Faithfully Yours

Part 4: Toil and Trouble


Chapter 32

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Cole spent the day working very hard at his practice until he got called away for Guardian's work in Africa, unfortunately right in the middle of a call where Phoebe was explaining how it pissed her off when he 'noticed' all these women. He tried suggesting that he was pissed off at her chasing her crushes and flirting over naked drawings but she told him he was being unreasonable, "And my total relationship with George is a working one?" she insisted

"Just another working girl are you?" Cole drawled.

Phoebe opened her mouth and no words came out " You.. you.. you …You're acting like a jealous mortal " She finally spluttered at him.

"Would you rather I acted like a jealous demon?" he asked and for a second she caught her breath at his tone

"Which reminds me" he told her his voice getting really nasty "Stop encouraging Therold. He isn't a mortal. If he gets delusions about what you're offering like John Cotton, it will take more than a few magic tricks to protect you from the consequences."

"Therold is sweet" Phoebe insisted "and he would never hurt me."

'"He's a bloody demon, just like me" Cole told her nastily.

She started to argue so she could hang the phone up in his ear, when he cut her off saying he had to go to Africa.

 "Love you" he said in a nasty voice as he hung up.

Phoebe's mood was not helped by a quick trip to the bathroom where taking her time in a stall so she could calm down she overheard her colleagues Jasmine Miranda and Cheryl discussing Cole and comparing him to their real experiences with John Cotton, who was apparently taking full advantage of the situation in San Francisco. Phoebe got the distinct impression that the reality of John Cotton was a quick disillusion of the fantasy.  All three were in agreement that Cole was really better prospect and a furious Phoebe could only just agree.

Paige spent the day at the employment centre doing her best to be the efficient, innovative and determined successor to Mark. Both the males there were giving her odd looks Her day was made no better by Father Joe, the archbishop's assistant turning up and Jean, who had always had a slight crush on him  falling over him like limpet, to his embarrassment. Father Joe muttered something about the world being a little odd, gave Paige another curious look and left in haste. Alex also had 5 female clients cancel and the he had to call Paige to rescue him form only two who turned up.

When Paige shooed the clients out Alex stood there looking at Ella and Paige shaking his head and Paige suggested it might be in every-ones interest if they finished up early.

Piper spent the day at P3 while Marly and Glock baby sat, promising faithfully all chocolate would be hidden away  and then rushed home to appreciate a few moments watching Glock kneeling down to examine a spider web in the garden while Melinda explained its intricacies to him. She smiled to herself and half tossed her hair, coming face to face with Leo who pursed his lips and said nothing.

With another toss of her head, Piper went to change from her business clothes and made a point of house cleaning well in Glock's view while Leo collected the boys and pretended he did not notice what Piper was doing as he played with them.

Cole arrived home late from Africa. The children were already in bed. Leo was not home and Glock was smoking in the backyard, and Cole half stepped out then turned to find Phoebe who had been waiting. She was leaning against the doorway archly, with Pookie thrust forward, and it struck his mind that if she kept the pose while naked, the Mirror would be sold out in minutes. But not to family minded women.

Thrusting boobs and Pookie forward Phoebe made a point of asking him whose fantasy he had been fulfilling in Africa before stalking off to join her sisters in the attic where they tried still unsuccessfully to connect magic and reality.

Cole watched Phoebe go. He sighed, went into the kitchen and raided the refrigerator and remembered a time not so long ago when no matter how many games Phoebe was playing she would have made sure he ate.

He had eaten half a cold chicken leg and was starting on a bowl of ice cream when Phoebe appeared to hassle him about not eating properly.

"I don't have to" he snipped shoving ice cream down "Can't hurt me" and followed it with left over apple pie."

She put her hands on what was left of her hips, thrusting Pookie forward. He smiled suddenly and Phoebe recognising it demanded "What?"

Cole helped himself to a large glass of red wine and poured another she continued to glare at him.

"What?" she demanded.

Still smiling Cole wandered into the conservatory, Phoebe waddling behind, and stood at the glass door. In the yard he could se a blue light that indicated Glock was out there smoking.

He opened the door

"What "said Phoebe catching his shoulder so he turned he smiled at her again. "All we seem to be doing is bickering and it isn't fun" she asked suddenly "we're not in trouble are we."

"Don't think so" he said watching her intently.

