Faithfully Yours

Part 7: There are no strangers..


Chapter 58

"The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means." 
 Oscar Wilde

As the bitter wind blew through him and around him Leo huddled deeper into Cole's bomber jacket. Even the sheepskin jacket was not protection against the Burvjarian wind and the ugly blue earth that swirled around, burnt and cut his face, and jeans. Leo had worn hiking boots but they were taking quite a bashing on the Burvjarian terrain and he wondered if they would last the trip. He walked on determinedly because he knew that if he ever wanted to get his Piper back he had to make this long miserable walk to find Glock.

Leo had taken some time to find a place he could orb safely without his magic causing any problems. This meant it felt like he had walked for days, but probably only hours in his own time line, trying to find Glock. It was a long depressing walk, struggling across rocks, the remains of old highways and plains broken only by ugly orange weeds and strange spiky blue grass growing from crevices where water had gathered.

Leo could only shake his head at the sparsity of all the growth even though from what Glock and Cole had said, to the Burvjarians, the ugly weeds represented the whole cycle of life and regeneration.  Trying to locate Glock, Leo strained his whitelighter senses, as far as he dared causing the air to crackle around him. Cole could have told him that had he used whitelighter senses  before Glock's supposed death caused a cessation of hostilities, the land would now be lit up for metres around. As the air crackled dangerously, Leo could feel the Burvjara encampments reasonably close, and he could sense Glock or more particularly he had a sense of his own realm probably from the things Glock had taken from the manor.  

He stood scanning the horizons, taking in the orange and blue landscape and feeling very alien. Leo was very nervous. His whitelighter instincts and his soldier instincts told him that the Burvjarians were not going to be welcoming of visitors. They would be still living off the smell of victory and he knew from experience it was a heady scent and a dangerous one for anyone who got in the victor's way.

The more he looked at the land around him the more he understood what the girls had just been through and why perhaps Glock had, recognising Piper's gentleness beneath her tart exterior, fallen in love with her.  When your whole life was about bare survival in hostile lands, it was natural that Glock would fall in love with some-one like Piper. Someone who made survival seem like a testament to hope. Leo could understand it but he did not like it.

He warily approached some rocky overheads, testing the air in front for any sign of life, then stumbled his way over the rough path, stopping on the other side to catch his breath. He jumped suddenly at a small noise and turned to find himself confronting three Burvjarian warriors who despite their heavy boots had appeared almost silently behind him.

"We don't want your kind here" snarled one.

Leo faced with the wrath of Burvjarian warriors, slowly raised his hands

"I'm a friend" Leo started to say. "I seek your permission to walk your land."

"We've done with the friendship of your kind" snarled the Burvjarian and raised his weapon firing full blast at Leo.

Leo managed to resist the temptation to orb but he moved enough. The bulkiness of the bomber jacket save him from the worst of the weapon fire but it was blasted into shreds down one side and a cloud of fine wool was sent into the air.

The Burvjarians noses twitched in disgust that Leo was still alive. "One of those Others that requires others magic to kill it." scowled the Burvjarian who fired, as the others shook their heads.

Leo waited nervously genuinely not sure what his chances would be if the weapon hit him full on.

 "Better make sure" said a second Burvjarian raising his weapon.

"I'm a friend" Leo repeated very carefully trying to keep the desperation out of his voice "Of Ashina Glock" he added'.

"Don't take his name as if you had a right to use it" roared the first Burvjarian fingering his weapon again.

The third Burvjarian who until this time had remained silent caught his companions arm. "Remember what Glock said. We don't shot them any more if they ask us permission to come" he said. "If they show respect."

"I forgot" muttered the one who led. "Is he showing respect?"

The Burvjarians shrugged, their trunk like noses twitching. "Maybe" said one.

"Glock is a friend of mine. I wish to speak with him" Leo asked deferentially.

"Don't you all" said the first one. "If Glock ever falls it will because he was brought undone by his own decency" the Burvjarian added with a grunt.

"He stayed in my house" Leo pushed. "He is a friend. Glock broke bread with me" Leo added trying not to ley his voice show his concern.

