leo nodded

"What else? " Francesca asked her expression carefully neutral as Leo nodded.

"I" he said

"'Yes Leo" she said schoolmarm

"What happens when the reality is more…." he hesitated "Piper was crazy.. you know about Glock."

"I recall" Francesca said smiling. "Surely the reality has hit her."

"Yes" said Leo "she sees Glock as real now, sees the reality of him."

"This is not good is it Leo?" Francesca asked with a small frown.

"There is much to admire in Glock" Leo said tightly

"You know him better than me" Francesca murmured.

"He is in very bad place. Alien lost and yet he is still admirable. He handles it with dignity" Leo said "he has a sense of humour. He has honour. I admire him." Leo said. He frowned "Piper admires him."

"He sounds worthy of admiration and respect" Francesca said. "But if he is admirable he would not take advantage of her admiration."

"It doesn’t stop her admiring him "Leo said bitterly

"Nothing can stop Piper …admiring Glock, Leo" Francesca said gently "if he is worthy of admiration, and even "she added "if he is not."

'I wish ..she didn't " Leo muttered.

"You can't stop it Leo and remain worthy of her admiration. The only question for you is whether you can live with it."   Francesca told him

"I could prove he wasn't admirable" Leo said bitterly.

"But you just told me he is "Francesca said.

"That is the reality of it "Leo said bitterly "He is and she is in love with him."

"Is that to strong a word?" Francesca asked

"No" said Leo bitterly.

"Then all you can do is wait on it "Francesca said quietly. "And respect that she has feelings for him. Which does not mean she does not have feelings for you."

"I know "said Leo "If I was giving advice I would say that. All the kings horses and all the kings men can't make her or anyone else love you unless they want to or stop them loving some-one."

"As I understand it both Piper and Phoebe have proved that in the past" said Francesca "to your advantage."

Leo flushed. "Maybe that is why it hurts" he smiled reluctantly "that is what I hate you know. I can give advice and sometimes its good advice but it's damningly hard when its… you. I mean knowing the answer. I mean I would tell some-one else."

"I know" said Francesca not indulging in sympathy at all "It is far easier to be wise for some-one else than yours self."

Leo nodded and both were silent for a few moments.

"Well met" said a dark satanic voice behind them and both Leo and Francesca jumped when they saw the demon guardian Proctor standing behind them. "I trust I do not interrupt an assignation." he murmured

"Walking up behind a private conversation is extremely irritating" Francesca told him.

"I am sorry" said Proctor with a smile that had a slight warmth over its usual satanic sarcasm that made Leo start in surprise.

'"Not sorry enough not to repeat doing it" Francesca murmured tartly making Leo stare at her "What do you want?" she asked "I heard no calling."

"In the area" Proctor asked "I sensed you and came to pay my respects." he bowed "May I join you "he asked politely while Francesca sucked her lip and Leo started to feel he was caught in the middle of a tug of war.

"If this is what you desire" Francesca answered with more politeness than sincerity in her voice.

"How could it not be?" replied Proctor his tone matching hers.

He ordered coffee from the waiter who gave him an odd look.

"This place has a sense of familiarity about it" Proctor commented.

"Why "demanded Francesca sharply.

"I once haunted Firenze" Proctor commented. "In the days before I found the light. Perhaps from then."

Leo looked uneasily from one to the other.

"I always thought it a pretty place. Many things have changed" Proctor commented. "You have some connection here" he smiled satanically at Francesca while Leo allowed his body to face the door and shuffled awkwardly. "Perhaps our paths crossed."

"I am certain I would remember it" Francesca said just as politely. "Even if you did not." she added a touch tarty.

"With so many lowly demon minions who touched your life I truly doubt that" Proctor said "I am sure Francesca had I met you in my demonic days the experience would be burned in my memory"  he smiled with a mock gallantry.

"So you are not seeking me" Francesca asked clearly not believing her. "Just passing."

"Perhaps I dissemble a little" Proctor answered spooning sugar into his cup as Leo watched fascinated.

Francesca eyed him with her best school marm expression which made him smile.

"I have observed "proctor said carefully" that my Brother Therold takes an … intense interest in Friend Belthezor's pretty witch." he said.

"Phoebe has no interest in any but Cole" Francesca said primly.

"Belthezor's pretty witch is interested in any that she can bewitch" Proctor said "She enjoys as many before her, the power. Observe Brother Arturo's attentions."

"Arturo is not in love wither her" Francesca insisted.

"No but he has a very avuncular affection for her" Proctor answered "And she is not above using this to her advantage."

Leo pursed his lips and Proctor observing it added "I make no criticism. I offer only my observations."

"It is the way of women" Francesca said "You may recall Hilma.'

"I recall the demon guardian Hilma and her flirty ways with males" Proctor said with a smile that to Leo's surprise Francesca genuinely responded to, her eyes softening "and I have seen that it is the way of men to respond or deal with it. I recognise the test and I recognise the purpose. I have observed the ways of women" Proctor said "and men" he added. "Many times."

"What are you saying Proctor?" Francesca asked and this time there was no irritation and she was all whitelighter, respecting his opinion.

"I am saying Francesca" Proctor answered "that my brother Therold has much wisdom in many things but he knows little of females. Except to worship them."