"You don't want to divorce me?" she asked touching the smile on his face.

"You know I'd kill you before I'd divorce you" he said. "And I'm hoping it won't come to that "he added with a grin.

"That's good" she said a little wobbly.

The smile did not leave his face "Don't ever change "he said

"Oh shut up " Phoebe told him waddling up the stairs. She stopped half way to give him a coy look over her shoulder. "Where's this going to end Cole?" she asked.

Cole shrugged and shook his head and went outside and wandered down the yard to where Glock was sitting, a blue fire showing from his pipe.

He silently held out the glass which Glock accepted.

"In Burvjara" Glock said "I had only one vice. Now in your land of plenty you corrupt me into… more. Plenty is not necessarily good I must conclude."

Cole raised his glass "To vice" he said "It’s a test of character" he explained "Its easy to be incorruptible when there is nothing to be gained from corruption. I used to be a demon. I know about corruption."

"So you tempt me" said Glock sipping the wine "To discover what."

"That you are trul  incorruptible I believe" Cole answered honestly..

Glock with a wry shake of his head sipped the wine again and then deliberately drew long and hard on his pipe. Finally he said "You mate, Phoebe is ..enjoying herself"

"You haven't seen her at her best" he explained to Glock.

"So you tell me" Glock said "I would like to "he said contemplatively. "This great love of yours. She is not perfect."

"She was able to love me because she is not perfect" Cole explained his voice tight with emotion.

"And your voice still holds the same note it did when you spoke of your love in Burvjara. Glock replied. He started to say something then stopped.

 "What" said Cole

"I think" said Glock nodding, the blue light going up and down "if she were mine and I loved her imperfections as much as you do", I would guard her well…from herself and from …her imperfections and those who would prey on her imperfections."

"I do not believe I am in danger of losing her" Cole smiled

"I think that in Burvjara we have little but we guard it well and we guard it constantly, because if we did not we would lose the little we have." Glock told him "It is less dangerous than retrieving it when it is lost."

"I do not think she would appreciate being guarded constantly" Cole said.

"As you say" said Glock "Perhaps your world is to civilised to respond to such a basic …emotion as ownership. We are not so polite in Burvjara. We have very little, we guard it well."'

"In a perfect world, that she is mine should be enough" Cole murmured.

'"True" said Glock "but your world… friend is far from perfect."

Cole was silent, sipping on his wine and for a while Glock allowed the silence to hang while he smoked. Finally Glock sucked his breath.

"Discussing the imperfections of your mate "he said "reminds me, your brother Guardian who is so enamoured with her." Cole ground his teeth but said nothing and Glock chose to ignore it.  "Your friend … brethren stopped the evildoers so that the innocents in this case would not be victims. It is the role of your brethren to protect the innocents?" Glock asked

Cole took a breath knowing where this was going "It is more that it is not in the Great Plan for innocents to be the fuel for battles between the powers of evil or good for that matter." He answered.

"You do no such thing in Burvjara" Glock said and it was not a question. "You do not just wipe out the evil with this great power of yours and send hem back to where they belong, like your brother guardian did."

"I do what I can "Cole said "But.." and he let it hang.

"But those of us who fight in Burvjara are not true innocents "Glock said sucking on his pipe

Cole shook his head, "In a sense they are innocent, or I could not have even gone to Burvjara" he said "but the definition of true innocence is that if they can be protected, innocence can be maintained. I cannot see it in Burvjara. I see combatants and I see victims but the victims are the combatants. Protecting them would not change that. They are not innocent. The tragedy is they once were" he added.

"I see" said Glock

"I came to stop them fighting. I did what I could but I am protecting the balance and they are not…." He looked at Glock. "If truth is the first casualty of war, innocence is the second "he said quietly.

"So "said Glock nodding "The only way you can protect us is for us to find a way to be innocent."

"If evil started fighting evil there" Cole said "I could wipe all evil to hell."

"How many Burvjarians would go with there with the demons?" Glock asked.

"Quite a large number" Cole answered and sipped the last of his wine while Glock smoked. "I will consider your advice to …protect my mate" Cole finally said.

"So despite her imperfections, she is an innocent who can be protected" Glock asked turning toward Cole. "How is she an innocent?" he demanded.