The Burvjarians looked at each other

"Ashina Glock" Leo said bowing his head. "I was honoured to have him as a guest in my house."

"Glock is one to sup with the devil if it suits his purpose" said one Burvjarian scratching his trunk like nose.

"I suppose we could ask Glock" said his companion

"Seeing we can't shoot him anyway" said the third regretfully.

"Thank you" said Leo humbly.


In a large sheltered valley, far enough away from the magic pole to finally relieve the worst of the terrible weight of his magic Cole stood slightly to the edge of a large assembly. By Burvjarian terms the valley was luxurious. Protected, with rock shapes gathered close together where shelters could easily be made and now because of the changes to Burvjara, a real stream with real running and almost clear water trickled across the rocks. Soft blue grass was already growing and Cole noted how instinctively the Burvjarians seemed to be careful not to trample it, even though assembled in the valley was the largest group of Burvjarians he had ever seen. Large numbers of armed and ragged warriors were assembled, their robes blending in an odd pattern of shades so that even he could recognise the difference.

There were also many females, standing to the edge, aggressive wary, far more suspicious of Glock's return than the males. Most of the females had the hoods of their robes down, but every line of their bodies indicating doubt of the things being said and not backward about saying it. Females said they feared the combative nature of their people would mean that they would always fight. Females said they were suspicious that any peace was a cost to them. Females said they feared nothing had changed because every peace had been broken and they had lost hope that their offspring would ever know anything different.

There were also offspring, youngsters of all ages some not having inherited or managed to find robes, some playing in the blue and orange dirt or investigating the waving blue grass, some still clinging to mothers. To Cole's surprise, some warriors stayed beside the females and offspring. Almost making a family unit. Something else that had happened since the peace started.

The assembly was gathered in a rough circle, talking, arguing shouting and in the middle of it Glock tall, and commanding, led, admonished and coerced. The topic was, as it had been since the assembly commenced, was once again who owned the land and how it would be distributed. Glock had bullied pleaded and threatened the clans into accepting that the land the clans now held was theirs, to claim the resources, to share amongst clan members, to grow what they could and hunt for food. He had argued down arguments about prior clan claims, unfair losses of land during combat and claims the most violent clans were being rewarded.

The hood of his robe was thrown back, exposing him to the view and scrutiny of all so they read his emotions, his anger and his concern. Glock in his patched and comparatively clean robe, taller than many and nowhere near as bent as he had been when Cole took him away from Burvjara, kept the words moving and convinced the Burvjarians to keep their weapons sheathed and uncocked, no matter how many times a female lifted a sword or a warrior moved to arm his weapon. By word, by look by the tone of voice, by his own strength and his own magic he held them.

He had also managed to get them to recognise a plan put forward by the females to come together in 6 cycles to barter in a common market. The females were not willing to allow sustenance to depend on the combative nature Burvjarian warriors.  And did not hesitate to say so.

"To long we have been over ruled by the order of battle" a female Burvjarian had said "To long we have watched the offspring starve. To long we have starved, to long we have left half grown crops and shelter when battles were lost. It is ended" she said hands on hips while other Burvjarian females rose to stand behind her and some shook their heads in distrust and their fists in scorn.

"And what are to do when the females control how we live" snarled a warrior brandishing a weapon.

A female walked up to the warrior and stuck her sword in his face "Work to feed and shelter your offspring" she said. "Till the land instead of watering it with blood."

Another female came beside her, one even Cole recognised was from another clan "The offspring have not cried in the dark from hunger, because we have no food and cold, because we have no shelter, since Ashina Glock first left us. " she drew her sword and waved it at one of the males who apprehensively backed away. "Do not ever let me know that sound again" she spat.

The warrior who backed away  turned angrily to Glock "This was not the way it was...before. Females demanding … why do you listen to them.. are you fearful of battle." He said scornfully "Are you so fearful of the sound of battle that you listen to females wail."

Several warriors who Cole suspected of being part of Glock's clan stepped in close.