"I wish he would stick with cats " Francesca replied tartly. "Leo was explaining this to me" she said

''Was he?" said Proctor politely. "And I have observed that my Brother Therold's wisdom at the best of times, does not extend to an understanding of the complexity between those who love. I have observed him misinterpret." he said.

"Leo was discussing this issue "Francesca said tersely  "And reminding me of  my duty. I will speak to him."

"No" said Proctor so forcefully that Leo jumped "I observed Leo and your discussion. This is why I came." he explained

Francesca eyed him clearly suspicious,

"I truly respect my brother Therold's wisdom except in the case of his …madonnas " Proctor said "Trust me "he said. "I know my brother. He will not believe your wisdom in this case" he said slowly "More likely to attack your bias" Proctor said bluntly. "

Francesca frowned "My affection for Cole …and Phoebe would never lead me to desert my duty to Therold. The wisdom is clear. It is wrong to come between a husband and wife. Therold should know this."

"Brother Durand has explained this ." Proctor said "but Therold worships and not wisely and I fear where it could go. And truthfully" he took a breath as if stealing himself for this " what can one say when the bias is the truth he does not want to hear. He believes you besotted with Belthezor, which in no way makes it right for him to come between a man and wife."

Francesca suddenly sat upright. She glowered at Proctor "You can explain to Therold that despite ..spites I have not been spending my time in San Francisco .. being inappropriate, hanging around the Manor, acting like a love sick.." her voice trailed off.'

"Unlike most other females in San Francisco" said Leo.

"I have observed this "replied Proctor dryly. "I will explain this to Therold at another time" he said.

"Don’t you dare" snapped Francesca glaring at Proctor.

"You just asked me too" he said reasonably.

Leo who lived in a house full of women, sucked his lip and met Proctor's eyes while Francesca continued to glower.

The demonic smile around Proctor's lips was only just under control. "Brother Therold dislikes and distrusts Belthezor. And worships his witch. Brother Therold guards the prophesy. Does he know something, does he misinterpret it, or does he imagine it and deludes himself as her fantasy protector." he added.

"Therold is deluded "Leo answered bluntly "Cole would never… never hurt Phoebe" Leo said "I know it. He would protect her."

"Would he hurt some-one else he should not to protect her?" Proctor asked "Is it deluded to believe he could?" he said the satanic note strong in his voice.

Leo flushed "No " he said slowly.

Proctor smiled.

"Do you believe this …delusion is prompting Therold?" Francesca asked.

Proctor shrugged  "Spite attacks or not, I have observed that Friend Belthezor's pretty witch is " and he stopped choosing his words carefully "Hell bent on proving to her beloved that he needs to … attend to his love. The spites have maybe influenced the extent of her actions but not .. the nature of them."

"Phoebe wants what she wants" Leo explained "and she wants Cole."

Proctor nodded "I think some wisdom is required" he answered "I have none and my Brother Therold needs some but will not listen to yours. He fears your affection for Belthezor is .. prompted by other feelings. I need you to give me yours so I can impart it."

Francesca nodded "He is wrong about my affection for Cole." she said.

"And Friend Belthezor is not inclined to be wise when it comes to protecting his beloved witch." Proctor added.

'No" said Francesca as Leo found himself nodding.

They sat in silence Leo feeling decidedly uncomfortable finally stood up and said he was leaving and he would take Francesca's advice.

"You show wisdom "said Proctor satanically and Leo swallowed ."I will pay "he added as Leo pulled out a credit card" My pleasure "Proctor said looking at Francesca.

As Leo left Francesca shook her head "The only advice I have is that Therold needs to remember that Phoebe is Cole's wife and Cole loves her, and treasures her. He will never harm her" She looked up "and if Therold knows of something in the future, he would do better by retaining her trust and not alienating her now. If he forces her to chose, she will chose Cole."

"Good advice" said Proctor.

"I have failed my duty" Francesca confessed to Proctor. "If things are this bad between Cole and Therold."

"I doubt your presence would make them love each other" Proctor replied without any demonic edge to his voice. "Any more than you could have stopped Good acting in Burvjara in the past, anymore than your presence will stop what I observe is about to happen between Good and Evil there now."

"It is worse?" she asked "I have had a few days only, just to be Francesca and it becomes worse?" she said wistfully.

"I am glad you enjoyed them" he said "And did you not once tell me that whilst I may regret not trying in the end I cannot change what is written. I believe it is written that Burvjara will be the battleground. Some wars have to happen Francesca"

"Thank you'" She said softly touching his hand.

Proctor suddenly flushed and looked away. "Besides "he added his expression demonic "I would not have had the pleasure of observing Friend Belthezor telling my Brother Therold to get fucked."

Francesca suddenly laughed and Proctor heard the golden note in her voice. "I am glad I did not deny you that pleasure" she said.

"Thank you" Proctor said simply.

Francesca started to look around and picked up her bag I should go" she said.

"Yes "he said.

A waiter approached hem and without asking Proctor ordered another coffee for both of them".

"We have finished our conversation "Francesca told him slightly put out. "What have we to discuss?"

"I do not know "said Proctor he smiled satanically. "Read any good books lately?" he asked as Francesca flushed.
