Faithfully Yours

Part 7: There are no strangers..


Chapter 57

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

Leo was still awake hours later, lying still, watching his wife and daughter and sucking his lip as he listened to Piper moan in her restless sleep. Several times he heard her say Glock's name and once his. He knew for certain the shadow was not gone between him and Piper. He silently cursed Cole for bringing Glock into the house and then cursed himself for not being the things Piper saw in Glock, and wanted. Then he cursed because he was a whitelighter who had learned some wisdom in recent years and he knew that if he tried to be those things to make Piper love him, it wouldn't be him she loved. Piper needed to come to make some choices. Then he decided.

He got out of bed and dressed as quietly as he could. He was not quiet enough because Piper woke up and sleepily asked if he had a call from Durand.

With only a small hesitation Leo mumbled "Yes" and explained he could be a while.

Piper rolled over and watched him move around the room. "Í do love you Leo" she said softly. "You're my guardian angel, my best friend" she whispered.

Leo stopped and bent over her to kiss her gently. Very quietly he asked "Am I your hero?"

She hesitated to answer.

"Don't" he said before she could answer.

"I don't love Glock like I love you" she whispered.

"No" agreed Leo with a trace of bitterness.

"He was a hero who came into my life  ... when I wanted to … lose some things" she said .She whispered into his lips. "War's force you to be honest"

"Yes" said Leo. "They get you away from all those normal things you always wanted." He tried to sound light.

"Glock was a fantasy who came into my life, when I wanted to dream about heroes, like I used to dream about being normal.... just he was real for a while" Piper tried to explain. "But he wasn't any more real than my being 'normal' fantasies." she said a little desperately "I got over those fantasies" she said.

"You were able to let go those fantasies because, you learned… normal was not normal for you. Said goodbye to them" Leo replied as Piper looked at him pain on her face." And Glock's always going to be there because you never said goodbye" Leo said.

Piper was silent "I can't now can I?" she said.

Leo nodded "I have to go" he said.

"Leo I love you" Piper whispered hoarsely.

"Í have to go" Leo said pecking her cheek.

Leo walked out the door onto the landing. He checked the boy's room. Wyatt was happily asleep with his thumb in his mouth. Patsy was not there. Leo opened the door to Phoebe's room, Phoebe and Cole's room, he reminded himself. Patsy was asleep with Phoebe, whimpering uncomfortably while she moved restlessly.

"Love's a bitch isn't it Phoebe" Leo murmured.

He turned around to find Paige behind him.

"Can't sleep?" he asked sympathetically.

"Need some chamomile tea" she said nodding.

They walked down stairs together.

"You worrying too?" Leo asked. "Scared what will happen to Mark?" he guessed. "Mark not playing the party line over all this."

"Mark isn't on speaking terms with the party line, so playing with it. No" Paige sniffed "He came for a few minutes. At least he didn't try and lie to me that it was okay" she added.

"It will be" said Leo "if there is any justice."

"Justice is the last resort" said Paige. "I learnt that in Burvjara. She smiled "Love's a bitch" she said catching his hand. "Piper loves you."

"Yeah but" Leo answered with an unhappy shrug.

"But" Paige agreed. "She needs to move on." She took a deep breath. "Not to say she won't always love him or the memory of him."

"But at the moment it can't be a memory can it"?" said Leo tightly.

"No" agreed Paige.

She stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Leo to orb. He did not. Instead he went to the clothes' hooks in the hall. There were several coats there including Cole's favourite sheepskin bomber jacket.

Some weeks early Cole, caught between his magic life and his mortal one and his family one, had rushed in and thrown it on the hall stand. It had hit the floor and stayed there for some days while everyone waited for him to pick it up. Piper declaring in one of her wars with him that no-one was picking up after Cole when he could do it himself. At first no-one was willing to get in between a Piper and Cole standoff it but eventually Phoebe picked it up and was trying to sneak it upstairs when Piper caught her. Sheepishly Phoebe put it on the hook under several other coats and there it stayed waiting for Cole to raise a ruckus when he could not find it.