"No I am not fearful of females wailing"Glock replied. "I am fearful of the sound of offspring crying". He turned to the group "When I visited the green land I knew it was … not a land of peace but in the abode where I resided there was a rule, that all those who shared the house understood. No matter what the magic, or the danger or the passion, no matter the need to create imaginary coinage on strange machines to declare wealth, there was always the first rule."

The Burvjarians watched Glock with some anticipation and some distrust.

Glock turned to Cole "What was the rule Ogre?" he asked.

Cole pushed his hood back. "The rule was that the children come first" he replied "No matter what the passion, the magic or the battle."

Glock's nose twitched, clearly remembering Patsy screaming the manor down as his father ranted about his stolen mate. "The Ogres tells you the truth the rule is the children, the offspring come first" he said "always."

As the Burvjarians regarded him with suspicion Cole shrugged awkwardly.

"It was not a perfect land that green land" Glock told the Burvjarians "But there was some wisdom to be found."  He looked toward Cole "Sometimes I observed when you follow this rule you look up and find after the children are cared for the other passions ….have less…volatility. Is that not so?" he said to Cole.  

"Yes Ashina Glock" Cole said and bowed respectfully.

"When you put the offspring first you become more certain of the .. . righteous of the battles you fight." Glock pushed.. "Is this not so Ogre?" he said to Cole

Cole nodded, sure "Yes Ashina Glock" he said.

A couple of the warriors murmured their willingness to dispute this. Glock's nose twitched and Cole smiled as one the females who had spoke thrust her sword in the warriors' faces, snarled and stalked off.

Before the discussion went any further there were some harsh murmurings, as warriors at the back of the assembly separated to leave a pathway. Both Cole and Glock used their height to see several Burvjarians marching purposely forward.

With scrapping boots and muttering the Burvjarians allowed them through. To Cole's amazement Leo walked between them. Cole's amazement turned to fury when he realised Leo was wearing the remains of his favourite sheepskin bomber jacker, the one that had survived avatars, Cole's descent into madness and Phoebe's insistence that she hated the thing because it smelt of brimstone.

Leo caught Cole glowering and guessed why. He grinned.

"It appears we cannot quite rid ourselves of the Others" a warrior told Glock and those around. "We found this… wandering around. Says he is a friend of yours, Ashina Glock" the warrior said with a terse nod.

Leo looked around carefully and if Cole had not been so angry with Leo over the bomber jacket he would have found the time to admire his composure.

"I doubt we ever will be rid of them while we control the pole" Glock said dryly "They will come and they will all claim to be our friends. The wisdom is to know when they say they are friends and when they wish to steal from us, or when both are true."

Leo smiled a little awkwardly "Glock" he said "Ashina Glock" he bowed.

There were less than welcoming mutterings from the Burvjarians near Leo. Several lifted weapons and a number of females raised swords.

Glock’s eyes glowed yellow in the fading light. “I have been the receiver if this one's generosity" Glock said taking a deep breath. "So I am grateful you did not kill him." He noted the remnant of the jacket that Leo wore and clearly recognised it because he looked toward a fuming Cole and his nose twitched. "Or was your aim off?'" He asked the warriors who had brought Leo to him.

The warrior who had fired at Leo, clearly not of Glock's clan, did not appreciate the joke. He shuffled his boots, fingered his weapon awkwardly and his nose twitched aggressively

"There are some of these accursed Others that you can’t kill with weapons" he snarled.

"I know and it is hard to tell them from those you can" Glock agreed. "Worth a shot to find out though" he added his nose twitching. "You can tell those who come uninvited this" he said to Leo.

"I will "Leo replied calmly.

Glock nodded. "So Leo whitelighter" he asked suspiciously "what brings you here where you have never walked before? Sent by friends, by those you guide or those who guide your family? So they can ask for that which they could not steal?" Glock asked as Burvjarians around him murmured their suspicions

Leo shook his head "No Glock…. Ashina Glock " Leo answered "Those who wish to bargain for what they could not steal, will come. And that is for you to deal with as you will, but I will not be amongst them." he glanced at Cole "I come about some personal business. About some things of mine you took when you left my house and I want them back.". he said straightening up.