Cole did not hesitate "Because for all her ...imperfections, she is true to herself, she is honourable, she listens to the call of her soul" he said "that my friend is the best of her.'

"Hmm" said Glock  and drew a long breath on his pipe. "It was once the best of Burvjara." he said "Perhaps you should warn her that innocence is easy to lose."

Cole hesitated. "that is good advice" he said

There was a long silence that was finally interrupted by the loud ringing of the doorbell buzzer. "Its never for me" Cole said to Glock who shook his head.

Other than Cole, Phoebe who had had to have a bathroom break form searching the Book of Shadows, was closest to the door. By the time she made it downstairs he was in the hall.

"I'll get it" she said sweetly and he grinned and waved her past him.

She swung the door open to allow a frazzled and rather teary Leslie, one of the daughters of the witch Jade, who had been lost helping the Charmed Ones fight the warlock Willem, into the manor. Phoebe noticed that the Leslie's father's car was parked at a crazy angle with the rear way out in the street as if Leslie had just slammed on the brakes and not parked.

Leslie red faced and sniffing asked if she could come in "I just need t o…talk" she said "to some-one magical, to a woman"' and burst into tears.

"Sure "said Phoebe putting her arm around Leslie. She quietly removed the car keys from Leslie's hands. "You want to park the car "she said to Cole throwing them at him.

He caught the keys and Phoebe's expression and nodded.

Phoebe took Leslie to the sofa in the living room stopping to call out to Paige.

"A man "she asked Leslie "or magic."

"Both "sniffed Leslie.

Leslie sat on the sofa and cried against Phoebe while Paige followed by Piper came downstairs. They looked at Leslie weeping over Phoebe and Paige went to the kitchen to get a box of tissues while Piper sat down beside her.

"What did the guy do?"[Phoebe asked the sniffing Leslie. '

"Oh him" said Leslie.

"Him" repeated Piper dryly.

"I met him at the gym, he was just so…so beautiful and I don't normally, you know usually I'm sort of shy" Leslie swallowed "I wouldn't .."you know, I'm not good at that, with men."

"I know you're shy "agreed Piper "But its not so normal at the moment is it sweetie" she said.

"He was horrible" sobbed Leslie "he said "he wasn't into women, in any way, really nasty and he said especially ones, like…. like me . He said I was to fat," she swallowed "said I was useless to him" she sobbed again "he was a real bitch. Having boobs doesn't mean you're fat."

"No" said Phoebe firmly "It does not."'.

Piper sucked her breath before reaching over and stroking Leslie's head as Paige reappeared with the tissues "Its okay "Piper said "We've all made that mistake in our time" she assured Leslie.

Phoebe caught her breath "We have?" she mouthed over the top of Leslie's head while Piper swallowed.

"I know men" Phoebe smirked

"What" said Leslie mid sob.

"Nothing at all sweetie" said Piper stroking her hair.

"Its okay "Paige told Leslie handing her a big wad of tissue, "Just shows what a nasty bitch he is. It doesn't mean anything about you."

"Its not okay .I'm an awful person "Leslie finally whimpered. "I'm an awful witch. I'm a coward. And I still can't… "and she burst into more sobs on Phoebe's shoulder while Phoebe and Paige exchanged looks and Piper continued to make sympathetic noises

"Nothing can be that bad "Phoebe assured her.

"How would you know "demanded Leslie "You've got everything. A husband, sure of who you are . No one laughs at you for your .. because you find some-one attractive and .. say so.'

"I've had my moments… " Phoebe started to say.

"Shut up Phoebe. Its not all about you" Paige interrupted. She leant over and gently touched Leslie "Its crazy at the moment honey" she said "and we all make fool of ourselves with men." she added.

"I hate him" cried Leslie passionately. "I hate him and I hate what he says about my family.'"

"What did he say'" Paige asked hiding a smile. Then she added. "Nothing wrong with watching" she added. "Especially when they sort of go out their way to make sure you do watch."

"He said…  "Leslie stopped shaking her head "But that is not what I'm really upset about," she said finally sitting up and sniffing into the tissues. "Its what he said about my family.

"Oh" said Paige glancing at Phoebe. "What did the guy at the gym say about your family'" she added.

"Nothing," said Leslie grabbing a  hand full of tissues "the guy at the gym didn't say anything about my family, he doesn't know my family, at least  I hope my sisters, my brothers Dad doesn't know." She started sobbing again "oh god if they knew "she said.