The bomber jacket was clearly visible on the hook now because most of the clothing that covered it had been destroyed in Burvjara. Leo thought of the clothing of his that Cole had ruined lately and put his hand out to touch it, and then he remembered he was an angel. He pulled the other coats about while Paige watched him.

"You seen my best parka?" Leo asked. "Best since Cole l destroyed the ski one" he added. "I left it here I'm sure" he said.

Paige grinned "Cole's in Burvjara" she said

Leo frowned and glanced back at the destruction in the conservatory, and decided Piper needed some vengeance .With a grin he put his hand out and removed the bomber jacket.


Phoebe had an uncomfortable night.  She was not really expecting Cole to return. She knew that whatever was happening in Burvjara was going to take time and he would not be back until he was certain Glock and Burvjara were taking their first fledgling steps to a society that was not all about war. But it did not stop her hoping and wishing and listening.

She had fallen asleep when she went to bed but was woken up by Paige's hissed whispers from her room, and other soft murmurs that she assumed was Mark replying. Phoebe fervently wished Mark would learn to shout. In the Manor no-one took any notice when someone shouted but when voices remained soft, you could not help but eavesdrop. As covering her ears, did not work, she tried to distract herself from listening by going to the boys' room and bringing Patsy back to bed, cuddling him as he slept fitfully and worrying.

Phoebe still half expected that Proctor would turn up demanding she leave before Belthezor returned but apparently he was observing something that indicated Cole was not going to cause any trouble. She also half expected Therold to turn up demanding she stay away from Belthezor  and had planned five different ways to explain as sweetly as she could that she and Cole were married and needed to talk between themselves but Therold too remained absent. Maybe he knew that Cole was still in Burvjara.

In between planning what she was going to say to Therold, Phoebe also planned exactly how she was not going to explain to Cole about what had happened that night, was it only 3 nights ago, her realm time. Phoebe shuddered because she only had to shut her eyes to know what the self satisfied smirk on Elisabeth, the demon Elisheeva's face… would look like, if she managed to cause a rift between Phoebe and her son. Phoebe finally gave into a restless sleep, dreaming of the time her mother in law had abducted her before Patsy's birth and all the terrifying fears of being held in the underworld. Pookie getting heavier by the minute, and was also apparently awake contributed to Phoebe's restlessness by kicking continuously and Patsy who had had a fitful sleep was also kicking at her.

Phoebe woke shivering and crying as she remembered her mother in law’s terrifying evil. "I'll never let her harm you" she promised both her babies. "I'll never let her harm any of our family, hurt daddy" she promised them, as Patsy whimpered miserably, his fist jammed against his mouth.

Waking again with her heart palpitating at dawn, Phoebe decided she could not face another nightmare and lay awake thinking of Burvjara. At least she knew Cole was still her hero, that he still loved her, but the reality was that Phoebe was bitterly regretting going to Burvjara.

Therold had warned her not to go because he knew she would regret it and she hated to admit it but she wished she had listened to him. She was fairly certain that Therold thought the Phoebe of the future, whose stories had been passed to him from the eclipse and who regretted going, regretted it because of what Cole did. She believed that Therold had confused stories from the future about Cole throwing her away, with thinking he hurt her. The truth as she would regret it because the oppressing magic of Burvjara had allowed her to see a darkness in his soul, and understanding of the greater magic that no witch should know. And because of the way the witches and whitelighters had treated he afterwards.

As a heroine.

Phoebe knew the dark mutterings that she would be a heroine of myth but she had really truly never believed in them. She didn't want to be a heroine. She wanted to be …Phoebe. She smiled at the irony of the self satisfaction she had got when she informed Glock of his predestined future.