Glock froze, his body rigid as if Leo had struck him "I understood those things to be gifts" he said harshly.

Leo grimanced as Cole stepped beside Leo, to protect Leo or to defend Glock, Leo could not tell. "We, my family and I, gave you gifts when you left and we were honoured that you accepted them but you took some things that weren't gifts" Leo pushed as the Burvjarians gasped and started to crowd toward Leo.

Leo glanced around and Cole started to say "Leo.”

Leo stood his ground, feet apart ready to do what he must for his love. "You may not have meant to, Glock but you took Piper's heart with you when you came back here. You took quite a part of my daughter's heart too. I want you to give them back.”

Glock's nose twitched and his skin became dark orange.

“They belong to me Glock "Leo pushed softly determined. “You were a guest in my house and you may not have intended to but you took some things that belonged to me when you left. Those things mean everything to me. I want them back."

Several of the Burvjarians raised weapons. After a very small hesitation Glock raised his hand and indicated the weapons not be used. He eyed Leo, noting the mostly destroyed jacket, and the in danger of falling apart boots.

"Friend Leo, you have had a hard walk" he said finally.

"I would walk much harder and farther for Piper." Leo frowned. “You have something of mine that is .. means everything to me and if you can't give it back .. then nothing matters…” Leo started to say passionately.

Glock his hand still raised considered Leo "We will talk Leo "he said finally. “Later.”

Leo started to argue.

"We will talk Leo" Glock interrupted. "Wait aside" he ordered.

As Leo still hesitated, Cole caught him by the shoulder and dragged him to one side.

Leo took a deep breath and Cole grabbed the remains of the jacket which disintegrated in his hand to his disgust and dragged Leo away.

"That's about as dumb a thing as you've ever done coming here" Cole told Leo.

"Why you the only one whose allowed to go to hell and back for someone you love?" Leo demanded.

"God Leo" snarled Cole "You're risking starting another damned war."

"Why are you the only one allowed to start a war for someone you love?" Leo asked defiantly.

“Glock stoped me" Cole snapped.

"Well he can stop me too" said Leo bluntly.

"What the hell did you ruin my jacket for?" Cole demanded in a rasping whisper.

"Where the hell is my parka" hissed Leo as several Burvjarians nearby grunted in amusement.

Leo and Cole watched as Glock and some other clan leaders, turned back to arguing. Leo watched the Burvjarians robes tattered, patched and in various stages of decay. Most clutched weapons but all had thrown back their hoods as they stood their ground, showing orange angry flushed faces and twitching noses as they argued.

"The hoods back. Somehow exposes them" Leo whispered to Cole.

"Not such a bad thing "Cole whispered back. "When you think what was under the Geztalt cloaks that Paige exposed. What you see is what you get with Burvjarian."

“What was under the Geztalt cloaks?" Leo asked curiously.

"Petty vindictive weak evil" Cole answered.

Leo shrugged. "The most dangerous kind" said Leo

Cole nodded.

The Burvjarians continued arguing well into the dark, until the valley was lit by torches and the glow of warming stones. They talked, yelled and argued sometimes all at once and the voices became shrill, angry and harsh as clan insults, old wars and injuries and losses and wins were recalled.

In the middle of the Burvjarians, Glock stood slightly off the centre holding his place by the strength of his magic by the force of his beliefs.

Leo looked at Cole "That could get dangerous" he said.

"It’s been like this since they moved from the pole." Cole told Leo. "Glock seems to be able to keep it under control."

"How?" asked Leo doubtfully.

Before Cole could answer things became very volatile and suddenly two Burvjarians of different clans threw themselves into the centre of the circle their faces flushed deep orange, ready to fight and already to kill.

As they squared off against each other, ready to kill on a war of words, Glock, showing some irritation, told them to take their places.

One of the warriors, apparently a clansman of those squaring off in the centre demanded of Glock "You expect my clansman to swallow such insults to accept such insults t his honour".