"Who said something about your family?" Piper asked very carefully.

"He did. It was when I got home" Leslie said suddenly stopping crying. "And Caleb…"

"Your whitelighter?" Paige asked, confused. "You've got a crush on your whitelighter Caleb too?" she said shaking her head.

"Caleb used to be out whitelighter" Phoebe said "Never imagined anyone would think of him… I mean each to their own "she said also shaking her head.

Leslie looked from one to the other in disgust "I hate him he said "Interested in him. I HATE him" she sobbed. "Especially after…. I really HATE him now. Hate HIM." she screamed passionately choking back dry sobs.

"Okay" said Piper putting her arm around Leslie.

"You shouldn't be nice to me "Leslie finally sniffed' I'm a bad person, a bad witch"

"I doubt that very much "said Paige sitting opposite and leaning forward.

"Caleb says I am" Leslie said.

"Then he's an idiot and a bastard" Piper said matter of fact.

Leslie looked at Paige "Like my sister says" Paige told her."

"He's right "said Leslie gulping hard.

"You want to talk about it" Paige asked quietly.

Leslie sat up pulled away, from Piper and Phoebe and moved herself to the corner of the sofa holding a cushion to her and wrapping her arms around it so it shielded her.

"Caleb was waiting at home for me, "she explained "came to tell me I should be ready to fight .. for a big battle .. soon.. a huge fight for magic .. for good.. maybe the fate of good depended on it "she said.  "He said that good needed witches to take their place in the great battle. He said I had a duty to fight in my mother's place " She looked up "I said I did not want to die like my mother, like my aunts and he said that the greater good was more important than the life of one witch and we were born to serve and there was no greater calling than that and if it cost out lives then so be it.'

"Easy to say when you're already dead" Piper snorted furiously.

"He said we witches were going to be called to a great battle and we needed to be prepared and he wanted me to make sure I had my powers under control." Leslie whispered. "I said I did not want to be in great battle" Leslie told them "I said I was not sure I wanted to be a witch."

"And he gave you some more bullshit about the greatness of the calling" Paige guessed.

"He said my mother would be ashamed of me" Leslie sniffed

Paige and Phoebe exchanged furious glances.

"Bullshit" said Phoebe determinedly

"He said I was afraid and I needed to learn my calling was not about me" Leslie said. "But about those I serve."

"More bullshit" said Piper bluntly.

"I said I was not bad and…and I had a choice and he said I didn't " Leslie added  "and he started to go saying how bad I was when … my sister Charlie said she was ready for battle and she would go to fight " Leslie said. "To represent our family to do what Mom would have done. My baby sister Charlie" Leslie added bitterly.

The Charmed Ones were silent.

"Caleb just smiled and says Mom would have been proud of her. That mom would be pleased that her daughter was so brave. Like …like he meant I'm a coward" Leslie  sobbed.

"Then he's a fool" said Paige bluntly." And you’re not a coward. For questioning and wondering and even for not wanting to follow the calling. Only idiots just go into battle fighting without questioning why, like demon vanquish fodder."

"But I am" said Leslie  I'm terrified.  Mom died and my aunts and my grandmother and her sister and what for.  They died for something called good. And now my baby sister."

Phoebe started to shake her head but Leslie interrupted

"Ever since mom died' Leslie said "the family coven have wanted me to be her. And take her place. But I want to live before I die." Leslie pleaded for understanding "Mom wasn't just a witch "Leslie said " she was .. mom .Maybe I want the chance to be some-one's mom. To be something other than dead. Does that make me a coward?".

"No" said Paige "being a witch you know, the powers that be sometimes well they forget witches are people with l other duties and .. lives."

"I think they want mine to end" Leslie said', blinking away tears "I'm afraid to die before I …I live but my sister isn’t. And to let her fight for them when I'm too scared. That's evil. "

"How did it finish?" Phoebe asked quietly

"Dad kicked Caleb out" she said "and Charlie was furious with him. Dad said no-one else in his family was going do die for THEM. Charlie and Dad were really fighting because of me. I…I came here. AND now you know I'm a bad witch and evil."

"Good for Dad" said Paige

"You're not evil" said Phoebe firmly "Trust me I know evil."

And Paige and Piper nodded.