Now she was terrified of her own destiny, and she hated herself for the way she had smugly laughed at Glock's fears of eternity and destiny. She had told Glock what she knew of his future because she had hated him when he questioned her fitness to be the legendary love of the demon guardian Belthezor's life and now she knew he was justified. Phoebe feared that being a creature of myth was a pathway to losing Phoebe and her vow to remain true to herself was going to be put to the test. And she wondered whether she was strong enough to pass that test.

On which cheerful thought Phoebe finally fell asleep, to be was wakened by a grisly Patsy thumping at her boobs hard. She caught his hands and frowned and he burst into tears. So she hugged him and then he grizzled at her trying to levitate a way.

"You're a grumpy little brat" she told him as she got up and he spat bubbles at her.

Holding on tight as Patsy fought to get free, Phoebe went downstairs and then she put him down to let him run ahead of her to the kitchen. Piper was already feeding Melinda and Wyatt. Phoebe put Patsy in is high chair and he grizzled.

Phoebe shook her head "Patsy's still not right" she said

"Tooth is through" Piper said practically.

"He's not right "said Phoebe. She fixed him some cereal and put it on front of him. Instead of eating he flicked it at Melinda who paid him no attention. She got up and without asking picked up Big Cat who had appeared at the door, then still holding the cat she plonked on her bottom in the passageway an started to rock her pet.

Phoebe watched her "Not good" she said as she put Patsy and Wyatt on the floor so they could fight over the toys lying around.

"Missing Glock" Piper said a little too quickly.

Phoebe took a moment "Yes" she said eventually and looked up as Paige came into the kitchen, wearily pushing her hair back. She met Phoebe's look and nodded which Piper did not miss.

"Glock wasn't here that long" said Paige. "For Melinda to get that attached."

"Sometimes it's not length of time... its what you connect to. Something special, something that just makes them, makes that person... they take a place in your soul" Piper said her expression rigid as Phoebe eyed her and Paige poured herself a cup of coffee, carefully keeping her expression blank.

Paige sat down. Piper stood up and began stacking dishes. Paige exchanged a glance with Phoebe

"So" said Phoebe quickly "How's Mark? I .heard him last night."

Paige sipped her coffee. "He only called in quickly ' She said snakily "seems he had to reassure some charges who were having bad  ...moments because of all that Burvjara.

"Oh" said Phoebe. "Tisha?" she asked.

Paige frowned into her coffee cup. "Amongst others" she said "I like Tisha I really do and I owe her..'

"But" said Piper.

"But" said Paige sighing.

"You can't blame her for having a  ... crush on Mark" Phoebe said reasonably "Spite stuff aside she's lived through hell  ... with wars and everything and there is this sweet gentle man who won't be pushed around. Pretty heroic when her choices and recognises...what Elders won't. And she was pretty brave in Burvjara, especially when you think what she had been through in her homeland. I mean she would need help."

"I would" said Piper "if I'd lived through a war in Serbia… and then Burvjara on top of it." She put an arm around Paige. "Sweetie even if Tisha does have a crush on Mark, she really would need help. He'll know how to handle it."

"You can't get mad at Mark because she has a crush on him." Phoebe said reasonably.

"You blamed Cole for all those women chasing him" Paige sniffed.

"That's different" said Phoebe said. She caught Paige's look. "Okay its not different "she conceded. And it really wasn't Cole's fault either... even if it did piss me off."

Paige took a deep breath "It is different "she said "Cole's .. Cole's pretty damn lookable… You know they can all dream.. I mean.'

"Cole's got a great butt" said Piper.

Phoebe glowered at her.

"That's it" said Paige. She sniffed ..again "I never thought of Mark as ... " she sucked her breath "attractive to other women.".

"You fell in love with him" Piper pointed out.

"Yeah" said Paige "but that was because I admired him for they way he worked and... then you know he was so great in bed and ...I liked him." She looked up" didn't think anyone else would well want him. Its not like there were a string of women knocking at the employment agency door or chasing him down the street . I mean ..not like Cole with all those woman clients he has."