"Yes" Glock said crossing his arms with an expression that Cole and Leo had seen on Piper's face when she dared her sisters to continue their battles "I do."

The Burvjarian in the centre suddenly turned his anger on Glock. "It is beyond bearable that a being can swallow such insults, without retaliation, without response. You expect any one to not respond to such desecrations of honour.”

Glock's trunk like nose twitched and his skin turned to dark orange, showing every emotion he felt, vulnerable to his world.

"If you think you honour, such an insult, is worth generations of crying children, and mourning females, of war and destruction and fear, kill him and I will kill you and we will be at war. If you do not think your honour is worth the destruction of Burvjara" Glock shrugged. His nose twitched. He took a deep breath "Deal with the insult, "he said "Deal with the disappointment of not killing him and not dying yourself" Glock nodded and turned his back on the Burvjarians.

"That's how Glock keeps it under control" Cole told Leo "Piper rules" he added.

"Yes" said Leo his face not giving away his emotions but his face grimanced.

Finally as the night closed in and the cold drove the Burvjarians to the shelters they had built in the rocks, so they could huddle around warming stones. Glock nodded at Leo and Cole and moved away to sit behind some rocks.

"What now?" Leo asked Cole.

"You better ask him what you came for" Cole said grabbing Leo's arm and taking him over to where Glock was sitting. A couple of hides served as a roof over the stones and Glock was sitting on the remnants of a demon cloak placed on the ground.

"Not such a soft bed" Leo said, smiling a little "as in the manor.”

"I have had a little chance to hunt" Glock said "Cole did get these for me,” he indicated the hides “whilst I was …busy and made such a fuss that my compatriots think I deserve them. Grateful to have them, but I would have preferred that they went to the offspring."

"We’ve been though this" Cole glowered at him. "Sitting around freezing does not make you look like a leader, it makes you look like an idiot, especially when you have earned some minor spoils. You are not taking from the offspring. God knows the females got to the spoils of war before you could get near. This is a gift from me, and I'm damned insulted you question it."

"I understand" Glock interrupted Cole who raised his eyes. “that trying to use Burvjarian arguments on me, is futile.”

“You’re sitting on the demon cloak” Cole pointed out and Glock sucked his breath.

"Cole's annoying in any realm" Leo explained as Glock indicated he should sit beside the stones.

Glock's trunk like nose twitched as Cole glowered.  Glock turned to Leo and took a hard breath.

"You wish to talk about Piper" Glock said in a tight growl. "I need to say something."

Leo sucked his breath "I understand you love Piper" he rushed in "I do too, passionately. So its easy to understand. I just want her back…"

Glock started to rise, angrily.

"Shut up Leo" Cole said tersely "Listen to Glock."

Leo frowned.

"Very annoying" Glock said nodding at Cole and sat back down. "I love Piper" he confessed "And if you wish me to say I regret it I will not."

"I" said Leo.

"Shut up Leo” said Cole.

"You think this land is ugly, you think us barely civilised. You think us little better than barbarians" Glock said “I do not dispute these things" he added as Leo started to deny it. "We are, and before I left...I was removed" he snorted at Cole who shrugged. "I will tell you this honestly. This land, its barbarism, its destruction, it defeated me.” Glock’s nose twitched “I had fought all my life to change it and it defeated me. I ran out of courage before I went to your green land" Glock said in a harsh whisper.

"You wanted to go back to Burvjara, from the minute you arrived" Leo pointed out before Cole could stop him "that my friend is courage.”

"When I stood with the Ogre on the cliff to face my death, I was convinced I had fought my last battle and there was some great relief" Glock said "To find myself alive, to find I must fight again. It was hard. I wanted to go back to Burvjara to die.”

"Cole never thinks how what he does without thinking affects other people" said Leo.

Cole made a hissing noise between his teeth.

“Shut up Cole" said Glock.

"Piper gave me the courage to battle again" Glock said simply

Leo nodded. "I understand. Piper does that” he said “Only I need you to tell her that…give her that" Leo said "I love Piper but if we can ever be together, with her loving me...again. I need you to make sure she knows...having… loved you... it was for a purpose. She needs to see this" He trailed off then found his voice again "If she doesn’t she may never again. She may feel … guilty that she loved but guilt can destroy. It won’t be loving you that destroys what Piper and I have... it will be Piper feeling guilty for loving you" Leo said.