"I wanted to incinerate him" Leslie sobbed. "But only evil witches use their powers on good.

Piper caught Leslie's hand "Your mother would have incinerated him if she thought he was harming her daughters. You know what she was like. She would have told Caleb to piss off and sent him back to the whitelighters with a fire up his tail if he tried to pressure her."

"She did set fire to his robe once" Leslie admitted.

All three Charmed Ones smiled. They remembered Jade.

'"Leslie" Paige said "it's sensible to ask why you are doing this, whether in the end  you do join the family's calling. You're never going to do it unless you are sure you want too. And in the end whether you think it’s a good battle or an evil one or your battle or mine, if you fight when you don't believe in the battle then I think you are being led into evil. "

"What if you believe and are to scared to fight?" Leslie whispered.

"Maybe it’s the being scared that makes you question what they are telling you. so what you act on is what you really believe. Not what they want you to believe to make you fight.'" Paige answered "Ï know sweetie. I asked that question too."

"I did too" said Piper slowly.

"In the end the only choice is your choice" Paige said "My sisters made me a witch but I made the choice to be a witch "she said "And I was the only one who could. Its not cowardice, or heroics or pressure that makes you a good witch. It’s the choice in your soul. It never works unless you chose. There are battles we have to fight" she said slowly "because we are good witches, but "and she looked at her sisters for support. Phoebe and Piper both nodded "Evil is trying to beat us all the time and one of the ways they do that is tempt us to make evil choices, like fighting and using our powers to kill when we shouldn't."

"Maybe I'm just scared" Leslie insisted. "Charlie isn't."

"Maybe Charlie is to young or naive or uninformed to know whether what they are telling her is what she really believes?" Phoebe told Leslie gently. "Of course that makes minions easier to manage. If they don't understand the battle and just do as they are told. You know why people who want you to fight don't like you questioning why you fight. Because most of the time you would find out, that the so called leaders aren't brave enough to fight themselves. Or maybe what they are asking you to fight for is evil wrapped up in propaganda and they know it."

"I think "said Piper "you needn't worry about being a coward because good people fight for what is good and when you care enough and it is right for you, you will fight Leslie. I did" she added "and I was as scared as any witch ever. Ask Phoebe."

Phoebe nodded. She swallowed "You think this is about Burvjara?" she asked.

Paige and Piper glared at her.

"Shut up Phoebe "said Paige.

"Why haven't you been asked… told to fight?" Leslie asked while the Charmed one looked at each other and shook their heads.

Leslie finally sniffed and cried her way through the whole drama several times before she agreed she better go home and reassure her father she was all right.

Paige sucked her lips and said nothing, deciding it was better Leslie did not know she had already snuck out and called him. She said she would drive a still very distraught Leslie home and orb back.

While Leslie was in the bathroom washing away the tears Paige asked "Why haven't we been asked to fight?"

Piper grinned. "Mark wouldn't be brave enough to ask us to that "she said.

"Mark damn well knows what Cole's reaction would be" said Phoebe. "If it is Burvjara of course"

"Mark is far too good to do it no matter what the elders try to get him to do"  Paige concluded..

As Paige took Leslie out, she looked at her sisters and asked "Where the hell is this going to end?" she asked.

"I don't know "said Phoebe struggling for premonition and then shrugging defeated while Piper shook her head.

Leo orbed back and Piper offered to get him some supper, while Phoebe felt another need for a bathroom break. Cole was working, reading legal papers in his corner to avoid all the drama, and was so engrossed at first he did not hear the door bell. 

Until Piper yelled from the kitchen. "Some-body get the door."

He sat and waited hopefully. The ringing on the door bell was angry and persistent.

"Get the damned door" yelled Piper

The ringing on the door became ferocious.

Finally Cole defeated, called   "I'll get it."

The shadow behind the door was small, solid and clearly agitated. Cole pulled the door open and was surprised to see their neighbour Mr nosy Taylor glowering at him.

"Just who I want to see" Mr Taylor roared standing pugnaciously, legs apart fists high.

"Why?" asked Cole stupidly.

"There is a word for bastards like you" Mr nosy Taylor snarled, lifting his fists higher and then clutching his wrists as if to hold himself down.