Phoebe pursed her lips.

"I mean it's not like they would know he's great in bed." Paige said. "I mean .. I trust him."

"Well if he's that great it's not like you were the first ...or even the second" said Piper practically.

"Well I think it's pretty understandable though why Tisha would fall for him" Phoebe said.

Paige stared at her

"Only thing sexier than a man who likes kids is one who is  sweet and who won’t be pushed around and then you add the heroic, well  ..." Phoebe stopped. " And being sexy isn't about looks. Its about… being sexy. I think Mark's sexy" she said "And I know men." She put her hand out to Paige "Mark will just be kind to her."

"I know "said Paige "but  ... I just never thought... I would well worry about anyone else being... there was even a possibility. Not that Mark would but."

"Welcome to my world" said Phoebe.

Paige finally laughed. "Do I sound like Phoebe?" she asked Piper.

"Yes" said Piper bluntly. "Cole back?" she asked.

"No" said Phoebe realising arguing was not going to help Paige. She poured herself a cup of coffee, rested her hand on her belly, then deliberately poured the coffee down the sink and made a cup of tea while Piper watched her.

"Tisha might  ... not be so excited  ... since we fixed up the spites." Phoebe suggested.

"Spites hadn't got to Serbia" Paige said. "

"But there were spite amped woman up there" Phoebe pointed out .

"She was falling all over him even when we got the spites" pointed out Paige.

"Then I guess Tisha made the mistake so many of do" said Piper. "Looking for something and seeing it and even ..knowing its out of reach.. You just can't help it. There's a need "she said. Even... if spites made her…. You know show interest... she has a good reason for the crush."

Paige glanced toward Phoebe.

Phoebe took a sip of her tea "So sweetie" Phoebe said carefully "Were you in love with him? Glock."

"No" said Piper indignantly. She thought about it "Yes" she said. She buried her head in her hands while Paige and Phoebe exchanged glances "Maybe." Piper said. "I don't know" she said.

Paige got up and put her arm Piper.

"I love Leo" Piper said.

"I know "said Paige "Just the spites hit us and then Glock comes along'

 "t wasn't the spites" Piper said  her voice cracking. "At least not after the first night. I mean I think it was because he wasn't scared off by me… and the spites. And then he sort of...Leo was being... about the kids and...things... behaving like.. "

"Like a man" said Paige.

"Like a husband" said Phoebe.

Piper half smiled "Sort of." she agreed

"I was you know …a wife and he was getting all...Leo I mean" Piper explained.

"Prissy" said Paige.

"Know it all" said Phoebe

"Yes "said Piper "and I wanted  ... well to be… protected  ..." She sniffed. "I know Leo loves me But I wanted …"

"Some romance "said Phoebe.

"Listened to" said Piper "I wanted  ..."

"To feel special" said Paige.

"To be  ... cherished" Piper sniffed "I was so jealous of you two at least until Cole started being a  ... well.."

"A husband" said Phoebe grimly.

"I love Leo" said Piper "we have a good marriage but Leo was really pissed at me looking up  ...magical creatures. He kept claiming I was obsessed. I think maybe he realised I was looking for.."

"He knew you were looking for some magic your … life" Phoebe said.

Piper nodded "And he kept getting well  ...pissing me off more I couldn't do anything right.'

"And then Glock thought you could" Paige said.

Piper nodded again "And Glock thought I was wonderful with the kids... even  ...when I lost them."

"Any-one can loose a kid" Phoebe said.

Piper smiled a watery smile "Maybe only so much in this house  ...but Leo lost me as well you see...I stopped being a grown up" she said "and then Cole and Leo started treating Glock like he wasn't."

"It's always Cole's fault" said Paige while Phoebe glowered at her.

Piper shook hr head "I didn't want to sleep with Glock... I wouldn’t". She took a deep breath "I'm married "she said "It means something to me and I would never …hurt Leo like that. Its  ... you owe the person you're married too."