"I understand" said Glock . His nose twitched convulsively. "Just it is hard. I said goodbye and I fear I do not have the courage to do it again. I will confess I left some part of myself in your green realm: I have slept well in your soft bed. I have dreamed well in your soft bed and ..." he stopped.

Leo nodded understanding. "If a soft bed has allowed you to dream and …hope" he said "I am glad you visited my friend".

“You truly are an angel" Glock replied with only a touch of sarcasm. Glock's nose twitched with emotion "I have not… lived enough to feel safe to want" he said "wanting makes you… dream I have discovered."

Leo looked at him "Dreaming makes you hope" he said slowly.

“And when there is no hope for the dream" Glock answered slowly. "What is left?"

Leo faced Glock. "Hope itself" he said "the possibility, that this dream did not … come true but ... you can dream ...again ... and hope.'

Glock nodded "It takes courage to dream when the dream has ...only been that."

Leo nodded he reached forward and took Glock’s arm wrapping his hand around Glock’s wrist “You have courage my friend" he said. "When you lived in my…our house, you said you understood what you borrowed of mine was a loan. I am asking give what is mine back to me. And while Piper frets while she has never said goodbye, never made peace, she won't be mine ever again. I can hold her, I can touch her, I can love her but she won't be mine. I think that will kill me Glock" Leo said shuddering as Cole put his hand on his shoulder and few Burvjarians moved suspiciously closer. "I have never asked you for anything Glock but I am begging now. Let Piper go. Say goodbye" he said.

Glock stood up turned around then turned back. For several seconds he stood regarding Leo his trunk like nose twitching. Finally his voice rumbling said "You will need many strides before you can leave safely."

Leo started to say something angrily then stopped as Glock's yellow eyes filled with … pain.

"Bring Piper back" Glock said flat voiced.

Leo bit his lip "Melinda needs to say goodbye properly" he said "You took my family with you Glock" he said pushing.

"Leo" Cole interrupted sharply "Glock has offered enough.”

“I want my family back" Leo said through his teeth.

“We are many, many, many strides from a safe place for you to leave, many strides that you offspring… that Melinda could not walk." Glock said.

“Melinda is a child who just needs to know… Glock is okay. Don’t make this harder than you have to Leo" Cole interrupted angry.

"Glock has taken my family. I want it back” Leo answered getting angry.

Cole and Leo faced each other, until Glock put his hand up and slowly shook his head.

"I have little in life" Glock said looking at the hides that made his roof. He put his hand in the pockets of his robe and pulled out the knife that Leo gave him, then he slowly pulled out the scarf Paige had given him. "I have little, except my honour. And I fear I cannot do what I must here without it.” He faced Leo. “I will do what you require me to do to give you your family back" Glock said while Cole raised his hands and snorted and Leo smiled humbly "I will wait or you in a place high up there." Glock pointed toward the high cliffs of Burvjara. “There are some caves not far from a flat place." he turned to call to one of the Burvjarians asking if the long ledge had water.

Some-one resentfully said yes and Leo nodded.

"I will return" he said "and thank you."

"A courtesy to a true angel" Glock said flat voiced.

“I love Piper. I love my daughter" Leo said defensively: "When you love someone, you will do what you must."

“I understand" Glock said harshly.

“I will go now" Leo said.

"You can find your way in the dark?" Glock asked.

Leo nodded, he stood up and said awkwardly "I will be back" and then turned to walk away but not before he heard a Burvjarian walk over to ask Glock if they were consorting with the Others so soon.

"No" Glock said slowly "But I have discovered in the green realm they have one or two  ...angels who live to their name and are worth the acquaintance. Not many" he agreed as several Burvjarians made very effective snorts through their noses "It surprised me too" he said.

Leo smiled. And a small sense of relief hit him as it occurred to him Burvjara did have a leader.