"Huh" said Cole looking down at Mr Taylor. Mr Taylor was on the wrong side of 70 and about 5 ft 4. He was a short barrel like man who used to work on the docks as longshoreman. He once would have had a mighty powerful physique and quite a bit of it was still there.

"I've seen you" snarled Mr Taylor, "cavorting around the neighbourhood, showing off that the biceps to any woman who would look at you."

"Huh" said Cole

"Don't tell me you were just out the front mowing the grass without your shirt and short pants the other week because the grass needed mowing." Mr Taylor sneered pugnaciously "I know damn well it didn't. And you were only out there long enough or the ladies to perve, not long enough to mow it anyway."

"Shit "thought Cole.

He had clicked his fingers to keep the grass down one morning when Piper complained about neither he nor Leo being there to do anything. And then Phoebe had complained that the whole neighbourhood knew when things were done and if they saw they hayfield the front had become without seeing anyone mowing it, the nosy ones would be muttering about strange happenings at the manor.

Cole and Leo had bickered over who would not do it. Leo won because Piper was on his side. Cole in a temper had pulled on  a pair of short pants, hauled the mower out of the shed and made pretence of mowing for the sake of the neighbourhood watchers, waving ironically to Mrs Taylor, the couple 3 houses up and Katie's from the fairyland, now an almost teenager as she rode her bike up the street.

"And" declared Mr Taylor :"then harassing my wife. Making a pass at her, making a suggestion. I heard about that. Don't think I didn't."

"What "said Cole

"Don't think I can't take care of my own" declared Mr Taylor clenching his fists harder.

Cole automatically stepped back, avoiding any swinging fists, shaking his head which was a mistake because Mr Taylor must have realised that he could not get a punch in on an apparently younger and much taller man.

"Look" Cole said "I am not playing games for the neighbourhood. Ask my wife, ask my family, they tell you the only woman I'm interested in is her."

"Huh" snarled Mr Taylor "Don't think I don't hear the way the neighbours talk. How the  women all sit around gossiping about the displays, about young Phoebe's hunky husband. You now how many hours I hear Mrs Taylor talking on the phone, calming the rest down about the way you behave, showing off, pretending to be polite helping with rubbish bins up the steps, just so they get a good look at  the hair on your chest." he spluttered.

"That's ridiculous" said Cole aware of Piper, Phoebe and Leo had come into the hall, and both Piper and Phoebe were giggling.

Hoping Mr Taylor had realised the futility of punching him, Cole stepped forward to hustle him away. "I think you better go" he said.

Mr Taylor with Cole towering over him went purple in the face but half dropped his fists.

Cole taking advantage of this put his hand on Mr Taylor's right shoulder so the older man could not step back to take a punch. He got a good smell of Mr Taylor's breath. "You need to stay off the booze my friend" Cole told him "and stop fantasising things you see into something they are not."

"You going to deny you kissed my wife" roared Mr Taylor "You going to tell me you weren't fantasising about the greatest kissing woman in the world."

"Um no I mean um" said Cole caught with the truth.

"Huh "said Mr Taylor rigid with anger and totally unable to swing his right fist for the punch he wanted. So he took his next best option and popped his left hand upward fingers closed, bopping a surprised Cole in the nose with considerable force.

There was cracking of cartilage and a rush of blood. Cole howled in pain and struggled to hold on to his mortal form as blood poured down his face and nose. Cole let go Mr Taylor's shoulder and the old man put him on the ground with a head butt that totally winded him.

Mr Taylor stepped back, well satisfied. "Let that be a lesson to you to mess with another man's wife" he said puffing up like a bantam rooster that won the hen house before stalking down the front steps.

Cole staggered back into the hall, blood flowing everywhere while Phoebe and Piper and Leo were caught between laughing and concern.

"Don't go demon, the blood will turn acid and wreck the floor" said Leo.

"Poor baby" said Phoebe going to put her arms around Cole. Then she remembered she was mad at him. 'That will teach you to tease women's fantasies" she said.

"SPH.oebe" muttered Cole through his broken nose.

Leo glowered at Cole. '"I don't get why it's only you they notice when you mow the lawn" he said bitterly. "None of them look at me."

"Well it's lucky you aren't their fantasy" said Piper practically. "You want to get your nose broken."

Leo sucked his breath offended.

 "I wonder how this will end" Piper asked nervously.

No-one answered.


"Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality."Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan, 1892, Act III