Phoebe flushed and Piper nodded.

"Bloody spites" said Phoebe.

"Glock was a hero" Piper said and he "liked me  ... cared about me. Took care of me and Leo well he doesn't so much. Because not that I need… I mean I'm a witch…it but…"

"You want it" Paige said.

"I love Leo" said Piper "and I mean I don't even get crushes on movie stars or anything.." she glanced awkwardly at her sisters. "

"Like me" said Phoebe her chin coming up

"Or how they look" said Piper

"Like me" said Paige crossing her arms.

"I just wanted to be… cherished" Piper said and burst into tears.

Phoebe and Paige hugged Piper while she cried. "It was just a crush" she finally said reaching for a tissue."

"Seven year itch" said Paige.

"I want to be married. I just want to be.." Piper cried.

"You just want Leo to be …" Phoebe said.

"Yes "said Piper. "He was always a bit of  a.".

"Yes" said Phoebe.

"But at least in the beginning when he gave up being a whitelighter just to be.." Piper smiled at the memory.

"I didn’t know he did that" said Paige.

"He was then" said Phoebe.

"He sent me cards" Piper said "That said he…"

"And didn't bitch" said Phoebe. "So much" she added

Piper looked up smiling through the tears. She sniffed and blew her nose.

"I want to stay married, for the kids for me. For Leo" Piper finally said. "So I guess the best thing is I promise to be a good girl and never get any more crushes. I admit that Glock was a moment of madness and it won't happen again and hope Leo will understand and forgive me."  She sniffed hard.

Phoebe and Paige looked at each other

"I don’t think that is such a good idea" said Phoebe slowly.

"What do you mean?" asked Piper surprised.

"I think" Phoebe said "maybe falling for Glock, admiring him, looking for something outside marriage is just  ... I think .. maybe your marriage needs saving and if Leo and I mean Leo not you is not willing to... do something to save it and "she took a deep breath "And I don't mean nagging at you then maybe you need to ask why you could be this upset about Glock."

“Phoe-be" said Paige waving her hands in the air "Are you saying this is Leo's fault?"

"I'm saying" said Phoebe "and I know men, that they only value things they have to work for. Comes too easily, they don't win they don't care."

"Leo did not get me easily" Piper sniffed. "In fact he had to work damned hard."

"But he's kept you easily" Phoebe pointed out. "Doesn't have to work hard at all. And maybe he should work harder, and maybe he needs to look at why you looked away. Maybe he needs to look at himself. Not you."

"Leo's an angel" said Paige "and he's good and he would never hurt..."

"And we all know how sanctimonious they can get" Phoebe interrupted.

 "I felt so guilty" said Piper wringing her hands.

"Well don't" Phoebe told her bluntly "because there's no harm looking and admiring and if some of that looks back then maybe Leo need to stop taking it for granted, you won't respond. You make some promises when you marry... to cherish. He needs to do it." said Phoebe

"I thought you were going to say I need to put this behind" Pip said surprised.

"I'm good at what I do" Phoebe said primly and Paige rolled her eyes. "I'm not saying Leo does not love you but  ... I am saying maybe he needs to compete a bit to… value what he's got and if he so doesn't or can't "she looked at Piper "Do you want to go through life never being ..cherished?"

"You saying she should go to Burvjara with Glock" Paige asked surprised. "So Leo can chase after her."

"I'm saying Leo needs to pay a price, because if he doesn't he won't value what he has. "Look Leo does not mean or want to hurt you. It's just…he needs to work a bit. I know men" said Phoebe "They all do, need to work at it to appreciate it."

"Even Cole "said Paige.

"Cole works hard "Phoebe said "I make sure of it." she smirked "Piper should not have to be grateful to Leo for loving her. Other men have loved her. She chose him so he's damn lucky to have her and maybe, just maybe he needs to know that and keep working at it." She smiled knowingly "You make it to easy, Piper." she told her sister brutally. "And look where it got you. Looking for someone else to cherish you.

"You think Piper needs to be high maintenance" demanded Paige "Like you?" she smirked

"So I should throw bowls at Leo's head." said Piper. "When he says I'm high maintenance."

"Use what you've got. Blow something up" Phoebe suggested. "Near his head. Make him make it work.  I know men. They value what they work hard for and win. Maybe if Leo knows there is a cost involved in upsetting you… getting prissy and nagging he might think twice.

"I see" said Piper. She put her head in her hands ."And what about Glock" said Piper. "He loved me you know. I know. And he's going to be alone."

"You picked a pretty heroic guy" Phoebe said.

"He's pretty honourable" Paige said.

"Maybe he just needs to know  ... Glock has a hard life ahead, maybe just knowing he was loved, could be loved, will see him through, maybe knowing that you are living well in a green realm." Phoebe told Piper, with a wry shrug.

"Always the romantic" said Paige "You think remembering love is enough. Its hell. Ask Arturo."

"Better than never having loved" said Phoebe

"I promised to be faithful"' Piper said weeping again

"Leo promised to cherish you" Phoebe said.

All three sisters silently sipped from their cups. Lost in thought.

"So we talked about Leo and Mark. Don't you want to talk about Cole?" Paige asked Phoebe eventually.

"Nope" said Phoebe with a small half smiler.

Paige looked at her

"I pretty well know how I'm screwing him" Phoebe admitted.

Piper smiled a little watery. "I guess all around, those damned spites managed to really screw us better than some of the most powerful demons."

"Well the Geztalt are sure an example of how dangerous weak little creatures can be when they want power and the things they will do to get it" Paige said.

"Or brought out things that weren't perfect, brought out weaknesses" Phoebe agreed.

"Both" said Piper

"Used them" said Paige.

"Used us" said Phoebe.

"Bastards" said Piper.

The sisters drank in silence before Phoebe looked up.

"Something I do want to talk about" she said. "All those premonitions I got in Burvjara," Phoebe said "I know the earliest ones I ever had were sent by the Elders, seeing some future vision, do you think they were sent by someone. I mean I thought was making it up the one about the Burvjarians passing through the witches…only happened."

Piper and Paige looked at each other.

"Yes" said Paige

Piper nodded "You have a connection to higher magic Phoebe." She said

"I don't want it" Phoebe moaned. Then she caught her hand over her mouth.

"I shouldn't have said that "she said.

"Why?" asked Paige.

"Because I might get a choice" Phoebe told her "And if I've learnt anything from Cole and Leo and Glock and the last few years it’s if you are given choices they are pretty bloody awful choices."

The three sisters sat staring into coffee cups.

"Nothing else yo say?" Phoebe asked uncomfortably.

"Nothing I want to say" Piper murmured awkwardly. "Paige?"

Paige shook her head. "Just one thing" she said. "You know my dad fought in Vietnam" she said. "Where he learnt about being a fireman actually"

Phoebe stared "You didn't tell us."

"We didn't talk about it much "Paige said "he didn't talk about it. Only once a year mom used to drive him to a reunion with his buddies and they all got drunk:

"He talked about it with his buddies about it" asked Phoebe. "People who had been there. Understood."

"Don't think so" said Paige "That's what I wanted to say. They just got drunk."

"Great "said Piper "we can look forward to getting drunk with Matilda Binks once a year.'

"And Tisha drooling over Mark" moaned Paige.

"I like Tisha" said Piper.

"So do I" said Paige with a bigger sigh. She looked around, as Wyatt tired of being left to his own devices started to cry. "Don't we have more than one kid?" she asked.

"Oh hell" yelled Phoebe and Piper as they jumped up and ran in different directions.

"Anyone can lose a kid" Paige explained to Wyatt as she picked him up and cuddled him.

